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K-9 Cop

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Posts posted by K-9 Cop

  1. I have to a agree with the town hall meetings...I would like to know if Sheriff Harris would allow his Gang Investigator to be present to educate those with concerns (he does have 1).


    Are the School Resource Officers also trained Gang Investigators (my opinion they should as schools are the No.1 recruitement location...thats a proven fact!!!) and why not have them attend PTA meetings so that they can keep parents up to date on things to look for or speak with them about a matter in confidence ? As far as training SRO's...I'm not talking about a little 'ole 4 hour block of instruction...I did a week at that Gang Investigators course and it was barely enough, in fact...it just scraped the surface !!! Are the SRO's allowed to follow up those investigations if launched and are they allowed to do their DUTY without browbeating or otherwise....


    Hummmm? My point is this, this system is not working...look at the number of views per post, people are concerned but the need professionals educating them on their concerns and that does'nt appear to happen. You have cops out here who are told to NOT do somethings and encouraged to do others (watch those subdivisions at night...that builder called again today about all the stuff they left out and that got stolen...stop those bobcats at night on trucks but don't you dare write so and so because he know's so and so...BEEN HERE, HEARD IT, SAW IT, MADE TO DO IT, AND MOVED ON TO A MUCH BETTER PAYCHECK WHERE I'M TOLD TO DO MY DUTY!!!!!).


    I just feel sorry for some of these guys out here...they really want to help you but just don't have the numbers or the backing... Chief Ball, I really look forward to seeing the changes that we've discussed before. This county will only benefit from your election!!!! July 20th people, remember to vote for positive, progressive change !!!

  2. Oh, I forgot to mention...some of the training material they used in Forsyth (the state training facility) when I took the course came right out of little 'ole Paulding county with all it's Mayberry charm...infact, alot of material they used came out of rural Georgia as well as elsewhere across the state and country. It was really neat that all these wannabes just happen to use the same alphabets, codes, language, identifiers, etc. as those real ones in LA, Chicago, New York, Dallas, and so on... <_<

  3. Kitchenkeepsake, thankyou for your sound support on the term gonnabe! And Deputy Chief Ball, you sir are absolutely CORRECT !!! Gangs are here and real.


    Now, Chemi...I don't know what background you are speaking from but I'm guessing that it is nowhere even remotely close to law enforcement. Not trying to be rude but you have not the slightest idea on just how bad the situation is within the state, metro area, or this county.


    If you missed my post from the thread that this came from then I'll say again...I'm a street cop of 10 years and a state certified gang investigator. We have "criminal street gangs" in Paulding county...I personally have met some of these people!


    Elected officials do NOT like to admit that their communities have "gangs" because it puts a black eye on their community so its not them who say they are around. It's people like ME who argue the fact that they are around and are told by elected officials to shut up even though they have no idea as to what they are talking about.


    The state of Georgia did enact the "Georgia Street Gangs Act of 1998" and is very specific about what is and what is not a gang or member...Title 16-15-3.(1) 'Criminal street gang' means any organization, association, or group of three or more persons associated in fact, whether formal or informal, engages in a pattern of criminal gang activity as defined in subsection (2) of this Code section.


    The existence of such organization, association, or group of individuals associated in fact may be established by evidence of a common name or common identifying signs, symbols, tattoos, graffiti, or attire or other distinguishing characteristics..


    Gangs do not try to go after the general public per say but are more interested in the enterprise that they are in, be it narcotics, robberies, auto thefts, etc.. They are very complex and weave intricate webs of association and affiliation to other groups and individuals.


    The FOLK nation DOES have at the very least a foothold in this county. I have seen their graffiti and I remember 1 20 something year old man that I met out here who admitted that he was a LT. in the Folk nation and had moved in from Clayton County (this was about 3 or 4 years ago). He had 3 teens in his car of high school age that lived at that time on the west side of the county. I saw Folk nation graffitti in a park in Yorkville, on the side of the stake house in Yorkville, on street signs in Dalllas, on kids school notebooks all over this county.


    People move in from all over the metro area into this county, do you honestly believe that they did not bring their influence and criminal activities with them.


    Nothing gets put out as gang related unless it is confirmed as gang activity...but if the law enforcement does not acknowledge that the activity even is here then how is anyone to know? Gangs do not opperate like we think of in LA in the movie colors in this area because they are not in LA.


    Enviroment determines destiny and the less attention they have brought to them then the better buisness is. There is no such thing as a wannabe but instead a gonna be. There is no card that they get when they join and there are different degrees of membership.


