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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. Mystery called with good and bad news. The good news is he came home this evening

    and the bad news is they still don't know what is wrong with him. He has to be watched

    constantly for the next week or so and he has a long list of docs he is scheduled to see.

    She was just so happy he was home. I hope they figure it out and soon...

  2. Has he been tested for Celiac disease?



    I'm not sure what all he has been tested for but she said everything came back normal.

    The GI doc was there today and they were trying him on some solid food. I haven't

    talked to her again to see how that went.

  3. Are you at liberty to say if it is a respiratory allergy, skin, etc...


    Is there any appliance he might have where he lives that might help even if they don't know what it is yet



    All the docs are saying right now is it is allergy related. I so hope they find out some good news soon.

  4. Where is Dr. House at when you need him...lol...There was a good show that had this child that happened to be sensitive to light. If it does seem to be some type of alergy related thing, might try turning the lights down and see what happens.....Just a thought and hope all goes well



    Mystery and I both said yesterday that Dr. House was needed.


    Thanks pubby she's awful young looking for it, good for her.

    Green Meadow and you seem to have finger on this, is the school granting him time away to deal with this?



    I know he was in the middle of finals and she was actually having to drive him to school last

    week and pick him up. I honestly don't know if she has had time to deal with the school yet.

  5. Good Morning everyone. Lady T I hope you aren't in too much pain after your physical

    therapy. Mystery is at the hospital with her son. I started a thread about it last night.


    Everyone enjoy your day. We have a field trip to Sweet Beaulah Land Farm today.

    Jabez it is down your way.

  6. I did not know anything was going on...is there anything we can do to help her out



    She assures me that she is okay and there isn't anything that anyone needs to

    do for her. So I told her it was about time for a little p'com gathering. If she

    doesn't need us physically than she will get us mentally and spirtually. I have

    seen what can be done here when everyone pulls together.. :wub:

  7. I just talked to her and he is being moved from Paulding to Cobb Hospital.

    He has been sick since March and the docs don't know what is wrong with

    him. All they do know is that it is allergy related. The battery of test today

    did not show anything either. So he is going to Cobb to a monitored bed.

    Mystery said that the doc said that her sons body is basically fighting

    againgst itself. She and her family are worried and tired. Please keep

    them all in your thoughts and prayers. I will update when she calls


  8. I knew it! Those cheekbones and eyes gave it away. :)




    Can someone please share the billiards hours? This would be something fun to come and do with my son.


    :D Thanks SS.



    I truly didn't think anyone would guess right. Good job soapy. I have your candy. Mizcue said to

    tell you the pool hall opens each night at 6 and closes whenever...

  9. What did I miss? What is wrong with Mystery's son???



    He is having some test done at the hospital. Mystery said his allergy medicine isn't working

    right. She will explain everything better when she can get on here. She appreciates

    everyones thoughts and prayers....

  10. Good Morning Ladies of P'com. LR the look on you and your husbands faces was

    priceless when you realized what bike I was taking about. :p My friend said to

    thank you last night.


    SS you had better get to cooking and scanning some pictures..... I'll see you later.


    Everyone please keep Mystery's son in your thoughts and prayers. He is in the

    hospital and she has been there with him everyday.

  11. I'm here Scarlett. It was really really late when I got home and I was really really tired. But the kids had

    a good time and that's what matters. I think I will work at Six Flags because within a week of walking

    around there all day I will be in great shape....


    Have a great day everyone...

  12. Good Morning All. We are going on a field trip at work today to guess where??????


    Yes were are taking 20+ kids to SIX FLAGS..... I volunteered to watch them

    at skull island. So I can bask in the sun all day. I hope they have a good time.

    It will be the first time for a lot of them.... If I don't post tonight you will

    understand why. I will be passed out asleep from exhaustion....



    I hope everyone has a good a day as I am planning on having..... :)

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