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K-9 Cop

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Posts posted by K-9 Cop

  1. While you are at the world of Coke take them also across the street and show them the Catholic church across the street from the Fulton County justice center on Central Ave. (at MLK Jr. Dr. intersection)...that is 1 of the 3 buildings that survived the burning of Atlanta during Shermans march on Atlanta. My understanding is that the priest at the time threatened to have the Union troops excommunicated if they did what Sherman ordered...as they almost all were Catholic they decided to take their chances with Sherman ;) (good choice boys!!!). When the priest past away years later, the parish was so grateful to him that they had him burried under the pulpit and is still there to this day. The old Depot building behind the World of Coke is where most confederate supplies came in during the war. Behind it is a parking deck that has some whales on it...those are the official whales for the state of Georgia (Wright Whales) and you can even see a jaw bone from 1 Under our capitals gold dome just up the street if you go on a tour(you can call them to find out the scheduals there). Go walk some of Peachtree St. and explain before the Trail of Tears that was a Cherokee Indian tade route and it was no more than a dirt path at that time. Oakland cemetary has a Confederate memorial (the white line) watching over those soldiers graves. The King Memorial has Dr. King entombed and has a neat history portion. Ebenezer Baptist Church where Dr. King preached and organized...then when you get hungry maybe you can try Dante's Down the Hatch inside Underground Atlanta not that it has anything to do with history but he's a great cook and a real neat American ( Vietnam Vet UDT/SEAL Team member...SAAAAAAAALUTE). Not to mention all the neat history at Kennesaw Battle field, Pickitts Mill, New hope Church ( alot of these old graves in our county have plain gray/white stones about the size of a shoebox in them...those are unknown soldiers)....so your mom and dad should have an interesting time and I don't think 2 days is enough but good luck...And don't forget the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library ( lots of interesting travelling exhibits come through there also! )...that maybe more than 2 cents! ;)

  2. Gringo...nobody is putting down a deputy but I must say your post is WRONG ! Buddy, I was'nt up here in 86 but 2000, 2001, and yes it is done like that often times for GSP to arrive....I've stood out there my friend waiting with folks until they arrive. They have a few county's to cover and if they are aleady on an accident elsewhere then it will take even longer (if you are out there then YOU should know this). Nobody is taking shots at the Deputys but we are not satisfied with the current administration for the lack of proactive law enforcement as apposed to the reactive frame of mind adminisration we have had for the past...don't tell these folks they don't wait because they do. Yes the SO is promptly dispatched and yes the Deputy can leave after a trooper arrives if not needed, but why can't the Deputy do the accident himself and save these people time waiting for GSP...? You might want to select the "read all post" by some of these members and see what has been said before you took things to heart. And you might not have stopped some of the right people...YET, but they are there. I have not been asked out in the open to DROP a citation but I have been advised," the Sheriff would really appreciate it if you could do something about this ticket" that's a fact my friend...I will not call names out of respect because high ranking supervisors have their marching orders given to them from above and have families to feed. I absolutely agree with your indications of the Deputys being some real pro's, they are, NO DOUBT...but don't tell people that all is well when it can be all the better. There are plenty of law enforcement (who live here but work elsewhere) who agree with me on this. Alot of us do this job just like the Deputys everyday (approx. 10 years for me) and KNOW that law enforcement has progressed since 1970 something. And misty1, glad to hear your daughter was ok, and yes mam there are some fine Deputys who really care about people and are really compassionate...but the tide of things to come for this county are just beginning. There is more to law enfocement than that (not that it is any less important)...The SO can do a BETTER job than whats done now...There are inovations in the profession that have been ignored by this administration and will continue to be ignored as long as they can...this is 2004 not 1974. There are things that are done today that are not done still to this day at the SO...why? We are cosidered a metro county, why, why why, why, why ?

  3. Just to inform you folks how I came to meet Deputy Chief Ball...if you recall one of his post about having to wait for GSP himself on one occasion, well I was one of those Deputies that was directing traffic around the wreck that his daughter was involved in (approx. 4 years ago) and ladies and gentlemen let me tell you how bad I felt. I appologized to him several times and was so embarrassed as I stood there for HOURS with my thumb up my butt simply... because. It would have taken me 20-30 minutes for a 3 car accident that I was advised to not even remove from the roadway. It wasn't a difficult thing to figure out ( I have done hundreds of them prior to working here) but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I had to be out of service for again, HOURS!!!! His daughter wasn't even at fault.....it was about the most wasteful use (or lack there of) of man power I had/or have ever seen. HOURS....what a waste So when he says he's experianced it first hand, he's not fooling around...prob. helped motivate his running for Sheriff, it would have me if I had been in his shoes...glad you did Chief!!!!!

