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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stay on. I can deal with the ice as long as the electricity stays on. Reading by candle light is for the birds... Hoping everyone gets home safely!
  2. I don't know about it being the hardest but most definately the longest...
  3. I certainly don't have the answers. Deport them?
  4. Unbelievable. Thanks for that link, NewJunky!
  5. Lowrider is on a roll and I am so snagging these...
  6. You need a nice long hot bubble bath. Feel better...
  7. Anyone know if Paulding jails use the federal fingerprint-checking program aimed at illegal immitgrants? Please tell me we do or will...
  8. You're right ignoreme, there are no words. I read this earlier and was so disgusted.
  9. This is so sad. What a great caring person. She sure made a lasting impression on me...
  10. So glad my kids are grown. I always hated the wondering if school would be closed or not...
  11. So much for bacon. We had pork chops, field peas and macaroni and chese...
  12. Lowrider posted a similar topic earlier. I wish we would have a blizzard!
  13. Awesome! Merry Christmas!
  14. Breakfast sure is sounding good right now. Bacon and lots of it!
  15. Sorry CO, I started one too but didnt see yours. I have asked for it to be closed. Not sure what I am hungry for tonight...
  16. You have 63 posts to your name. You seem to use this name when you are too cowardly to use your regular name. Carry on, whatever floats your boat...
  17. I saw it today. I sure am glad the place was empty during the collapse...
  18. JJ, I doubt you would remember but you and Rev are the first pcommers I met. Y'all introduced me to SouthernScarlet...
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