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K-9 Cop

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Posts posted by K-9 Cop

  1. Well, well, well...I've revisited the threat after a couple of days work out and about trying to squash crime and I see it as those for and against...I'm on the side of for simply because I have sworn an oath to "enforce" the law. That being said then it should also be noted that I'm not a "policy maker" and have no control over the implimintation of whatever policy (i.e. law). The only way any of us have control over what policies come into effect as law is by our vote to put those "policy makers" in or out of office. Maybe I've interpreted some posts wrong and if I have then I appologize in advance but it seems to me that some would shade law enforcement officers ( police and deputies alike) in a negative light for doing our duty as set forth by the "policy makers" that all have chosen by ultimatley the majorities vote. Then the law enforcement is somehow shed in a negative light as we are somehow violating our oath of office by contorting the U.S. Constitution to suit our means or maybe out right disregarding it, does'nt seem right to me and smells worse. Maybe like I said, I've somehow taken some of these posts out of context...but if I haven't, then I will respectfully request the cop bashing to cease as it is an honorable profession and many of us have given of our lives to see that others may live in peace. I've decided to limit my posts more frequently recently because simply I fight enough for a living and will not do it as a pass time in my own home with those who see me and my fellow brothers and sisters who carry a badge in an acussatory light as if we are the problem. Simply stated, I choose not to respond to those who appear to have a bone to pick with us cops because they don't understand and nobody will ever understand until they have done what we've done, seen what we've seen, and endured what we've had to...you will never know what we know and that is why you sleep while we serve...good night to all and be safe. I would like to add that for those that simply disagree on issues of law, then I respect your opinion, only those that seam to come at law enforcement in particular as if we are performing our duties with less than honor do I present these above listed thoughts, thanks for your time.

  2. In the case of Michigan Dept. Of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S. 444, 110 S. Ct. 2481 in 1990 the state courts said that Michigan State Police were wrong for having Sobriety Checkpoints but then The Supreme Court reversed the state courts decision and held that the sobriety checkpoint program was consistent with the Forth Amendment (the 1 that covers search and seizure). Maybe you can check with the Governor's Office of Highway Safety at One Park Tower 34 Peachtree St. Suite 1600 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 TEL:404-656-6996 FAX:404-651-9107 or contact them at www.gohs.state.ga.us. The Directors name is Yvonne L. McBride. There are rules that are in place to checkpoints that all agencies MUST follow...no choices in that one. That way you know that we are going by decisions handed down from the courts ensuring that every ones 4th Amendment rights are insured and that it's not just departmental policy but state policy in accordance with law...hope this helps the unsure.

  3. #1. drivin' n' cryin': Mystery Road #2.R.E.M.:eponymous #3.Ozzy Osbourne: Diarey of A Madman #4: Anything Brahms #5:Aerosmith: Toys In The Attic #6:Fleetwood Mac: Box set of 25 Years The Chain (everybody else gets a box set I figure) #7.Anything Jimmy Buffett (since it's bound to be 5 O'clock somewhere) #8. Judas Priest: British Steel #9. Anything Toby Keith #10. Enya: Painting With Stars...please send Marlboro Lights in a box, a Pizza Hut Meat lovers Pan Pizza, a Margarita (not frozen), and sunglasses !!! If you can float a movie and T.V. my way I would appreciate The Movie Star Wars: A New Hope, Thanks again... ;)