  4. Malia10...When dealing with the mentally ill yes they can still violate the law( the man who shot Atlanta Police officers Pat Cocilone and Jon Sowa was mentally ill and thus was not given the death penalty) such as disordely conduct or profane and abusive language HOWEVER...I have delt with Jessie, she's a sweet woman who suffered a horrific loss and if she's not in the street then the problems that she may/may not have need to be attended to by proper mental health personel if warrented by letter of the law..her answers do not wait in a jail cell. There must be tolerence, is she a danger to herself or to others...I can't see that, has she been told to stay out of the road...yes, and does. In my opinion she has not crossed the line to recieve incarceration that I have seen personally...but who's to say how we would function given her circumstances, every one of us has lost our temper and kicked a waste basket, snapped at people, or worse...maybe (and I'm no doctor) this is her venting and method to keep sane, unorthodox yes but who among us can REALLY draw the line between sanity and its alternitive. She does have a home and takes care of herself...I've seen the most normal in appearence among us just loose it and throw it all away, now thats crazy!!! She's not appropriate, but she's not insane. This is what the LORD ALMIGHTY says:" Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another." Zechariah 7:9

  5. Thatboyaintright...you need to change it to that boy aint WRONG...I'm pretty sure I've heard sirens during stom watches but am unsure on there origin...as far as money goes, I know I pay more county taxes here than I did in Cobb with out alot of the same services...go figure.

  6. Not positive on the sirens for the county but last I checked , PC you are absolutely correct about the firestations though...no doubt, did'nt you know that as soon as you drove back into the county this PM from work you hit a time warp and landed in Mayberry USA...? Not so funny story here...imagine if you will the lone firefighter manning the station and the alarm goes out, he responds with the pumper truck to a visible fire (no question about this one folks, this trailer was lit!) and per policy waits for the volunteers to arrive. The reason I and my partner (when I worked for PCSO) were sent to this was because the families living inside the trailer park were beating the firefighter since in there opinion was doing nothing but standing around. Now I agree, no residence is worth dying for and he was absolutely correct to standby for other trained personel...but why is it that we place that lone firefighter in that kind of situation given our increasing growth, huh ? Oh, the residents got tired of waiting and watching the smoke so one of the residents gets his chainsaw, runs inside, and starts cutting away at the inside of this trailer to slow down the fire...I wouldn't have believed it if I had not seen it (approx. 3 years ago). How about that house that burned down in Bentwater Subd. around then...there's a shocker. These fire fighters we do have are great at what they do, we just need more and fulltime...We don't have 41,000 for a population any more...and look at there call volume, they're doing GREAT with what they have. I know that Joe Griffen(s/p) is the director of public safety and I know he's been fighting to get this and that. Maybe we could help him out and ask up the chain what's the plan or problem if we agree there is one ?! ;)

  7. I hear the fat lady warming up behind stage ready to make a grand appearance the night of June 20th....YES SIR/MAM!!!! These numbers are what I saw while I was employed with the S.O. and am not shocked at all by the rise. Chief Ball, You sir are right on target with your vision for this county, our home! The criminal elemate looks at us like a big juicy steak...and we do need to get proactive in this county and not reactive with our law enforcement. The crime rate is staggering yes but I also ask people to look at the P.C.S.O. turnover rate.It is also pretty high in my opinion, but folks why is that ? Many reasons of course but what seems to be the common complaints beside salary...ask a former Deputy (there's lots of us). Put a citation in the wrong hand and see if you don't get a phone call at your house while your sleeping getting rested to go back in the next night. Watch another Deputy bash out the window of a murder suspects vehicle with a baseball bat that he carried in his trunk (because we were not allowed to carry batons like any other law enforcement agency) as the suspect refuses to get of the car and had to be rammed of the road( they do have ASP batons now, thankgoodness) . Phoned in complaint...simple solution, call the Deputy, wake him up, and ask him why he did what he's being accused of without a formal complaint written by the complainant who just happens to know so and so and turns out wasn't even there. Walk back up to the car with a ticket to the county employee who just told you that he was going to call "Bruce"(not even giving the respect of the Office of Sheriff) and hear the voice of the Sheriff on the nextel as your offender is asking your name with a smirk...then be approached the next day with the all to familiar supervisor telling you," The Sheriff would really appreciate it if you could do something about that ticket you gave to....." Bottom line, the good ole' boy system is all warn out and the general public is not going to tolerate it any further...so, Crank It Up because so many of us are ready for that opera to start...Go Chief Go, you're OUR CHOICE!!!!

