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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. You, little bro, little sis and your Mom will be in my prayers :)



    The girls are used to it by now. :( The little man is kind of used to it too. :huh:


    We all will miss her, but since she passed on 12-21 and Christmas was always such a much bigger deal when we were kids.... and she is where she wants to be now.


    I have to post this. :wub:


    I'll be home for Christmas,

    You can count on me.

    Please have snow and mistletoe

    And presents under the tree.

    Christmas Eve will find me,

    Where the love light gleams.

    I'll be home for Christmas,

    If only in my dreams.

    Christmas Eve will find me,

    Where the love light gleams.

    I'll be home for Christmas,

    If only in my dreams.

  2. My dad's mom finally got her wish this evening. :( It has been 6.5 years since my dad's dad passed and all she has done since June of 2000 was grieve. Since my paternal grandfather died, I had both my grandmothers left. My mom's mom wasn't well for several years before she passed on 6-28-06, however. So this year, I've lost both my grandmothers. :wub:


    We will be fine, but really I can't recall a loss at this time of year right off hand. I know that my Granny Cille is sitting with my Paw Paw Roy right now, waiting to see everyone open their gifts....like they always did during my childhood. :(

  3. Bless your heart it's so hard not giving your hungry child something to eat when they are hungry. They don't understand they will just have it come right back up again.

    I have a throw up bowl in my room at all times. Doesn't matter what the occasion.It's the only bowl in the house NO One is ever going to eat out of.


    He was so hungry, but the 1/2 of a banana seems to be sitting well. :) Tomorrow, he wants goldfish soup for breakfast. :wub:



    awww i'm sorry to hear about your lil man supergirl. :(


    we have a "throw up can", it's a small trash can (we double bag it with trash bags) that my daughter uses when she's sick.


    i hope your son gets to feeling better soon...santa claus is coming to town. :)


    He will be fine. He's got spunk, that boy. ;)

  4. Oh I don't want my niece to get this because I don't want to get this.


    Best wishes to you and your little one.



    Well, I don't really know where he got it. <_<


    His school was finished last Thursday until the first of the year. My girls (bless their hearts) aren't sick and took care of him while I went to work today. :wub:


    He was saying he was hungry and since the 24 hours was almost up, I did let him have half of a banana (his only food for the day). So far, so good. :unsure:

  5. our official "throw up bowl" came from a motel in pine mountain this time of year about 3 yrs ago :ninja:



    OK, good! I'm not the only one with a "throw up bowl". :)


    I don't know anything about a "throw up bowl", but my niece who works part time at a day care has been sick so many times since she started working there. She is a Senior at East Paulding High School and she can not stay well because of the sick children at the day care she works at.


    I hope everyone can get well so we can have a Merry Christmas without being sick.

    :wub: :wub:



    If it is a 24 hour stomach virus, then he should be fine at about 1:30 AM. :glare: Little kids are walking sicknesses, I tell you! :unsure:

  6. Good Lord, I thought cloning was illeagal! :lol: :lol: Looks like you spit her right outta yer mouf. My daughters the same way, I coulda cloned her of me, poor girl. :lol:


    People say that, but I just don't see it! To me, she looks just like her dad. :glare: Lucky girl has dark blond hair and blue eyes (not like her parents) and she always wants to dye it black....but I won't let her. :lol:


    My middle one looks a little more like me I think, but still a lot like her dad. However my son is the spitting image of me as a child, bless his heart. We looked at old pics of me the other day and the girls said that he was the male version of me. :o

  7. Oh, my Erwin is so cute!!!


    She probably does know what the hair was donated for too!


    What a sweet and precious young lady you are NewHopeGirl.


    {{{{{{{Rock On Erin}}}}}}} march to the beat of a different drummer now........... ;)


    We got groceries after the haircuts and she was saying things like she wanted to eat better and take better care of herself. She loves her hair! She kept saying that this was the "new and Improved" Erwin. ;) She really needed it, seems like. :wub:

  8. I'm glad your daughter donated her hair. I wish I had know about this years ago when I cut my hair off. Her hair can help make hairpieces for little girls with cancer. Your daughter does not know it now, but she did a good thing.


    I will ask her tomorrow if she knows what the hair was donated for. She has a soft spot for sick kids ever since her little brother went through his ordeal.

  9. My girls got a haircut this evening. My oldest has been wanting a change so she had 12 inches of hair cut off. The stylist asked her if she wanted to donate her hair and she said sure, why not. Here is the best part, her new do was "deeply discounted" because she donated her hair. :)

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