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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. I didn't trip that precious little girl. She did fall when she was playing with Daiperboy. But I did slap Misty in the back of the head!! :D



    Diaperboy, said, "Where is the Redheads broom?"




    Hey peeps. Can I make a motion to call my sweet adorable son something else now that he is potty trained?


    And for the record, Jabbers didn't trip Misty Jr. ;)

  2. Good Morning Lady Raider! Your day sounds wonderful!


    It rained so hard out here I couldn't believe it. Too bad we don't have a weatherman to warn us of these things!! :ninja:


    Yes, that is too bad. I wonder if a dipper could learn to become a weatherman? :huh: :D :lol:

  3. I was watching a tv show (o.k. its a tv show). One character surprised the other with a cup of coffee. She was apologizing because she didn't know if he even drank coffee and how he liked it. O.K. here's the thing - these two characters have already slept together. They didn't know each other well enough to know coffee preferences but they sleep together??


    Is this just tv? I'm not a prude - I've sown some oats but is that the reality today?


    Sadly, yes sometimes that is the reality. :huh:

  4. So what your telling me is that you would rather spend time with them through a dang computer, than spend time with them else where. Something ain't right here now


    Um, well it's really not any of your business how she chooses to spend time with her family. BTW I am her daughter, am an adult and in no way feel slighted that my mother sits in front of a "dang computer".

  5. I am really on the fence about a new cat.


    My cat is awesome! However she is really fat and could probably use some company. :blink:


    I won't have an outdoor cat because I have a weird neighbor who puts catfood on his back deck, but calls animal control on any cats beside his own who arrive on his deck to sample the food. (nuts)


    So anyway, I have an obese, declawed in front, spayed, and scared to death of the outdoors tabby and I'm afraid I won't get that lucky again if I get another kitty. But I will come check them out to see for sure. ;)

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