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Everything posted by MamaJess

  1. Nope, no idea where it is...I think I'm seeing smoke....heard a bunch of sirens...but no idea where the street is CVan't tell if this is dark cloud mass or smokey stuff
  2. Heck no If I notice him doing it when I check on him I just shut his lids for him or poke him until he rolls over (and shuts em like a normal person) 911 is for wusses I'm teasing about it being for wusses
  3. It looked bad from the road, lots fo dark black smoke. Hope they got it out and there were no injuries.
  4. Sheesh! Thats horrible! Thoughts to the family/families involved. And the idiots deserve tickets for going around the road block.
  5. My thoughts are with the family, how sad
  6. There are other ways to get the child under control. You don't have to hit the kid in the face and make em bleed. So sad
  7. dang! Where is this at, a residence or a business? Talk about scary!
  8. No "what ifs" here. Life is too short to live like that.
  9. I agree....people who are serious about it usually do it without any warning...or so I've read.
  10. Cement truck & pick up truck....looked almost like the pick up hit the driver side rear corner of the cement truck with their front passenger side/corner....d'oh!
  11. I guess I'll keep a lil blog going and keep track of its growth for the heck of it. Every Friday I'll measure it. June 6th - pumpkin measured 11" around and 5" tall not counting the stem June 13th - measures 22" around and about 10" tall not counting the stem June 20th - measures 28.5" around and about 12.5" tall (not counting stem) There might be 2 others also!
  12. So sad That is my worst nightmare Thoughts going out to the family....
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