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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. SG My summer is going GREAT cause I am home! I am glad you still love your job, that makes a big diference: today is your Granny;'s BIrthday an;'t it>?

    Good Morning Kittycat, Pj"s is fine, for this topic, I still have mine on LOL


    Jabez it says I am expired on one, and the othe rone says paid, but the expire daye on it yesterday, and there is no place for me to click to renew, so I guess pubby will get it fixed ! so K-Bear wants his room done now huh? LOL that is funny


    Good Morning TFTEG DId you brring pictures back from Dolly's ?


    Sure is. ;)

  2. Morning Y'all!


    Perhaps I sould start the hijack thread around 4:15 AM each morning while Lady Raider gets her beauty sleep?? :lol:


    Mother's 89th birthday is tomorrow.


    I am going to bake her a cake this evening and if anyone wants to come by tomorrow evening to wish her a Happy Birthday (when I get home from work) they can have a slice!


    I was just specking with NHG this morning about that. The youngsters and I will be over tomorrow evening after I get in from work. :)

  3. Do you have to give your name? If so, does the SO's tell the parents or the teen? My neighbor has called & they never come out when he's doing it.


    I think they would come over and take a report so yes, they would know officers would know your name. Maybe your neighbor could mail an anonymous letter via USPS to let the parents know he's doing this.

  4. NOOO! I don't like em :( I brought my heating pad today, everyone is giving me a hard time. :rolleyes:

    I may end up and have to go see my regular doctor.

    My back. My damn old back :(


    Rev, try an ice pack instead of heating pad. The heating pad does feel better, but can aggravate the problem. Ice will reduce the inflamation and be better for you in the long run. I am so sorry you're hurting. Let me know if I can do anything to help. :wub:

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