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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. Good Morning Mystery and Number Cruncher. Mystery I am so glad to hear

    the good news. P'com can do good things when we all come together. And

    you have a lot of people behind you right now. :wub:


    I hope everyone enjoys this day. And don't forget the rabies clinic today.

    It is a great opporunity to have your pet vacciniated against rabies and

    to meet some fellow p'commers.

  2. I talked with Mystery last night and she said they have an appointment

    next week at Emory. It is with a doctor that specializes in allergies and

    skins conditions. She is hoping they can detect the mold spores ( if that

    is what it is ). In the meantime she is taking life minute by minute. He

    cannot be left alone so she is with him constantly.

  3. I called them when my air went several weeks ago and he came that day and didn't

    charge a huge fee. He also told me I should see a change in my electric bill and it has

    been less. I recommend them to anyone.

  4. Good Morning P'com. Rise and shine. Grab that cup of coffee.


    I'm taking the daycare kids to Picketts Mill this morning

    before it gets too hot. I'll look for CW there.


    Everyone enjoy your day and make the most of it..


  5. post-9983-1181181880_thumb.jpg


    This is the actual conversation between Thoughts and 'Uncle Willie' at the table while eating dinner at the Halloween Party...


    Uncle Willie: Hey Thoughts, doe you have this problem with your moustach gettin' caught up in the food when you eat?


    Thoughts: Welcome to my world...



    I think Uncle Willie had problems with food falling on his chest hair too. I hope he can make the

    next Halloween Party.. I thought it was really cool that Pubby never did figure out who Uncle

    Willie was. :p

  6. I had my baby of 13 years cremated simply because I could not bring myself to

    carry her home after she was put to sleep. I buried some of her ashes under

    the tree out front and the rest are in a decorative urn that I got at pet smart.

    I will have them buried with me..

  7. I had a long conversation with her one day. She told me she was in a coma when she was younger

    and when she woke up ( years later ) God told her to go and preach and that is what she does.

    She had then just gotten back from the square in Marietta where she had preached a revival.

    She told me she walks there and back pushing her buggy.


    And then a few years ago at Christmas time she came in Target and told everyone in the isle I

    was in to get out of her #^%&^ isle or she would kill everyone. I called security and they said

    oh not her again and escorted her out of the store.

  8. Don't forget the shelter staff. They do some really icky stuff on a daily basis. Hard, sweaty, icky, smell stuff. Cause what to animals do best - eat and poo. :-)


    They are truly a blessing.


    As for the folks that close that door on Wednesday mornings. What can I say? They perform such a compassionate heart-wrenching service. Every animal that has to be euthanized gets as much love on that morning as they have ever had maybe for the entirety of their short life.


    To hold a creature is your hands as its last breath leaves its body. Gone from a world where it is not wanted. We will never have to stand in that room - these loving, caring, selfless people do it for us.





    Thanks for ruining my makeup ( tears flowing). I could not do the job of the shelter workers. I can't even go near the place on Tuesday

    knowing that some of them won't be there on Thursday. My heart breaks just walking in those doors. I wish I had a place for everyone

    of them......I don't so I do what I can when I can to make their stay there a little better.

  9. Good Morning All. SS if you are going out to get cat food I would appreciate you getting me

    some too. Let me know if you do...


    Everyone stay cool and have a great day...

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