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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. We had bbq ribs, steak, potato salad,oven roasted potatoes, mac and cheese and

    choc. pie for dessert. But your looked better Scarlett because you didn't have to

    cook it. And you probably got to take home leftovers too..... :)

  2. Ok. Had to post this. Pepper is slowly taking on a "Mama" role to Sadie....even though she is the same size. Sadie has put her paws on the kitchen table twice now. Both times Mama Pepper has scurried over to her and reprimaded her with a low growl. How great is that? Pepper's gonna train Sadie!



    Sounds like one big happy family... :) :)

  3. Happy Hump day. I laid down at 7 last night to watch some tv and

    the next thing I knew it was 4 this morning. I guess I was tired.


    LR you know you have my ( and the entire p'com communities )

    support and prayers. Keep your head up and your faith

    strong and you and your family will weather this storm.

    We are here for you.... :wub:


    I hope everyone enjoys their day.



    Oh and 2 more days.......

  4. I can't tell you how happy I am for you and especially for Sadie. When I saw her

    on Sat. I was very concerned. It looked like she had just given up. Then this

    "angel" volunteer came in and spent hours with Sadie inside her cage. And

    when I went back on Sunday she was a new dog. She had a purpose in

    life again. It was like she knew she had to get better because you were

    coming to get her. Please keep us updated.

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