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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Perhaps I should not post in this thread. I do still consider myself a Christian, but the thought of going to church makes me shiver so I shall post away.


    I'm not angry at all. The God of my youth was a judge. Always at the ready to mark a "good" or "bad" mark by my name based on my actions. I did not grow up with the concept of a merciful God. :(


    However, as I've gotten older, I've come to understand that the judgement (for the most part) came from God's followers and not from God himself. The greatest measure of compassion and mercy was shown to the "worst" sinners throughout the Bible.


    Like everyone else, I've done things that I'm not proud of in the least. On the whole however, I know that I am a more honest, genuine, and loving person than most other people are.


    So no, I'm not angry. I'm just on a different road than the "religious" road of my youth. I do feel blessed beyond measure.


    As a side note, I was reading about the Salem Witch Trials the other day. Folks who grew herbs or knew what herbs were which when they saw them/knew how to use them, were considered witches. :wacko: I am a fair amount Cherokee and using what nature gave us is what the native Americans did. :wacko: I am the same way. So I suppose if I had lived back in that day, I may have been considered a witch. :huh: Anyway, not that this last paragraph has to do with the topic, I just found it thought provoking.

  2. Hooray for Misty!


    I admire you for valuing your family time as much as you do. Things will all work out in the end and I know you will make the best of whatever your hours are and become in the future. I have had problems with my hours as well, luckily my new job seems to be a nice fit. :) When my youngest starts school, I will need to make some arrangements as it won't be possible for me to get him before ASP ends; but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.


    Did you feel even a little bit bad when you turned in your notice? I always do, but I am inclined to feel guilty for things that aren't my fault. :wacko:

  3. Have you come up wif a name to replace Diaperboy?




    Mini Man? :unsure: I don't know! I am a little concerned though. Now that he is potty trained he has discovered the "easy access" that is alloed by underwear and he is always....well, you know. It's like a little worry stone or something. :unsure:


    How about screwball's kid..... oh wait, you said name, not title.... proceed....


    You are back to your old self today! Whassup wit dat?

  4. We have had some weirdos with undo intentions on PCom before and she's just looking out for us all :)


    And the award for Understatement of the Year goes to (drumroll).................REV!


    Seriously, great advice ACC. I learned the hard way to be more careful. :(

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