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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The last sentence its the best pcom post of 2012.
  2. zoocrew


    About as much as I believe in Bigfoot and UFOs. However, Elvis is alive, drives a 1964 Caddy, and goes Stuckey's in AL.
  3. That's not true. Had nothing to do with the EU and the banks. It had to do with the EU sanctions against Iran taking effect and anticipating the Iranian military maneuvers this week. This is why the US lobbied Saudi Arabia to increase output in Feb to get that supply going in case there was a problem with supply caused by the crazy Iranians. Google is your friend.
  4. Why am I not surprised at the responses in the thread?
  5. I forgot to add Kevin Rathbun's. My link
  6. I don't blame you. Re-reading it, it didn't come across as I wanted. Nuance is hard to do in QWERTY.
  7. Take a trolley tour. Patriot Point was something my little kids still talk about. Aspen Grille is good My link Parson's Table is really good. My link McCrady's is a can't-go-wrong. My link
  8. It was a fun jab to get a few chuckles. Sorry if it didn't do that right. My bad.
  9. The BBQ is OK. But their chili cheese burgers are Slap-Yo-Mama good. Just don't look around. Get it as a To Carry Order and eat it when you get home. Honestly, some of the people that go in there are more scary than a Stephen King novel. But the chili cheese burgers are amazing.
  10. Seafood or clam chowder in New England is like the food of the gods. It really is that good.
  11. When I went to La Scalia is was yummy. Vincent's is good for Italian but it is not anniversary nice. It's a once-a-year thing and we always like it. And we always take our own bottle of wine because the wines there are good but not what we normally have for a really nice dinner. At $15 for the corking fee, it's worth it.
  12. Check with any Tea Party Member.
  13. Right on. There is no way for my anniversary dinner I'm going to do all the preparation and then the clean up. No way. For an anniversary dinner, it must be nice. Special. Relaxing. Working to make it a great meal is still working. I'm making reservations for Canyon Grill and hotel reservations at the Double Tree in Chattanooga now for a weekend in September. It's not our anniversary but it is a special time we celebrate each year. And the second night we will have dinner at Hennen's. It is something we do every year and if he even dared suggest I cook something and stay home, it w
  14. Now I see. You don't understand how a self insured plan works and the terminology, nor how costs relate to the pool/premium. There is no way I am going to be able to explain it to you. You can have this too.
  15. Goodness. I'm going to type this slowly but I doubt you will get it. BCBS provides the insurance plan. The plan is administered by BCBS. That is a negotiated plan. The plans vary from company to company (or government in this case) that negotiates the plan, as each plan is different. But the plan is a BCBS plan. Cobb pays an admin cost to BCBS. Cobb has a pool of money for which claims are paid, The costs of insurance (premiums) are paid by Cobb to the pool of money for benefits, and that money is pooled with the employees portion they pay. Benefits are paid from that pool per the nego
  16. Bull. It wasn't the actions of Bush or Obama that have caused oil prices to go down. It has to do with new technology to extract oil from new sources. Technology, not politics. New discoveries of oil. Sure, the opening up of large portions of the Gulf by Bush and continued by Obama allowed more to be produced, but the price of gas is directly related to the SLOW DOWN IN WORLD DEMAND AT PRESENT. My link And it has come at at huge environmental costs too. My link Still, it has to do with world demand, not the supply we're producing here. This is basic stuff that any high
  17. I want everyone to see this because the post above is the 4th most asinine post ever. Your argument was addressed in the link I gave. He refuted it with facts. Educated people know you have to cite evidence to support your position. I have done so. You have not. So I will back away and let you have this because I don't think you really have enough going on to understand the point the link, or I, am saying.
  18. At some point, you have to try the Hickory Hut. It is across from the hospital and they have the best cheeseburgers and BBQ around. Only thing is, don't look at the place when you decide to go. Just go. Don't think about it. Don't eat there. Get it as a To Go order. Get it and go home. Don't think about what the place looked like. Just enjoy the most scrumptious and sinful cheeseburgers ever.
  19. That's a good place to pig out. Fogo de Chao is another. Good. No one mentioned Morton's or Canoe, both are really good for a special occasion.
  20. Once again, you've shown that you really don't understand how it all works. But I didn't expect any different. Right. Oil prices jumped on the news that the Eurozone reached a deal, and that restored some confidence that maybe there would be some more growth. My link
  21. Again, the economist made the case, answering the arguments that you were giving. Sorry, but I will take the word of the expert with credentials over someone with no credentials who thinks a dictionary can determine economic policy. Here is a video that says the same thing. Call him on Monday and tell him he's wrong and give us a post that explains your economic insight to why he's wrong. I look forward to hearing this. Take it up with him, not me. The articles were right. You weren't. My link
  22. I know many people who have lost jobs due to their politics or free speech. Let's hope employers will do the right thing, the American thing, and deal with employees for their job performance and abuse their power over the employee.
  23. I didn't say that. I didn't say there were no "decent places in Paulding." The person who made the thread didn't say that either. Please don't twist my post into something I didn't say. I said you won't find the sort of place that is she is describing for a nice anniversary dinner. The places here are too loud or too many kids or too family oriented or just not up to par for a nice anniversary dinner. A dinner like that requires better food and a nice atmosphere that just can't be found here. Again, please be truthful with my words.
  24. The economists say your analogy is very naive and very wrong. My link If you have a problem with it, take it up with them. I'm sure they would love to hear from you. Perhaps you could apply for a job and expound your education in economics to the rest of the world that obviously needs it. The experts say you really don't know what you're talking about. And had you known what you were talking about, you would have been able to recognize that gas prices would be going down, wouldn't you? I mean, after all, an expert like yourself would have known that the world demand was slowin
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