  8. Jon...GREAT avatar!!! Show that pride man, YEAH!!! OCGA 40-8-20. WHEN LIGHTED HEADLIGHTS AND OTHER LIGHTS REQUIRED. Every vehicle upon a highway within this state at anytime from a half-hour after sunset to a half-hour before sunrise and at any time when it is raining in the driving zone and at any time when there is not sufficient visibility to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the highway at a distance of 500 feet ahead, and illuminating devices as required in this part for different classes of vehicles, subject to exceptions with respect to parked vehicles as stated in this part

  9. Subdivider: don't want to promote Govn. intrusion, not at all. But remember with out the sheepdogs...the sheep are no safer from the wolves. The more wolves there are then the more sheep dogs are needed for the protection of the flock. The larger the flock, the more wolves will come. The sheep don't associate with the sheepdogs probably because he's more like a wolf than one of them even though he would never turn on the flock despite his barking at them from time to time to get them away from the fence. He in turn will not associate with the wolves even though he himself looks and acts more like a wolf than sheep( he's got fangs,claws, and lives more like a wolf than a sheep). So being the sheepdog is sometimes a lonley life of service. But if the sheperd did'nt put out enough dogs for the flock when the wolves do come (and they will) then it's the dog who will pay with his life in protection of those sheep and their young even though he's outnumbered and the sheep don't care for him except in times of danger. May God bless our fallen sheepdogs and help those who continue the fight despite the over whelming odds...the flock has gotten bigger, would you not want those sheepdogs watching over you as you tend to your life bringing up your young? Are any of us going to stand up and say to any of these Officers family at their funeral," I did'nt find your loved ones life important enough to give him the additional officer he needed to control a situation (and looking at that fallen officers child as they look at daddy's/mommy's casket with our nations flag drapped over it) sorry kid...?" Nobody wants me to say,"sorry Mr/Mrs. so and so....If I could have been there maybe I would have been able to help and have prevented your loss...". We only bark, but don't turn on our sheep unless we discover it's a wolf in sheeps clothing, and will give all to protect you dispite the fact we know you don't care for us except when the wolves are near...then and only then will you come to us...May God Bless ALL Sheepdogs especially those standing watch tonight in Paulding county!!! And Qtee, I got your sheepdogs back ANYTIME! And ridgee...you beat me to it.......I'm sorry folks if I go appear to go off subject but in my experience, it's all relative.

  10. publisher you are correct, it is a state law and yes you can be cited for not doing so...farmall, you also are correct in the fact that our visibility is limited at times of inclimite weather and by not having headlights on you increase your chances of a collision...turn them on folks, it only helps all on the roadways to include yourself. Thanks in advance...

  11. Now what did I tell yall about CSU and DUI task force to include Pat banks, some real hard chargers in that crowd. Glad to see your looking well Pat...Those guys are understaffed but I can tell you,THOSE guys are doing something somewhere in the county at all times during their working hours which do fluctuate so don;t think they work from just 8am-4pm...bad ju-ju to try and predict those guys. Uniform is another story, handle your calls and don't go after traffic unless its something you have to handle like a DUI, I had heard that 1 before my friends...maybe it's different now...I would like to hope so...anyway, lay down the smack down Pat, we all here are glad to see it. 6 total Deputies within approx. 2 hours doing 30 citations in 1 day=just over 2 citations per man ever every 10 minutes...what do yall think, nice big round of applause please....good idea on the to fast for coditions charge, kids in neighbor hood, hills that have private drives causing less time to react given the limited visibility, as long as you can articulate the increased danger I don't see a problem and think it's an excellent idea, "OCGA 40-6-180 No person shall drive at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard for the actual and potential hazards then existing. Consistently with the foregoing, every person shall drive at a reasonable and prudent speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railroad grade crossing, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching and traversing a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, and when special hazards exist with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or highway conditions." ( Thats for those of yall that don't know what the law says about To Fast For Conditions charge).

