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Green Meadow

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Posts posted by Green Meadow

  1. Morning Lady Tass!

    Morning Covered!

    Morning GM!

    Morning PCOM!


    don't think we got any rain yesterday ... I'm sitting here waiting for the weatherman to tell me whether we'll get some today .... hope it holds off until after the yard sale, but then comes down long and slowly!



    We got some good rain and thunder and lightening. I hope it waits too. I guess you will be

    at the shelter today. We will send all of the yard sale people to you and you send us all of

    the new adopters... :)

  2. Thanks Martha ( Penquin ). It was a very proud evening. I look forward to my first case.

    I wish there was no use for CASA but unfortunately there is. I will do my very best

    to help each and every child that in placed in my trust. This is truly a wonderful

    volunteer organization. I encourage anyone out there that wants to do more

    in the name of a child to step up and become a CASA Volunteer.

  3. Good Morning All. We are having a yard sale in front of daycare to help send some of our

    kids to six flags this summer. We have a lot of low-income families so we are trying to

    help off-set the cost.


    Mystery I didn't get a chance yesterday. It was a busy day. I will check first thing this

    morning and let you know. What time is your vet appt?

  4. :( ... pictures are such reminders of ... losing it here for them ... but all WILL be okay, I just KNOW IT!!!!!!


    thoughts thoughts thoughts .....for Steve & Nemie!


    will standby for updates ....



    You know CO Steve was so worried about his jobs that he has going. He was concerned about getting

    them done in time. I told Nemie to please let us know if there was anything work wise that we could

    get together and help do. She was going to find out what they had going on and let us know. He said

    this couldn't have happened at a worst time I said I don't think I didn't think there was a good time for

    it. He is a fighter so I know he will make it through this.

  5. Oh yeah i think he might not be happy about those pics, sorry he's so miserable. We all support Nemie and Steve in our hearts and thoughts. Bet they'll have some stories to tell.


    When the doc came in Steve's room today and he was talking his doc talk I asked him a question and

    he looked at me like Why should I answer you and I said it is okay I am his girlfriend and his wife

    is okay with it. Nemie was just as serious as I was and she said you are not his girlfriend you are

    his mistress. The doc left soon after that and I'm sure he was convinced we were the cause of

    his heart issues.... :p :D

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