  4. Ok folks, gonna throw in my 2 cents worth here. Driving in the state of Georgia is a privelage and not a right, that's what gives the state the right to suspend your license and take it from you. Law Enforcement is just what it says, enforcement. We don't decide the punishment, Judges and Jury's do. So the general public decides these things by the people we vote for as they are our policy makers and jurys for they are the general public. I absolutelly agree that some cases are fouled by unprepared or sloppy policing...but, not all by any means. Law enforcement is only a portion of the judicial process. To many people will not register to vote to avoid jury duty, now whats that about ? Thats John Q Citizen letting down society isn't it? Law enforcements mission is to bring those "believed" to have commited a crime to justice and present the facts...we don't let anybody go without a judge having already said yes they can or a jury passing down judgement nor law makers deciding the amount of time to be served or damages rewarded. And yes Darwin is a police officer and has been my friend for many years as we both policed and the same agency many years ago, he is very good at what he does and have learned many things from him despite not working together anymore. He like I is very passionate about the job and is a true pro. as he is presently a well respected investigator within the metro area. And believe it or not but these roadblocks are very productive when done (some more so than others). Many arrests come out of these from people you not only don't want on your road but in our community. I will also concide that they can be inconvienant to people travelling upon the roadways but also remember that if it wasn't productive then the need would not be there for them and they would be a thing of the past. And for folks that see fit to warn possible violators of these roadblocks do you realize that you may in fact just be warning a drug dealer in transport, a DUI, a wanted felon, or worse and may aid in thier escape from being brought to justice ? Please consider that your fellow citizen may be spared what ever pain these people may bring if allowed to continue. No other country has as many wonderful freedoms as we enjoy but our duty (Darwins and mine) is to protect all and if it is inconvienant to all then it is not unfair nor a police state but just a matter of us doing our sworn duty to protect all. I think we would all agree that metal detecters are also inconvienant but nessesary in our public buildings and airports. Think of roadblocks as the same. It's not you we want, it's the badguys. If you want to fly, then you must endure the check point for the safety of all...be safe!!! ;)

  5. Not a problem Subdivider...and if they tell you that it must be a new law then you can also tell 'em that the law came into effect in 1974 and was amended in 1990 and 1991 and has not been touched since therefore it's been on the books a long time...in case ya wanna twist the screws with any additional arguement you may receive. Thats a great point Darwin, I remember in high school that Drivers Ed. was an elective and was dropped right before I could sign up but was still being offered in summer school where I took it...not that I didn't have to go anyway so I could continue to play football because I was to busy trying to...well, nevermind what I was trying. I wasn't trying hard enough in my education ;) !!!

  6. All roads GSS, it's subsection b," Upon all roadways, any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when over taking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private driveway."...hope that clarifies the issue a little bit better ;) .

  7. PCnative...thankyou for holding me in such high regard but it's not deserved, there are plenty of great folks at the SO now who can do the job as well if not better than I if allowed, PROMISE !!! Darwin is coooouuuuuntry, NO DOUBT!!! His first night working with me as he was in the car with me as well we had a guy breaking into a parking meter but he didn't recognize it simply because he had not seen that before...he thought I was as crazy as a bed bug when I turned off on a side street and got out of the car to sneak up on this guy early in the AM but we got him. Darwin then looked at me and asked," people REALLY do that!?". Yep, it's about exposure...he taught me a great number of things as well as I had not been exposed to them at that time. Jam up cop !!! His thoughts are truelly worth the read and yes you are pretty much on target Darwin with the thoughts on professionalism and so on...hope you didn't mind that example but I thought it would be good for others to see that us law dogs learn also and that simply because we don't know doesn't change the way things are. (Maybe at the next meet & greet I'll tell folks how you hitched a ride to me in that footchase...reeeeeememmmmmber ? <_< )

  8. Haztech, Thanx 4 the BOLO. I went to the old publix and it was clear of any grafitti but the painted wall appeared fresh also. Then I went to the plaza in Dallas and I could see some cover ups had been done but could not find anything else except for some profanity that had been covered up for the most part...then I went home and straight to the PC to tell ya. Sorry I couldn't verify anything "yet" but keep on keepin' those eyes peeled...not to say what you saw was not there, but I might have checked the wrong places so who knows ;) but I'll be happy to talk to you about if you would like. And Darwin...those stories ARE true ( you know it as well as I my friend !!!! :rolleyes:

  9. Chief...AMEN SIR!!! Sub....No harm done and a mutual understanding made, WE BOTH LOVE OUR COUNTY and take deep PRIDE in our SO and only want the BEST for those at the SO! :D Peace love and sooooooouuuuul.....train (Don Cornealious- Soul Train Host)

  10. Sub, you said your peace and I've said mine...by the way, I don't arrest folks for disareeing with my tone (thats not a crime). As far as buddying up because I'm a cop, huh? I've not expected that if thats what you believe. As I stated before I found those comments to be an attack on modern law enforcement and I did not insult the SO but stated what was told to me from someone in "OUR" SO and I intended it to reflect small thinking in an ever changing county. If you want to perceive insult then fine, perceive insult...like you said it's America. But I do believe you have taken my original post way out of context of its intent to educate and not ridicule. By the way I loved it here, just not the way certain vital things where done to include the continual lack of pay that I did not see any effort in truelly being brought up to par. as far as apocaliptic ok if you think I am thats fine also, vacation? Just got back. My mother, sister, etc. knows a cop, doesn't mean they know how it works though...AMEN Dunwithit2, very much correct !!! Ok, just noticed you edited a post that most of this addressed but I'll leave it for you Sub so that you know my stance as I saw yours..