  12. Subdivider....not saying that we are as bad as Cobb YET...I lived in Zone 2 of Cobb (Mableton) until we moved here in 1999 and except for a few years that I did work here, I've worked inisde 285 including now....just saying that if we don't get a handle on it now, we WILL be just like some areas of Cobb...thats all. You're right about Paulding, it IS a breath of fresh air, no doubt !!! But these Deputies are handling more than anyone realise...that I promise you, again not as much as Cobb (yet) but the same, and these guys are telling me their call volume has seemed to double since I left a couple of years ago...I cant make anyone see what they don't want to believe. Look at the Deputy to population ratio of Bartow and Cherokee counties and tell me we are not under staffed in this county not to mention the call volumes...Dad was a preacher so what can I say...?

  13. AMEN realestate...you did'nt just drop a dime, you dropped a manhole cover my friend. It is a proven fact that peole with pets live longer so surely they should be considered gifts from God to complete our lives similar to a spouse and children. If you are thinking about getting a pet (any pet including a fish) make sure you are absolutely ready...much more to it. As you can guess I share a very special relationship with my dog, it's alot of work (especially in my off hours). You gotta be there for them, if you are...they'll be there for you no matter what!!!! :D

  14. Absolutly....Good Job guys! Drop the hammer...The DUI taskforce and CSU both are just examples of some of the great guy's that work out here. Pat Banks (the SGT. in charge of BOTH units is like Wyett Earp with a laser) he's just spread so thin with such a large county to cover (I think 6 guys including Pat). Glad they where able to help you out some. All those guys are real go getters and proactive with what limited resources they have....Glad to hear it happen for yall over there, thats always been a racetrack ( for folks who don't live over there, go take a look at all the skid marks they have on the surrounding streets...AMAZING)

  15. bevwilder, wow...good call on avoiding the lead poisoning, left, right, what ever it takes. Glad you made it out of that one OK...I bet those underoos were'nt in the same condition as when you left the house but hey, you made it out otherwise ok...and eddie b., I don't deserve that but I appreciate it very much kind sir, my wife when I showed her told me that you deffinetly did'nt know me personally. I tell ya, I'm no better than any and prob. worse than most, I'm just a man doing my little bit just like anybody else. I have said it before and I'll say it again, I just want people to know whats out there and what I see out of my window to the world. I call my job the front seat to life....I,ve seen pure evil at work but I've also seen God's divine grace (believe that)... I've made some really bad life altering decisions in my life and have been blessed to be who and what I am today...I'm a sinner just like everybody else. There have been days when I could just cared less and just trodded along with the other suckers at the front of the line, life does that to us all from time to time, ya know? And as far as common folk goes...when I first became a cop I was told," always carry the badge, never let the badge carry you" good advice that has been carried in my heart ever since...a daily reminder that I'm just a man doing 1 of societies many nessary tasks. Heck buddy, I think it's a blast to speak to all sorts of people and I'm not going to learn about anything or anybody if I don't engage others and then LISTEN (most of communication is with a persons mouth shut and his ears open). I TRY to understand others and simply want yall who will, to understand me and some of what we cops see (especially in our county). Not everybody will agree with me/us but some of you will come to atleast see from the other side of the badge and therefore, partially understand leading to a greater awareness for all of us . It's not my duty it's my calling as a servent of God...nope ,I'm not ashamed to say Jesus is in my life...OK, I'm getting out of the pulpit now (son of a Methodist minister and son-in-law of another Methodist minister...just kinda runs in the family, ya know?) Any ole' hooter...the primarys are July 20th I believe, and rember to vote your conscience, I'll be voting for Ken Ball because I believe he wants what I've been talking about because he's been in the very same trenches and never lost focus that he was a "cop" as he climbed up through the ranks to Deputy Chief in one of the most respected police dept.'s in the state of Georgia.

