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K-9 Cop

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Posts posted by K-9 Cop

  1. Sorry that I have been absent recently but I have been tied up and so has the computer (the thing is choking worse than a lawnmower on wet foot tall grass ;) ). I must agree with Southfire and I'm not a gun nut either...I've got a few but thats it. Any ole hooter...I would like the option if I so decided to own an assault rifle if I desire for what ever legal and safe purposes I see fit...who is anyone to say that I shouldn't especially the Feds <_< . As far as criminals having more access is a farce...they get the guns they want anyway without the Fed. required background check. A well armed society is nothing but a deterant for those in our society that decide not to play by the rules plain and simple in my humble opinion...from another cops point of view.

  2. Actually, I had to pry one guy off of me. Can't blame him, who wouldn't want a piece of the 7.

    Dude...I'm with Bubba....That's HYSTERICAL :lol: :lol: BLAAAAAH!!!! :lol: :lol: In this county I'm surprised you didn't get the crap kicked out of ya...Good luck on finding her man. My wife and I were playmates as children, were seperated for about 15 years, crossed paths and the jig was up...got hitched and wished we could afford to move to Beverly (Hills that is...swimming pools, movie stars, etc.). Man I'm still ROOOOOOLLIN...your right Bubba, that IS good stuff :D :lol:

  3. Welcome home Chief...Cheena says, "Waz uuuuuuuup..." I gotta teach that dog some manners <_< . Glad your home...sorry 'bout the specks but good to hear that young man will be able to give you more worry though in the neighborhood going down hills without brakes...at least it wasn't your trunks :blink: ...it can always be worse, Fa Shizzel :D :lol: :D :lol: Peace out ;)

  4. Thankyou all for your prayers and words of encouragement, really...thanks alot.

    jmt&babyg you are correct as far as my service. Chevyman....thanks dude! I go back to work tonight after a night off and will try to find out how they both are doing, thanks again for your thoughts and prayers for these 2 guys. Anwtew...I look for signs too and that sounds like it was a great one!

  5. Thanks for the words and prayers guys/gals...don't worry 'bout me as this isn't about me as yall know...I did nothing. Penn very possibly saved my life and I guess that is why this one just kinda got to me...I was infront of the hotel who's property backs up to the parking lot area that this occured...if that guy had run up on me who knows what would have happened as I was doing my thing...but then again...what if I could have helped to prevent it...I know I couldn't have known...but I just figure that prayer and asking all to do the same is ultimately what I can do for both these guys...thats all, not trying to sound like some sort of saint or something....just sometimes people hear about something thats happened to somebody else but its difficult to imagine what was going on the scene or in their mind. I wanted all to feel just a portion for what these 2 went through for us and realize that you can ask for Gods grace for people but without FEELING a bit of thier pain...it's sometimes difficult to really know what we're asking for these folks...I'm sure thier families as well as they are gratefull for your prayers ;)