    There are different types and their affiliations can be vast or non existant...it all depends. So to say that gangs don't exist in this county I find to be awfully presumtive if one compares gangs to Alfalfa, Darla, and the rest of that crew.


    Within the Metro area alone we have Folks, Crips, Surenos 13, West Side Via Locos, Vatos Locos, Tiny Vatos Locos, 18th ST Gang, 10-10, Mara Salvatrocia, La Eme, Diablos, Norteno 14, Black Ganster Disciples, Bloods, Latin Kings, just to name a few...do you REALLY believe they are not some of the people who have swollen the ranks of this county.


    Do you really believe that these people have not begun their own operations in this county for whatever criminal enterprise be it the drug trade or auto thefts or whatever.


    Do you REALLY believe that they don't come here at all to perpetuate crimes from other near by counties (Fulton, Clayton, Cobb, Cherokee, etc.). If you do, then there is nothing that I can show you or say that will change your mind...but if you're not sure....I personally will speak to anyone I can as time permits at a meet and greet for Ken Ball at the K-mart shopping center as soon as we have a date and time.


    I'll even bring some of the things that I have personally seized out of kids rooms by consent of their parents.


    Excellent basic reading material to help identify and understand street gangs that I can suggest is : GANGS by Al Valdez A Guide to understanding street gangs published by LawTech Publishing Co., Ltd.. I'm sure it can be ordered from most book stores.


    I also believe that Blockbuster video rental use to (not sure if they do now) allow a free rental of a basic gang awareness video for parents...corporate offices could probably tell you.


    And Qtee, FOLK does also refer to Followers of our lord king Shorty (ref. to a co founder who was shot in Chicago), Forever Our Love Killing Slobs (ref. to the murder of gang members under the Peoples Nation).


    As far as the photo in the program with athletes stacking(showing gang signs), I will be more than happy to set up with anyone including Any investigator, Assistant District Attorney, School board member, anything that I can help identify or do to point them to some of the PROS. (State and Nationally recognized experts) then I will be more than happy to do so.


    Ducking our heads in the sand will not make it go away and it will only get worse...look at Gwinnett Co...20 years ago I bet they said and thought the same way, in 1995 the (past) Chief of Police for the city of Atlanta advised they had no gangs in Atlanta...riiiiiiiight, and the problem continued and the housing projects (Techwood Homes and others) shut down for the 1996 Olympic Games and those people moved out further and further of the city...where do we think they went, huh !? Not to mention their influence that they carry on impressionable boys and girls, black and white.


    I hope those who doubt see the light, I really really do, for the sake of our county please understand that this is a complex matter that is IN Paulding and will continue to grow as time goes on unless we intervene in the recruitment of our children but to do so you must 1st have a belief in the threat. :(

  4. Just got back in town the other day and I couldn't stand it anymore. Publisher, not trying to be rude here but you are dead wrong on gangs. I know...I know, here comes K-9 with his P.D. wisdom. Sorry folks, I'm also a state certfied gang investigator...yeah, you do have gangs in this community. They don't look like they popped out of the movie "Colors" anymore normally. Gangsters are more discreate in todays world and use subtle methods of identifying ones affiliation, colors maybe from time to time but normally not. When it comes to criminal street gangs you have 3 types. 2 of them fall under nations. 1st is the FOLK nation and include many various other gangs that fall under this family (Folks, Crips, La Raza, and so on). Then you have the PEOPLES nation and they also have a vast number of gangs that fall under ther family tree (Bloods, Latin Kings, 18th St. Gang, and again so on and on). Then you have HYBRID gangs that just spring up and are in neither of the other two nations, they'll usually call thier gang a club, clique, or something along those lines. They normally like to end the name of their group with that urban feel like Boyz, Crew, Posse, Clique, Mob, etc. (such as "The Kennesaw Boyz" or "Academy Dr. Posse"). I was taught that schools are the #1 recruiting area for gang membership prospects and have found this to be true. Kids will normally join gangs for the sense of family that our busy society has moved away from with increased stress put on the family for 2 incomes. There is no such thing as a wanna-be, none, ziltch, notta. Everybody, right now...wipe that phrase from your thought process about gangs. You can replace that phrase with GONNA- BE'S...these are the kids that aren't yet full members but they do associate with the more inner circle of gangsters and are heading down that road. They are what we call,"fringe members" because they are on that outer ring of the circle. Listen to the music your kids listen to and watch the videos they watch on MTV or VH1 sometime...those cool little hand gestures those millioniares are doing often times are gang signs that are called stacking...listen to the words,"King Killa" is a reference to murder of Latin Kings and the PEOPLES nation...there for the person singing them in all probability is a FOLK nation member. Look at your kids school/note books...6 pointed stars (star of David), the #6, upright pitchforks,Eight Ball, Play Boy Bunny head turned or facing to the left, Devils horns, even hearts(to name a few) are all signs of the FOLK nation. I'm not trying to cause hysteria but I'm telling you...they are here! I found 2 guys (seperate incidents) with FOLK tattoos on them when I worked up here a few years ago...Ladies and Gentelmen, these guys were in their 20's and not students. You don't get ink done on you with gang affiliation unless you are whats considered a hard core member...and these guys live here! Parents, believe your kids if they tell you they do know of gang members in their schools...I can't say it enough! Wanna-be's...NO SUCH THING, GONNA BE'S, GONNA BE'S, GONNA BE's, I can't stress that enough !!!

