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K-9 Cop

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Posts posted by K-9 Cop

  1. Thanks for that concernedforpaulding...I often am suspicios of those who cant give me a name( I guess it's the nature of the beast) ...so I wanted to squash as best as I know how any questions of is this guy for real or what...now, enough about me and on with the show...! I would like to send a great big thankyou to the med. size, dark in color, 4 door passenger car that made my vehicle shudder like a crack addict on his 1st day in rehab as you flew by me on 278 west bound this morning on my way in from work on that rain slick roadway...that was better than an I.V. drip of 30 weight coffee I tell you! But since you did such a favor of keeping me awake, I'll return the same. As you were stopped on 92 northbound at Macland Rd. I could'nt help but notice that your tag was expired as of Nov. 2003. I thought that maybe it might have just blown off (given your speed) just prior to that red light, but then I also wondered if maybe you did'nt have insurance and for that reason you could'nt get your tag revalidated. And if you did'nt have insurance might that be because of a suspended/revoked license, DUI arrest, VGCSA(violation of Georgia controlled substance act...DRUGS) arrest, you have outstanding warrants, etc.? Nah, I'm sure it's because you think you are an F-18 HORNET pilot. But you got till JAN. 2005 to get it all ironed out so take care and good luck to you...maybe it just fell off on Brenda Ln. off of 92 by that E. Paulding Middle School where I saw you turn in to go ( I suppose) home...anyway, good luck. ;)

  2. OK, maybe I'm going to have to get on my PC more sense I threw in my 2 cents. There is no doubt of what side of the fence I agree with on this issue...Cheif, ya got my vote and the vote of many other cops that work out side of this county that I know of. That being said i do want to add that I received a message from another public saftey officer today and to a degree he was wondering who I am since he might know me. My response was that at this time I prefer to not give my name not because I have anything to hide but because I still have a number of friends at P.C.S.O. (of all ranks and positions) that I do not wish to have any heat come down on because of my thoughts and our freindship...that my freinds is the "only" reason for that, PERIOD DOT DASH!!! QTEE...I'm am so sorry for your loss and of all the losses of life in this county. As Cheif Ball can confirm, going to a fatality is 1 of the most gut wrenching duties an officer can do along with crimes against children. There is way to much grief in our county and crosses along our roads. Speed is a very heavy factor in a large portion of these and if people get slowed down by citations or reputation of a proactive S.O. in this county it wont be a day to late. But here are a couple of suggestions I have until that day.... 1. drive defensively and watch vehicles in all directions at ALL times. 2. Don't give the single finger salute that says, "Hey BUBBA, you're number 1 in my book...I wish you peace , love, and prosperity" to the violators out there- that's a no-no and there is an aggressive driving statute on the books that racks up some really impressive points on your drivers license. Pull over to talk on the cell phone, you can't help but be distracted regardless if you have an earpiece or not. That's just a couple of words of wisdom, however I'm sure that those reading this don't need my advice (except for maybe number 2-even I get tempted from time to time). :D

  3. I wanted to throw in my comments to the ongoing forum...I do know for a fact that most Deputies in this county want to get after those traffic concerns however, they are discouraged from taking enforcement action. When I say I know this I should say that I have seen this and have felt the pressure placed upon one who attempts to do so as I am a former deputy of P.C.S.O. (still in law enforcement at another agency by my own choice). There are some awesome officers in this county but they are, 1. swampted with calls for service (and not Po-dunk P.D. type stuff either, we do have a large number of life threatening calls that are not widely publicized in this county) without the benefit of the numbers of deputies needed to be as safe as possible. 2. They are directed to not go after traffic violators and I can honestly say that I have heard some(and I will not call names out of courtesy) supervisors at P.C.S.O. tell deputies that if they,"want to right traffic tickets, then they need to go work somewhere else". I'll be happy to go into it farther someother time. About those supervisors...they do go after DUI's though. All I can say is that this county needs Deputy Cheif Ball...Go get 'em Cheif!!! By any chance anyone does have a comment or question regarding my post, please be patient. I do'nt get on my PC as often as most (about once a week) but will address your comment/question when time permits....thanks in advance!!!

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