  16. Subdivider, I understand what your saying. Problem is the county we had is gone, no longer is it like that...we have a county that is in the top 10 every month on traffic deaths (speed,drunks, and no seat belts). We have narcotics (ICE, METH.,MARIJUANA,CRACK COCAINE, POWDER COCAINE, HEROIN, ETC.), robberies of stores, banks and pedestrians (not to exclude home invasions), rapes, gangs, murders, burglaries, and child molestations to name a few. Just to day the S.O. was chasing a dangerous felon that is believed to have slashed somebody with a knife. You have to have more good guys out there because you better believe the bad guys are and with county growth we'll get more and more. It's not GOING to happen...IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!! See it for what it is, don't think for a minute these officers out here are dirt road deputies these folks are handling business and doing a jam up job at it. Our deputies out here have been shot at, pinned down by rounds fired at them, and returned fire. Our courthouse was set on fire just a few years ago and caused a great amount of damage by a fellow who's trial date was coming up. My wife and I had to jump out and help a deputy in a fight on the side of the road a couple of months back since he lost his radio in the fight I had to tell units where he was since he was so winded. Point being just because you don't want it to be does'nt mean it is'nt already...believe me, I use to work here!!! Just because you did'nt read about it or see it on TV does'nt make it any less real...ask a deputy next time you get a chance, not one of rank...a slick sleeve street soldier...he'll tell you. And speed traps are illegal, speed detection that makes people slow down is a must. Your seatbelt checkpoints makes people put them on so they are'nt ejected 3 miles down the road when hit by a drunk, you also find the folks who should not be driving(DUI's, suspended license, habitual violators, persons with warrants, and that fellow who when he would have hit you 3 miles up the road had he not been discovered with no insurance). I'm not angry withyou at all, i just want to educate you...my family lives here. Just today I was in court on a prowler that I had encountered in my back yard who had a knife as I was taking out my dog at approx 3 in the morning months back, buddy I was'nt a cop then in my pajamas...I was a VICTIM and could have been stabbed to death in my own back yard as my wife and child slept inside and the guy was suspected to be under the influence of METH.( 1 of my neighbors pulled a gun on this @$&*%! as he was trying to come in his back door). The situation warrents more on the street now...I had a 20 min. ETA on a single mother who had a guy trying to break down her door on one occasion...I'm sure that was somebodies family member reading this now, no other deputies where available...I was it, by myself until another unit got freed up. I don't want that for you, me or ANYBODY else in this county, it's not a matter of what we want....it's what we must do and have. I hope this makes some opinions change but if it does'nt...I'm not mad at you, I would'nt do what I do if I was...Most of us cops really care about everyone even with our sometimes harsh mannerisms, thats why I risk it all...FOR YOU!!! Just vote your conscience in Nov...I'm going to and that's why Ken Ball has got my vote, he feel's the same... ;)

  17. Kncookk50...I don't really want to go into my dept. as I am on the Ken Ball camp. team and Giving out to much about Me could bring down some heat on my freinds at P.C.S.O. believe me...that administration can light a fire and these folks have families( I'm telling you most of these guys can't drop by my house due to the KB sign...they are that scared, AND SHOULD BE!!!! But after the primaries (prob.) I should'nt have to be all secret squirrel. And yes I have worked dope...I can't stand a dealer :angry: Little history here...My dad in 1995 was the victim of a home invasion robbery by a crack head and in 1998 my mother was the victim of a strong arm robbery (the guy hit her...As she is in her 60's) by a crack head, my dad found out and the next day my father (a Methodist minister) suffered a massive heart attack that claimed his life :( so thats why I prefer going after dopers :angry: , by the way all that happened in Dekalb county where they both lived and not here. And I don't want it here so thats why I'm very passionate about what I do. I don't ever want to be accused of having a greater than thow attitude, most who know me outside of law enforecment tell me that I don't come off as the 5-0 and thats what I want! So anybody who reads my post please don't get that impression...not intended at all, Fa-Shizzell!!!!!!!!!! I do work inside 285 on the south side...good enough. Good luck on your test, jam up dept. to boot!!! And believe me ridge rd retiree, you prob. won't see it comin' but you'll feel it fly by...we ought to ship them to Iraq...one heck of a pilot, felt like Tom Cruise in Top Gun doing a fly by on the tower!!!! :o