  5. Just wanted to tell yall who went that I had a GREAT time getting to put some more faces to names. Sorry that I was late and MUDDY but duty calls and I'm really sorry that I couldn't stay longer but I had to get my dog home ETC.. She had a hard day and needed to get to the house. I had a blast and it was really nice to see those I already new and some I didn't (Gem man 86, Eddie Bennett, Lenny Carr, ETC.). Webby, thanks for the gift...I turned out giving it to my daughter who instantly didn't mind me being late getting home and got a great big hug for it in return !!! Lenny, I hope that was a winning ticket for you. Randy and Teresa, THANKYOU SO MUCH for again hosting us...you really are trend setters in our county and it's just great that yall have welcomed so many groups into your wonderful place. I always feel so at home in there and can't brag on yall enough !!!!! Props, Kudos, Word Up, Fa Shizzel, Yada, Yada, Yada,.... :lol:

  6. Eddie, you're right my friend...but you should have seen me hanging upside down there. I was laughing so hard after that...my beat partner from then and I still laugh about it to this day and that was about 6 years ago !!! By the way, my character isn't that great...but I appreciate the compliment. At least I'll tell on myself as well as everybody else :D

  7. Gem Man, no offense taken...not at all. Like I said, not making excuses for anyone. Just informing...we're straight. And do be vigilant, please...you never know what you might see. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help in your decision making process one way or the other. It's a carrer that has given me alot good and bad...so holla back youngen'! And Q...you are right we are tough on our own as we should be. I've said it before, I don't need or want a power junkie, or crooked partner...and if you are crooked, I'll do what I can to get you where ever else you need to be except in uniform toting around a badge that is a symbol of public trust, you betcha!!! Gem, really...the offer is lagite(s/p) ;)

  8. Watch a grown man jump out of a car when the thing is moving 30-35mph at the conclusion of a car chase and watch him yell at you because you watched him take about 6 or 7 overenders and laughed. watch two drunks who can barely stand up let alone walk, try and spit on each other repeatedly. Watch the perp run from you jump into an unfamilier fenced in backyard along with 3 or 4 cops in pursuit in the middle of the night and he be the only one to not get back over the fence when the dog woke up and didn't like all the uninvited guests. Watch the officer who got out of his car in the middle of a downpour to remove a trashcan from the middle of the street only to return and find that some gremlin locked his door and he doesn't have a spare key. Watch the burglar who dropped into the store from the ceiling get discovered only not to let you in to effect the arrest until a store owner arrives and tells you that he knows breakfast isn't for a couple more hours and eats candy bars and tells you thru the crack in the door,"I'm going to jail anyway" as he sits down in front of you just inside. I hope you laugh for hours... :lol:Watch the author of this post chase 2 stolen car perps on foot, go over a 6 foot fence head first, and get hung upside down at the gun belt only to watch his baton, cuffs, flashlight, all fall onto the ground and his brother officers push him at the thighs causing gravity to take over and laugh hysterically at him the entire time (it's ok, I can laugh about it now)...enjoy!!!!

  9. Blind Pig ( I agree wiyh Subdivider by the way...GREAT NAME!!!) You have been right on target my friend. Traveler, glad to hear it and thanks...most career Marine's do 20 and 20 ( thats 20 years in and 20 min.'s to pack and be gone for those who don't know :D ) so you got yourself the cream of the crop it sounds like!!! Scoutfinch..I detect that you have been Hannidized, thanks for the compliment. It also means alot, really! And Eddie....Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,...you my friend don't ever need to let me in front of the line of you. I'll stand beside you anyday though...people who serve don't want to be privilaged, just remembered...people forget, we shouldn't, it's our future as well as our past.

