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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I have it on now but I guess I missed the Amanda Knox part. What about Amanda Knox?
  2. That was never an argument... I've only had to assist in relocating a company from Atlanta based within ING to Minot. No one from here made the move. Take your condescending bullsheeze and stick it...
  3. Compare Dallas and Minot...
  4. Not compared to Minnesota...
  5. Great point. The cost of living in Georgia is much higher than in Minnesota...
  6. Um, there is something about that picture that just doesn't look right to me...
  7. Animal - you need to go back to your cave and rethink your position on this...
  8. Those are the ones I worry about. I am currently on unemployment and would be up a creek without it, just sayin...
  9. :good:Common sense eludes some people...
  10. Millcreek QUICK! Now is your chance to tackle LPPT!!!
  11. Barney was holding the collection cup for the rental of the torch...
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