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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. :lol:


    been there, done that... bought the booty shorts :p :lol:



    Thought you would like that...but alas it is a dream. Freddie Mercury was talking about me when he said this:


    Got no feel, I got no rhythm

    I just keep losing my beat


    I wanna be Bond, James Bond.


    Shaken, not stirred? :p

  2. i got to the point where i just started emailing the governor's office every day...sometimes twice a day....my ex went to jail and has pd every week since....that was january of last year when he was arrested....


    he was over $15,000 behind....it is a slow and grueling process that is for sure....the legal system is an extremely slow process....


    hang in there and keep praying!!!


    Good idea. Do you have a link?

  3. i cut about 3 inches off the back and layered it.. for some reason its in shock and is very large.


    Mine went completely straight for years, but now it is long and layered and the waves are back. I use Frizz Ease to control frizzing on the dry parts.

  4. I've not been cooking as much as I should lately. :mellow:


    For dinner tonight I have ribs in the crock pot. My youngest two will be home this evening after a weekend away and they love ribs. My oldest doesn't like them, but she has to work tonight. ;) She isn't complaining about the lovely smell in the house though. :lol:

  5. Diabetic cats will pee alot on things too. Since she is a big kitty have the vet check.


    Also try Odo-ban...I am so loving that stuff. If it got rid of the stinky feet, fart, fish smell in my hubby's truck it will work on cat pee.


    I love Odo-Ban! Oh, and I will call the vet. Since she is the only 4 legged person and never ever goes outside, she hasn't been vetted in a while. Since she is so big, being a diabetic would make sense.


    Is she spayed? Females that aren't fixed will mark their territory. I would definitely call the vet. Could also be an infection.


    Yes, she is spayed.

  6. We all love her even though she can't stand to be alone when were home.


    Anyway, she is probably about 5.5 years old. Santa brought her for X-mas in 2002 when she was approx 6 mos old. Because my son (about the same age as the cat) had so many health issues, I had her declawed in the front at the same time she was spayed.


    Fast forward to now. She is a BIG kitty (at least 20 lbs). Over the last several months she has started peeing in the hall on a daily basis. If the kids leave a towel on the floor, she pees on that too (I have to throw them away because the smell never comes out and gets worse over time). Bathroom rugs? All peed on and long thrown away.


    I've tried the "don't pee here" spray. Still she does it.


    Is there anything I can do to get her to stop?

  7. I liked that movie too. Except it was her heart wasn't it?


    Yes, it was.


    Haven't see but sounds really good - I love Minnie Driver.




    Bob Rueland, a Chicago building contractor, cherishes life with his veterinarian wife until she is tragically killed in an automobile accident. Meanwhile the family and friends of Grace Briggs, a waitress at a local Italian restaurant, are overjoyed when they learn that Grace will finally get a replacement heart (the heart of Bob's wife). Both Bob and Grace struggle to maintain normal lives after these traumatic events, until fate intervenes and brings them together. Written by Stephen Hughes


    In this comedy-drama which shows us how the tragic death of one human being can still save the life of another, a happily-married man (David Duchovny) is struck with tragedy when his wife (Joely Richardson) dies from complications of a car accident. In her death, however, another is given life, as another young woman (Minnie Driver) with an ailing heart is given a transplant. Finally able to live a normal, happy life for the first time in years, she joins her grandfather in helping to run an Irish-themed restaurant, where she meets the widower, never imagining that the heart beating in her chest belonged to his wife. They slowly fall madly in love with each other, but when she learns the shocking truth, she is torn by whether or not she should let him know about the transplant she received and who it came from. Written by Curly Q. Link


    It's cool to me because of my boy's heart (even though he still has his own). It is a very sweet movie.


    essentially the Plot summary of the movie entitled "21 grams"


    which sucked btw.


    maybe cause of sean penn.


    21 Grams was an interesting movie. The other movie isn't along the same grain except for the heart thing.

  8. I watched...it was a really usual episode - I did enjoy it however.


    It was a lady that received Trudy's cornea (after she died) -


    The lady, Maria pulled up in a the Taxi the bad guys got out of - popo took them in custody Maria got out of the cab and said someone owes me 10.00 - Monk saw her and went up to her, saw a tatoo on her arm with the date Trudy died - and ask why she had that date on her arm - and Maria said that was the day I was re-born and could see again - and he realized she got Trudy's donated corneas - he was touch her face - I thought he was going to kiss her (he was looking into her eyes) :o


    It was very sweet.


    I luv me some Monk!


    Makes me wonder if you have ever seen the movie Return to Me?

  9. Yes. :)


    Good weatherman!


    BTW, the only reason I ask is because my oldest is working tonight. She wants me to keep her updated on the football score.


    BUT the last time we talked she was saying I love you as I was hanging up. :(

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