  10. Gem Man...not making excuses for other officers as I don't know the paticulars of each senario however there "could" be a number of reasons for these perceived (because we don't know the nature of that officers buisness at the time) infractions. When you go to a call that has the potential of violence or possible violence occuring you are not always permitted to run lights and siren. In fact more times than not you are not. To many people like to try and sue the state, county, city, whatever (it's called the deep pocket theory) for allegedly causing so and so to run off the road or whatever. Many times every body just stops in the road, slams on breaks as they are in front of you, whatever...and it slows us officers down. People think they are supposed to just stop or pull over to whatever side of the road, and man what a nightmare. Folks just won't yeild to the right when safe to do so as required. There are times within an officers discretion that we are ALLOWED by STATE LAW to be EXEMPT from certain traffic laws as long as we practice what is refered to as DUE REGARD in the eyes of the criminal and civil courts. I certainly do not wish to announce my coming into an area that a fleeing felon has just fled into so that he will continue to run away from us. I actually had a guy tell a judge in court that my case should be dismissed against him as I did not use my lights and siren as I came into an area thus allowing me to catch him easier than the alternitive...(I know, sounds ridiculas...but he did!!! :D ) This man had just jumped out of a car that another officer had stopped on a normal traffic violation. What we found out the next day was this car had not at that time been reported stolen as it was stolen in a car jacking at gun point just hours prior in a neighboring jurisdiction. Oh yeah, the car still had the gun inside of it and the victim identified the man who fled as the offender. My point being just because you don't know why, doesn't mean that we can't, not saying that it's always warrented...thats for the officer, supervisors, and the nature of the call to decide. I'm not trying to defend others here because abuses do take place, but these officers don't last in this job for long. People with power trips are not welcome in this profession and I'll tell any cop out there I don't need nor want you with me if POWER is your poison. I wouldn't try to point out mistakes though on professors Trigonometry formula because thats something I don't do...why cops do things sometimes (again, not all)that others question is because we DO know what we are doing and what we are dealing with at that given time. Not a defense...but just a thought, I can't tell people along the way that I'm going to a robbery in progress and the clerk might be held at gun point just 2,3, or even 5 blocks away. Not prudent nor safe. Some folks seem to think that we just love to jerk the general publics chain. I LOVE to snatch up a BAD GUY/GIRL though, YES SIR !!! No apologies for that at all! I just have to get there to find them first and for that I have to get there in as quick a manner as I can safely (again, DUE REGARD) By the way not a good idea to try and pace an officer...if he is enroute to a call, gets cancelled along the way for whatever reason, then your FAIR GAME and all he/she has to do is allow you to pass by pulling over and then get in behind you. Your Honor, I was cancelled from a silent alarm call when I observed the defendent in my rear view mirror keeping the pace of 70 mph in a 45 mph zone as I had been travelling to the call for a mile and a half, I pulled to the shoulder of the road to allow him to pass and then activated my lights and siren to make the stop...doesn't look good at all. Officers are judged in accordance to what would a prudent OFFICER would do, not what a prudent person would do..we are not any better but are judged by different standards and are allowed leeway because it's our job, not because we are on some kind of "we can kick".Got a little long winded on that one, sorry folks. Just putting it out there for you...it's not TV or the movies.

  11. Being a leader has always carried a heavy price...nothing in this world is free, especially FREEDOM. Osama will be found and his followers will fall. Another will rise in his place and we will continue to have to do then as we do now. I was only a Marine and not a policy maker but I do believe the policy now to be right and just. Americans will always pay a heavy price but the rewards of our society have always cost heavily...thats just the way it is. Bringing home troops will not cause our enemies to keep at bay...just a thaught. Again, thanks to all past, present, and future fighters of FREEDOM (regardless of which side of the fence you stand in this topic).