  18. In responce to your question Eddie Bennitt, a driver can be stopped and cited for speeding OCGA 40-6-181 by laser or radar at 11 miles over the speed limit. For Alteratiom of speed limits by local authorities OCGA 40-6-183 (common for school zones, construction zone, etc.) only 1 mile over the posted limit can win you that one, yeah baby! And then to fast for conditions OCGA 40-6-180 (like when you go within the speed restrictions and its still obviousley to fast....ex. hydroplaning into another lane and then saying," but officer, I was'nt going to fast...I was doing the speed limit). Those are what can happen, what happens during the stop normally depends upon the driver. Attitude gets you everywhere (homeward bound or off to an undecorated cell to meet your new room mate who greets you with a wink to welcome you to your new batchlor pad....RRRRRRRRRRRRR MOMACIETA!!!!) Officer disrcetion allows us to let you go if you are accused of a misdemeanor on most offenses, a good ole' FELONY will get you to loosing your bearclaw no matter what you do! If I leave my family on X-mas Eve and am not home to see what Santa braught my kid and the teacher told me that my kid started crying in class the week prior because I was not going to be home for X-Mas again and then Joe/Jane Blow who is running behind to an engagement with thier family to scarf down that fine dinner filled with the spirit of good will to men wants to get lippy (huff and puff and threaten to sue my house down)....you can best believe I got a pretty little piece of wrapping paper to wrap all that good cheer in that he's just boiling over with. But the prob. in this county is that the troops are told not to unless it's a seriouse violation like DUI or something along those lines. some of these troops out here have had their ticket books taken away from them. Every officer has that thing that they target more than other stuff (mine is narcotics and gangs). But even when Iworked up here after coming from another ageny with what I was told a fairly nice bit of experience...I was told by a pretty high up,"we don't do things in PAAAAAWLDIN' that way" Ok...I see I thought...it'll get better, we'll in 2005 it will by cracky. I make no bones about being an avid Ken Ball supporter, in fact...I'm on his campaigne staff and "KNOW" that this county is going to be better off with him at the helm of this boat!!!! My family and I live here and I want my home to be as safe as I make others....God Bless all of you and stay safe****and right on Maximise..eyes open, mouth shut(means put the phone down), seat belt on, keep to the right, watch your speed, and signal your intentions. YEP, that's simple enogh.... B)

  19. Gents, yes woman have there cycle and yes some happen to be having the worst day of that cycle however, I truthfully don't believe gender makes you more or less able to operate a vehicle no more than your ethnic background determines if you are or going to be a criminal. I'm no statisical almanac on male/ female accident ratios but I can say as a police officer of approx. 10 years that I have seen both genders do some pretty stupid things....I've seen a father kill his entire familiy by a shear act of stupidity (80 miles an hour into a concrete support structure killing himself, his wife, and infant child) instantly, a young man try to kill himself (and succed) after aiming for a friend of mine and going (again, 80 miles an hour) headon into his marked patrol car ( I was the 2nd unit on scene) head on, young men playing chicken on their high power rice rocket style motorcycles ending the life of 1 of them, and I've seen a woman appear to yeild to a patrol car (the officer was on his way to assist officers who were attempting to arrest 2 narcotics suspects and was believed to be in a fight with them) and as she was being passed on the left from behind by a marked patrol car with lights and siren on, she instead turned left into him sending him airborne into a phone pole splitting it and partially ejecting him (thankfully he was wearing a seatbelt) causing him numerous internal injuries, a broken leg, shattered pelvis, etc....my point being, that women and men BOTH make some bone headed moves on our roads...statistically I do believe women our safer due to the lack of so much testosterone not making them as aggresive on the roads as us men. And that officer who went into the phone poles name is Trent Williams of East Point P.D. and I'm proud to call him my friend...so if you see him in uniform in the county on his way to or from work (he'll have a good limp and has had now for approx. 6 years) then stick out your hand and tell him ) your glad he's among the living (I don't know how he did)...if he ask how you knew, the officer that led the ambulance to Grady Hospital that day told you so... ;)

  20. This may seem to come out of nowhere...but criminal street gangs number 1 place of recruitment is in our schools(rural and urban).The Georgia Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act (1998) does pertain to some (not all) of whats going on in our schools. These statutes also need to be looked at by the School Resource Officer (SRO) and enforced when applicable. It only takes 3 people associated in fact, whether formal or informal egaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity (simple assault, simple battery, and battery, just to name a few). And yes you can charge juveniles, that's why we have juvenile courts. And solittle, you are on target about parents....no, not my child, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yes mam/sir YOUR child. I have gone to homes and advised them that there darling boy/girl might be involved in gang activity...NOT MYYYYYYYYY CHILD !!! Then I ask for the parents permission to search there darlings room and low and behold, I find school books with gang graffitti, etc.. The reply then is thats just dooddlling...and then I also inform them that I am a trained gang investigator...you can hear a pin drop and then do they question there darlings habbits. It's here there and everywhere. As far as columbine is concerned those two monsters where the product of media violence and poor parental supervision. If you would like to learn more on that may I suggest Lt. Col. Dave Grossman author of Stop teaching our kids to kill and On killing. He was a deprogrammer of PTSD for public safety at Columbine and the Purduka KY school shooting in 1994. He has 3 entries in the American Journal of Med. (having 1 constitutes you as a genious) Not to be all gloom and doom...thought it might be worth the interjection. Bless you solittle I'll remain a cop...it's safer!!!

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