  11. By the way Chief...thanks for the Kudos and no I don't mind the general public knowing that about my dog (she's a sweet heart with a nice bite when called for ;) )...as you said you have got to be thick skinned and maybe getting on this thing after my shift isn't the wisest thing to do but folks there are some things that I feel are just the right thing to do...and I have to do the right thing as I feel they are when the time comes to do them (nice combonation of 10 years law enforcement, 4 years Marine Corps, and being raised as a preachers kid I guess...did I mention that I married a ministers daughter :D ). I'm very passionate about certain things and law enforcement and the right treatment of officers/Deputies is one of them....

  12. Hey Sub...Have you not read any of my post saying that the reason that I don't identify myself is for the protection of my friends at PCSO ?! My comment refering to PAWLDIN was in ref. to what 1 top brass administrator said to me and that is the way he said it. He said it apparently because officer safety was something that he had not updated himself on in a number of years I feel. Out of respect I have not named him and my comment was not a slap in the face of these Deputies...CLEAR?! What kind of big city cop behavior are you refering too? What you see on TV or what?Got a news flash for you...STATE LAW applies everywhere in the state and Paulding should not be excluded this aint Mayberry buddy. I find your post just a little on the offensive side and take it as an attack on modern day law enforcement techniques and further gather that you just assume live in the dark ages despite what is coming to OUR county. My big city cop behavior has comforted the public and righted many a wrong not to mention saved lives thankyou very much!!! At least you agree that they need a pay increase...I'm sure that Chief Ball is pleased that you appologized to him for coming off as you said a butt towards me but the same courtesy might be extended towards the reciepiant (that would be me) of such quick judgement...returning to civil K-9 folks, just had to reply...sorry for the interuption but I will not be insulted without returning a salvo in my defense. You may return to you regularlly schedualed programing... <_<

  13. hjmssqueker, dude...good for your mom! That's dangerous to even want to get out and see the "action" as you call it. That is an escaped prisoner and if you happen to be there when the moment of capture is on then you never know when it turns from a spectator sport for you to now I have a hostage for HIM. That can cause you to loose your life or one of these Deputies out here bustin' theirs to save yours. Give it some time then if you still wanna be in the thick of it get an application but stay out of the way otherwise...you may not intend harm but your getting in the way otherwise ;) and good job PCSO...you can run, you'll go to jail tired. You can hide, our dogs will find you. You can plea "not guilty", but YOU ARE!!! :D :lol: :D :lol: GET-R-DONE!!!!!