  12. With much respect to all veterans of all conflicts and peace time forces I will give my opinion but 1st my background for my opinion. I am a veteran (1989-1993) of The United States Marine Corps and am a veteran of both Operation Desert Shield/Storm and was a tank crewman while I was in with 2nd Platoon B Company 2nd Tank Battalion 2nd Marine Division out of Camp Lejeune NC (Tank# Bravo 2-2). We suffered 3 WIA and only 1 KIA (not bad odds considering we were expecting 50% casualty rate from Saddams Musturd gas, Nerve agents, Anthrax, and troops. We didn't like the idea of the U.N. Coalition as it proposed so many additional problems. 1 problem that we had was that we had orders to fire on Syrian tankcrews if there gun turrents began to even look as if they were halfway being pointed in our direction due to their Muslim allegiance with Iraq and if they felt we were to hard on their Islamic brothers and they were our allies, several towns that we moved through had to 1st be entered by Islamic forces after we cleared the way for them during the ground invasion for perception purposes ?! These are just a few...but when we were ordered to stop all combat operations we were floored as we KNEW then the mission was not complete until the Iraqi forces were inflicted with as much destructive power as we could bring to bare. But they were allowed to gather numerous assets and get them back into Iraq to further wage war against their own population (IE the Kurds) and what we did was create a no fly zone that Saddam and his troops continued to violate until our ivasion of his country. He did fire on our pilots enforcing the no-fly zone at least once a week for over a decade. Policy did not work on him for what, 12 years ? Saddam said that he would not invade Kuwait in 1990 but did. Saddam said he had no WMD's after we left the 1st time but continued to play games with UN inspectors that did find some evidence of his WMD program during that time after our departure from combat operations. He supported the anti-American air in the region which fuels terrorist organisations and I have no doubt in my mind that he was working on a WMD program. Just because they have not been found does not mean that they weren't/aren't there. These young men and woman have taken the fight to them as opposed to the fight RETURNING to our shores and I don't believe any 1 of our lost Amercan lives have been in vain. The Red stripes on our National flag represents the spilled blood of our fighting forces for the past 228 years that was spilled in the name of freedom. Vietnam was a war fought with polititians limiting our forces and as a result public opposition from what was truelly lives lost as a result of people calling shots that had no business calling them. I don't percieve the war on terrorism as even remotely the same. We were attacked and as President Bush advised, You're with us or against us. Saddam was not with us and UN policy was just something for him to continue to thumb his nose at...plain and simple. I am scared to death of another 9/11 type of attack occuring as I do work inside of the perimeter and will most assuredly have to contend with the danger if it did occur in that area. What gives me some degree of calm is that the fight is being taken to them there with the full power of our military might ! Civilian law enforcement can not contend with this alone on our shores. The UN is a joke (look at Somalia and a variety of other limited military engagements they have been involved in this past decade) I hope I have not offeneded because it has not been my intent. I thank all who served epecially the combat veterans and do not believe my conflict to even compare in hardship as those before me. But I have had rounds fired at me and have fired back and do believe that we must have our fighting forces in harms way at this time because harm is always near in our post cold war world. 3000 Americans would prob. agree with me if they had not been killed in 2001 in our own country without provocation. North Korea is managed with policy for now, Iraq...policy never worked at all. Semper Fidelis and as the late Todd Beamer said,"LET'S ROLL"!!! To any family or loved one of a service member, tell them we love them, we thank them, and pray for thier safe return. For those lost, may God bless you, keep you, and give you peace, a gratefull nation will always remeber their ultimate sacrifice. My daughter will grow up to know what was given for her freedom to live as she does in our great nation...Q, thankyou for your service and welcome home. To your friend...I hope that God eases your pain and that his son be rewarded in heaven for for his fight for right here on earth.

  13. Q, if you are refering to 1 of the 3 K-9 officers for PCSO then yes. You have Lt. Gary Guledge, Sgt. Todd Brown, and Deputy John Ritch. I do know all three and what a great group. We in this county are very fortunate to have them. All have a great sense of humor. That John ritch will fool you, get him laughing hard enough and he'll need some of that therapy you offer (it's contagiouse around him). Gary is a really good man, lots of people just don't know how good he is. And Todd...whew, when he gets ya going your stomach will hurt and so will your head from the lack of oxygen!!! Can't say enough about them...I miss them alot, let them know somebody out there really thinks the world of all 3 of them... ;)

  14. Pcnative...thanks alot, high compliment indeed, good thought on the salaries, they are, well...they are what they are.....and DARWIN, thanks bro...nice to see a fellow brother still maintaining (I think I know you....) by the way South Fulton Hospital twice and Grady Hospital 1 time for me :D glad to hear your still in the game ;) I hope that I've clarified my feelings in my posts but if not here I go: I am for EVERY DEPUTY AND SUPERVISOR AT PCSO!!! I have NO ILL WILL towards our SHERIFF, my critiques are strictly on a PROFESSIONAL basis not personal. I know Sheriff Harris and really like him personally but PROFESSIONALEY I believe we can do BETTER and am supporting KEN BALL FOR SHERIFF (Primary is July 20). I think thats about as simple as I can make it...

  15. No German but my mother immigrated from Denmark in her 30's and all my family on her side is still there..mostly Copenhagen. So I guess I'm your next door half neighbor (my German Shepherd is from Chechoslavokia if that counts for anything) :unsure:

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