    ***I wasn't the only 1 there...just 1 of...thats all.

  6. This does not really impact Paulding but it does society and this officer. As some of you know a Clayton County Police Officer was shot in the face at approximately 1 AM the night of July 28th inside Riverwalk Apt.'s. I was right around the corner finishing a traffic stop on a street that runs parallel and had heard the shots but did not know what had happened nor where as the echo off of buildings makes it hard to distinguish direction until my dispatcher advised that CCPD was asking for help in that complex. I held the officers hand and talked with him until an ambulance could get there once I arrived (as other officers were also arriving). I did not ask him what had happened as it was evident but just wanted him to stay awake and remain as calm as possible given the situation. I told him that my name was James and asked what his was as he layed on his back looking around...he said his name was Dwayne Penn. I asked him how old he was and he replied 29. I asked him if he was married and he replied with a naaaaaahhh in a sacastic tone telling me that he still had a sense of humor ;) but instead had a girlfriend. I asked him how long he had been with CCPD and he said 20...I said to him DUUUUUDE, You don't look at all like you've been here 20 years...You look great man. He said naw dawg, 20 weeks (he had just graduated from the police academy just 3 or 4 weeks prior !). Then he looked at me and was mad and said, "That ^%#$@^%$#*%^ shot me!". Then I told him that he was "Golden" and that he was going to be Ok...He looked around with his eyes and asked where the guy was (not knowing that the mans feet who had just tried to kill him was no more that 6 inches from his head) I told him that he was dead and right nearby, "You don't have to worry about him man, he's right here and he's gone...he'll never do this again, you're gonna be fine...we got the ambulance coming...just hold tight dude. I talked to him a while longer until the ambulance got there and they took him away. I had never met this officer before until that night and I can't get him out of my head as I'm always trying to find out his condition...last I heard he was in a drug induced comma and was upgrade to seriouse but stable condition. I also later found out that he had apparently played football in the NFL with the Washington Redskins. I don't know about his family nor how long he's been down here but I sincerly ask you to keep him in your prayers as this will change the rest of his life...I also ask you to keep his Field Training Officer in your prayers as well as he was there with him during the shooting and this kind of event did not result in physical injury to him but no doubt hurt none the less. I can't remember his name but I'm sure the good Lord above will know who you are talking about so in essence names don't matter to him because he knows all his children. I guess I feel guilt to some degree as I really could do nothing for either of them or their fellow officers and asking for you to keep them in your prayers is all that I can do but I do believe in The Almighty and the power of prayer and really hope for both of these men the best...I almost didn't make this post and really debated about it within myself as I don't want it to be percieved as anything more than what it is, a call for believers to rally around God's servants that have suffered a traumatic incident...Thankyou folks.

  7. I must say that Second Chance has always (IMO) done what is right for us officers...the owner/developer is so confident in his product that he has a large number of videos showing him shooting himself with various calibers of handguns (if thats not confidence in your product folks then I don't know what is ;) because I sure as hell wouldn't do it!!!). I wear a Second Chance vest on duty (not that model though) and I have all the confidence in the world in it...I would doubt that they would jepardize their reputation as they in fact did forge the way and continue to this day...an aqaintance of mine was shot in the chest in 1997 and his Second Chance vest saved him...no doubt. In fact, if I remember correctly it was Second Chance themselves that saw a problem with the steel trauma plate that was being used and went with the soft trauma plate which was preventing the potential richochete factor in to officers chin and face. The trauma plate for those of you that might not know is an additional piece that is slid into the front of the vest carrier and its purpose is to assist in the shock absorbsion to ones heart when shot with a projectile of such high velocity as a bullet thus lessening the likelihood of stopping your heart when/if shot there. Just my 2/100 of a dollar :D

  8. Well said popspj...well said indeed !!! ;) On BOTH posts I must add...like Eddie Bennett says, " WE LUV YA AND WE NEED YA!!! :D " By the way folks, thats is exactly what happened election night at the club house in Bentwater concerning popspj 1st post...DC Ball did exactly that and was gracious in defeat. No finer type of person to rally around and hold up as a candidate. Despite the end result, I wouldn't change a thing and am so proud to have been a staffer...now it's time to move on and support the peoples choice as that is the right thing to do and to do otherwise would be un-American IMO. Freedom of choice and selfrule is what brave men and women have fought and died for since our countries birth and we dishonor our forefathers otherwise...Good night and God Bless :) .

    Also like I said in my reponse earlier in this thread, I was never promised anything nor was anyone else. Chief Ball said that his plan was to implement more deputies into the S.O. in time and that if I was willing to put in an application (and take a pretty hefty pay cut) then my application would be considered like any other applicants. Now thats not a promise IMO. I never discussed it with him nor did he discuss it with me other than in passing that 1 occasion as I told him that he would surely attract some quality law enforcement with some of his plans that he was looking to do if he won the election (not to implythat we don't have plenty pro.s up there now)...I don't know who dhumphry is other than some antagonist who tried to divide a community with his post...funny thing is, it says "newbie" next to his name...LOL, I don't care who you are...thats funny!!! GIT-R-DOOOOONE!!! :lol:

  9. In all fairness folks, I know for a fact that speed traps do "NOT" occur in our county (and are illegal anyway ;) )...those are when you have a drasticly lower speed indicated by signs and are pulled over/ cited for not going that speed from a significantly higher speed. For example...imagine hitting a 35 mph zone from say a 70mph zone. The correct way for traffic enforcement/ standing speed detection is that the speed decrease is gradual in its reduction for example...55 mph zone to a 45 mph zone to a 35 mph zone with x amount of feet between the posted signs for the ample decrease in speeds as the DOT sets these signs out with those parameters in place...