  14. To have a county P.D. is a duplication of services and is forbidden now by an act of GA legislation back a few years ago unless the agencies already exist. A Sheriff of a county is the ultimate law enforcement within their county and is deputised to enforce the law of the land thru out the STATE. They can and SHOULD write traffic violations without hinderence but deepending upon what the Sheriff of whatever county says is what goes with the troops. The Sheriff is also an elected office where the Chief of a police dept. is hired by that jurisdiction and can only resign/be terminated but not be voted out. The Sheriff of any county is ultimatly responsibile for every prisoner in custody also in their respective county. You have 2 types of Sheriffs Office in our state...full service and not full service. Examples of a full service S.O. are Paulding, Douglas, Bartow, etc.. They handle all law enforcement duties in their county just like a police dept.. Examples of agencies that are not full service are places like Fulton, Dekalb, Cobb, Gwinett, Henry, Clayton, etc.. These agencies have a county P.D. to supplement the law enforcement in their county. What Qtee was refering too here was that when a Deputy in this county fills out a traffic citation in this county they also have to write a report for minor things to justify it (which is not done anywhere else that I know of except MARTA Police Dept.) but does nothing but deter enforcement. I have seen Deputies get their ticket books taken away in this county by the current administration for writing to many in their opinion (huh?!).Those that are sworn Peace Officers under the Sheriff are his Deputies and these Deputies out here are paid SQUAT !!! I took the pay cut to come work here from another agency because I thought I could contribute to my new community after I moved in and I tried but was told several times this aint so &so and we don't do things like that in PAWLDIN' County... Go figure !!! So...I moved on so the migrane headaches would stop and I could feed my family, pay my bills, etc. and when I left I instantly started off at the bottom entry level salary as the rookie who had never policed before at approx. $10,000 more per year...figured out why you have a high turnover rate in this county yet ?! The Deputies you have here are trully loyal to the citizens of Paulding but they have to eat and provide for families also...I know one Deputy who was delivering pizzas for Dominos Pizza for a while!!! That is pathetic!!!! And I refuse to work for those who care that little about me and my family but I really thought this would change...I was wrong. So, I like so many others have moved on...I hope it changes but each and every one of you must be the ones to make that change with first your vote on July 20th to have the same good ole boy administration in the P.C.S.O. or change it to a proven proactive leader like Deputy Chief Ken Ball. And if you go with Chief Ball who is best going to back him and give him the things that he needs in your county government. The decisions are yours to make but please, please, please,...do something because this ship of a county is starting to take on water in my opinion...the alarm needs to be sounded to either start purging water and patch the hole(s) or break out the life rafts and abbandon ship. I'm only a cop but I'm just telling you what I see or have seen. I hope I answered some questions...Chief, Looking forward to seeing you wear brown and tan!!!! ;)

  15. Right on haztech...it's a challenge to the other gang and is expected to be retaliated upon in some form or fashion in time. Folks, if you see anything at all to include just nicknames...you might be looking at a roster or whats called a rollcall so do as haztech advised...have a report made and they "should" take pictures to document but take 1 or 2 yourself if they don't...they themselves may not realise what they are looking at either, just a thought. Talk to yall in about a week and be safe...!!! :rolleyes:

  16. Publisher...in response to your question if these incidents occured in Paulding, the answer is no. I appologise for I should have been specific and hope I didn' t lead anyone to believe that had happened here (yet)....those incidents where brought up to say that I have delt with these types of tragedies before where folks did not listen to what us cops had said before. Those incidents (in the late 90's happened) inside Fulton county south of I-20 is all I can say in order to keep my identity somewhat a mystery so friends of mine at the PCSO are not the victims of administrative backlash...hope you all understand ? As far as confirming gang memberships in the county, I can not do as I don't work here anymore and that there is a point system to gang membership confirmation that is used within the state of Georgia and nationwide thru out the law enforecment community but I,m convinced that they do exist do to a list of incidents I've already listed in this thread. Gang investigations are also very tricky because you very easily could get into RICO statutes as there are many gangs tied up in the Fedral courts now such as 18 st. Sorry that I can not be of further assistance with that but as a police officer I have to adhear to other rules from a professional standpoint that could border on obstruction as I have no business conducting investigations in Paulding especially since PCSO has there own Gang Investigator (Harry McGarvey)...maybe he can help you with further ? Everyone be safe and I'll be back in a week or so as I'm going out of town...!!! :D

  17. I appreciate it typefast...elected office isn't for me though. I am supporting Ken Ball for the office of Sheriff of Paulding county and that's about as far as my politics takes me. I will say that there are a number of officers that I personally know that are just waiting to see what happens June 20th as that will be the primary and the decideing day for the next 4 years for the county SO. I also know that some believe my post in this thread to be politicaly motivated...well, Ive got a daughter thats 8 and when she's 16 I don't want her to be in the enviroment that I'm raising holy hell about because I know it's here and see more coming this way as long as we keep our blinders on. If the present administration would do something about regardless of the election outcome then fine...but I live here with a family and for those people to tell me that I'm wrong given my knowledge and background (and I'm no professional as in being an instructor)...well, it just burns me up!!! I wouldn't tell a programer how to do a program on a computer...don't tell me that there aren't GANGS in Paulding County...I've identified gang memers for a living!!! :angry:

