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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. Were you the one running around taking pictures? If so, you took pictures of my critters too :blush: ...everyone thought it was "cute" having a cat and dog in the same crate :ph34r: , I figured, surely that ya'll had seen that before :blink: :lol:



    I remember. You looked at me like it is normal to see a cat and dog in the same crate.

    It doesn't happen at my house. There wouldn't be any cats left. Let me see if I can

    find that pic.


  2. Just got back from the Evans Mill sub. sale. It was great. Alot of houses and really good

    deals. I think it is until 2. Evans Mill is just past Hardys dealership on the right,.

  3. I know this sounds stupid but where is that at? LOL

    and thank you for posting it to me



    Hiram Sudie or Nebo will bring you to the road you need. There should be signs....

  4. Thank you! Mine are on a shot regimen with our vet but I was going to use the Rabies clinic for a chance to get to see some pcommers. :D But they're too young.



    Please come on out. We can always use the help.

  5. Morning All! Finally got a little rain here yesterday - just a bit but I'll take anything at the point!


    Great news Mystery .... still have you & your son in my thoughts!


    Green Meadow .. good luck at the Rabies Clinic today! I'll hopefully be sending LOTS of newly adopted families your way :)


    Safe travel wishes fishnthec (and have lots of fun too)!



    And I will in return send the people that need a new pet to you... :)

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