    As far as drug forfeiture money goes...assets (homes, bank accounts, cars, etc.) can be sold at auction by the agency(s) responssible for said siezures and then that money can in turn be used to purchase x amount of this or that to include vehicles.


    Hope that kinda helps clear up those questions... :)

  10. dhumphry...Since you saw fit to compromise my identity then fine I will tell all. My name is James Foy and I do work for College Park P.D. and use to work for East Point P.D. before I worked up here. I don't have have to go back to College Park P.D. because I never left.... ;) DC Ball never promised me ANYTHING but an opportunity to be considered if I put in an application like anyone else would have to do under his plan to implement more deputies if I decided I would like to take the pay cut like any other officer. And you really must get your facts straight because my dog is plenty certified as I am with the National Narcotics Detector Dog Association and that was done before I ever brought her into service...we ARE certified in Narcotics Detection and Tracking through them. We have documented finds of narcotics (marijuana/cocaine), and of criminals that have fled. The reason that you question that I don't understand but also remember that your victory should not be tainted with spite as DC Ball's loss is not. Not a very appropriate attack as your facts are not clear nor is it called for. Congratulations to all winners in this past election and may you all serve well...Thanyou DC Ball and B. Fuller for all that you have done and running such an above the board race, it's been a real privelidge to be apart of the team. Congrat's to Sheriff Harris, God Bless ALL at PCSO and our county... ;)

  11. ;) In dumplins deffense as I spoke with her in person on Sat (the 17th) she only sent an E-mail to church friends per thier request and it was THEY who decided to forward it to others...so IMO dumplin just did what was requested per perspective voters. My father in law is a minister and my father was also a minister until he passed away in 1998. I'll be the first to tell you that politics and church should remain seperate but that is not the way it is at all and IMO Col. Carmichael has done that...by the way I'm not a member of their church nor have I ever been...I work with dumplins husband who is a fine police officer, thats all ;) .
  12. ...by the way, after working all night (got off at 4:30am) that was nice of you...But KB was out working neighborhoods as he has been the past couple of weeks and he's bustin' his to help all...You Go Chief, DOIN" A FINE JOB...JUST 3 MORE DAYS!!!! :D :D

  13. Inspiredleader,

    You are absolutely on target with this post IMO...I cant really ad anything to your thread as at first glance you seem to have covered the topic well. Its no secret that I'm a KB supporter folks but I don't believe I'm a Sheriff basher either nor is Inspiredleader but we are both in law enforcement and gotta grasp as to what "could" be improved with DC K. Balls guidance as he has explained his vision to all of us on P.com, his web site, at numerous public functions, and the list goes on and on. If you are still undecided as to which candidate "deserves" your vote then try coming by the K-mart parking lot located at the corner of Hwy. 278 and Hwy. 92 today 07-17-04 at 11:00 am...this is an important decision this year and should not be taken lightly so don't let me or anyone else tell you this or that...choose for yourself and ask the hard questions..."what's broke ?" and "how do you KB or BH fix it" :huh: ;)

  14. justgettinby,

    Sorry dear but that was not Ken...It was me (without the ball cap, wearing the long pants... :D ). The other guy that was out with me works at my police dept. with me. KB looks...uhmmmm....more mature, YEAH...THAT'S IT!!!! Mature... :D .But if you would like to meet him please feel free to come by Sat. afternoon 07-17-04 at about 11:00 am as he'll be doing a meet and greet at Hwy. 278 and Hwy. 92 in the K-mart parking lot...looking forward July 20th myself ;) . By the way we enjoyed being out there and we even had some folks wave with ALL their fingers :p :D :p :D ;) !!!!