  18. I wish While I was up here I had taken a pictureof some FOLK grafitti over in the area of the park in Yorkville by firestation 7 (about 3 years ago). It was FOLK, no doubt because it was a coded message that I had to look up the FOLK alphabet to decipher it...they did pretty good just being wannabes. I'm just wondering where they learned the alphabet if it wasn't from the "Book of Knowledge" as it is called that which holds history and knowledge of the gang...prob. from some other wannabes. Like the guy who lives but 2 miles from there that I interviewed on the roadside during a traffic stop who had moved in from Clayton county just months prior and who had a FOLK tattoo on him and finally admitted that he was now a "non-active"member with the rank of LT. in the FOLK nation. Maybe it was the 3 highschool age kids that had been with him that night since he was in his mid 20's and now non-active member...who knows, I KNOW that gangs are here though and I suspect that their ranks are swelling 1 person (child/adult) at a time...most people don't know they have cancer until a doctor tells them. If a 10 police officer from inside the perimeter (both before and after my stint with PCSO) thats a certified gang investigator can't tell you that you have a cancer here, then live without acknowledging it...it will manifest itself to you eventually and it will be harder to treat then than it would be now. Going out of town for a week...be safe to all !!! ;)

  19. OK people...when we get to Hwy 278 coming southbound on Hwy 92 a small word of advise. Do not pass the rest of us waiting to turn east on 278 by using the oncoming lane of traffic and then the gore of the road. Nor does everybody coming 278 west bound need to jam yourself under the red light in front of the Pet Smart...you have run the red light and kudos to those who don't!!! Great job for the city of Hiram for keeping enough officers on the street to handle the increased congestion and ensuring the these violations are not all to common....oh, yall aren't...OK, well then...forget the kudos and catch up and get more officers out there per shift to handle the increased population influx especially during your peak hours of high call volume/violation times!!!

  20. Right on Rebel girl...preach sister preach!!! If you don't see the gang activity now and refuse to acknowledge it when people who are TRAINED in its recognition tell you that its here, then I'm not addressing these posts to you...you REFUSE to hear otherwise and there is nothing that I can say to change your mind. I'll just have to pick up a little more slack as will the rest of us who believe...thats OK, I do it now anyway, I come into parents homes and raise their children (sometimes the parents themselves), I've informed them that their son was dead as a result of him attempting an armed robbery and watched his name go up in spray paint along with others before, those folks didn't believe either, I've held a man in my arms after being stabbed 5 times with a collapsed lung as he gasped for air, it's not like I haven't delt with those who didn't listen before for the past 10 years. The only thing that gets to me is that these folks are usually (not always) victims sometime or another and then it maybe to late. But duck your heads in the sand, hopefully it will all pass you by. But then again it might just move in next door, don't worry...their just playing their music a little to loud, no harm intended. And that loud popping noise you heard in the middle of the night wasn't gunshots from a rival "wannabe" who wants to muscle in on their drug trafficking or just whatever...but if you are going to keep your head in the sand do us a favor...don't ask me in 5 to 10 years where was I when you needed my help, because I'll tell you flat out that I was on Paulding.com preaching until I was blue in the face but that YOU wouldn't listen!!! Nope, we are not LA, Chicago, NYNY, or even Atlanta...but it IS trickeling in little by little. Grafitti has been put up in this county and it's been taken right down...but it didn't go away. Oh, by the way folks...found out yesterday from a "PCSO Deputy" who's a friend of mine that we also have some Surenos 13 in and among us now. Isn't that just great...just one big melting pot we are....uhmmmm hum!!! Don't worry though only one is 16-17 and he should soon be out of the school system as quick as he came...his brother is already in his 20's so thats not a problem either. I think they really like it here, they told my buddy that it was nice and quiet and that nobody messes with them so they are prob. going to stay...they might even tell some of their homies about how nice our county is when they come visit on the weekends and get a few more to move in, won't that be grand ?! I think so too, just grand!!!

  21. Qtee...Good Observation my friend. The gesture that you are refering too is used as a "W" and is said to represent Westside by these thugs....however is primarily used to represent a 3 prong pitch fork that is a symbol of the FOLK Nation. A member will usually perform this sign with the right hand ethier sideways or straight up towards the sky showing good favor...if it is cast in a downward position then they are showing disrespect towards the FOLK nation. Good Eye !!!

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