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Everything posted by shortnsassy

  1. Your precious angel is not as stubborn as mine is she.
  2. That is a good question. He is such a sucker when it comes to her and I know she was upset and crying. He does not like to send her to school upset so my guess is he babied her this morning and he will talk to her tonight when we are home. He is supportive of my decision because he has threatened to leave her before. Just not sure how he was this morning. She rides the bus alot of mornings but if I take her she has more time.
  3. Your address PLEASE!!!! LOL Thanks for making me feel better.
  4. Thanks everyone, I knew ya'll would make me feel better.
  5. My 12yr. old daughter does things on her own time and I have been trying to get her to understand that when it is time to go that is what I mean. I told her this morning she had 20 minutes to finish getting ready,then again 10 minutes later. I am constantly saying ok time to go, lets go, we have to go now and threating to leave her. This morning she was moping around and I told her I was leaving and she better be in the car if not she would be left and grounded for a week with no cell phone or computer. I get to the car, called hubby to tell him I was about to leave her. 5 minutes later I lea
  6. Awwww, what a little sweetheart! Hoping your pregency will get easier and everything goes well.
  7. Prayers for her family & friends.
  8. PRAISE GOD! I am so happy they are home safe I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs for you BAMBISMOM!
  9. Hugs & Prayers. Hoping you feel better tomorrow.
  10. Lisa is definately in my prayers. I am friends with her Sister-in-law and cannot imagine what they are all going through. From everything I have heard about her she is an awesome, very strong lady. Thanks BH87 for keeping us updated and please let her know she has lots of people that care about her.
  11. Yes please, would the reason I cannot send a message be because of my browser?
  12. Mine went down about $125. Co-workers went down almost $600. She now pays less then I do and her house is worth more. I don't get how they figure it. Anyway, still happy it went down.
  13. Hey thanks Girl. I will try that. I enjoyed bowling with you, you need to come back.
  14. I cannot send someone a personal message. When I click on send message it just turns gray. Help please! Thanks
  15. I can't believe that somebody can live like that. That is disgusting. I feel ya!
  16. Tona, Those are really cute and you are so sweet. I know little Thomas & Zoo will enjoy it to.
  17. I just need the attention. Not to mention my new Camaro is Beautiful.
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