  15. OK, I've been at work for a few days and haven't been able to read some of these posts or topics for a couple of days. Here are my thoughts and only my thoughts but before I give those, anyone who's been on here for any real length of time knows that I am a KB supporter and I make no appologies for it. With that said it's known to some that I am a police officer with 10+ (not a tremendous amount of time but I am no Rookie either...more like a seasoned officer :rolleyes: ) years of law enforcement experiance mostly inside 285 except for the couple of years that I worked at Paulding Co. S.O. as a deputy after moving into the county. Now I believe that Inspired Leader hit the nail firmly on the head with BH supporters (some really great folks out there ;) ). But I also have seen a much better way of providing quality law enforcement to communities such as ourselves...I know Sheriff Harris personally and was never disciplined nor was I fired or forced to resign from his administration...I like the man :) ...sorry if I made some upset but I do. I left for 2 main reasons...1, the salary was just not where it needed to be as I took an approximately $10,000 per year (not including OT pay) to come work in the community that I now call home. But also I did not see police work going forward in the Dept. but more like stuck in a time warp...no disrcetion were there should have been...to much disrcetion in instances that required pre-set actions/ consequences as are policy by P.O.S.T.. I won't go into specifics in this thread as I have done before in others (if you want to read any of them then go to "read all post" after you click on my screen name). Bottom line as to my thoughts...we being EVERYONE of us in this county (BH supporters, KB supporters, undecided supporters, Old Paulding, and New Paulding) need a PROGRESSIVE law enforcement head for our long term well being as a county that is going to continue to grow despite what some of us may or may not want. Law enforcement is an ever changing field as is the law of the land (new laws come, old laws go, Supreme court decisions, laws become ammended, etc.) and as some have said before, this is not a popularity contest and should not be treated as a Senior class presidential race in the fall of our senior year. The welfare of all is at stake now and in our future regardless of if some recognise it or not. I can understand that those that have grown up here and are long time residents may not understand that our S.O. can operate better as from what they have come from to what it is today...but I tell you in all sincerity that it can as I have performed that manner of policing. I am aggresive but not heavy handed. I am firm yet have compasion for my fellow human beings with whom I share this land. KB is that with the vision, education and the track record that shows problem identification and real world resolution as he continues to always find a better way...that is PRO-ACTIVE law enforcement in as simple of terms as I can say it. That is what we need, thats what anybody needs anywhere in our country let alone our county. As I have said before I happen to like BH personally but prfesionally I know that KB can do a better job plain and simple...I like KB as well but my liking him has nothing to do with my vote...it's about who's the best man for it. Think about it as a father with a daughter torn between 2 Doctors prepared to marry as they both have asked to marry her. The first Doctor who's working his way but the load has caused him to become stagnent at best but continues to have passing grades so to speak with his patiants :unsure: . The other Doctor does well for himself and continues to make advances in the medical field that benefit all... :D with no sight of loosing his drive to continue and recognized through out his field as an innovater. Both are good men but who do you believe your daughter will be happiest with in the long run as she turns to you for advise. By the way...that daughter also has an viral infection (and viruses are incurable as we all know) that she will have to live with for the rest of her life. Our county is the daughter and the virus is crime...my choice was simple as I cast my earlly voter ballot yesterday morning as did my wife...we told our daughter to go with the one most likely to allow her a more comfortable and fullfilling life and would never stop looking for a cure... ;) sorry for the rant folks but I just had to voice my opinion.

  16. I don't believe that was birbies intent but maybe just to let us know it had possibly happened last go round and as we have seen, popspj said that it had happened to them last time...I think birdie prob. did us a great service by putting it out there before the opposition could if that was in the works again for us as we all agree, it is an underhanded tactic. I had heard the same but had forgotten all about it from 4 years ago so in the sense of forwarning us in the event that the same was to occur this time those that might think twice already have DC Ball on record as not supporting anything to the contrary. Like I said...I had heard the same then...just forgot about it :)

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