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K-9 Cop

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Posts posted by K-9 Cop

  1. Thought I would expand it a little further...I hate it when I walk into a store,etc., and somebody says,"I didn't do it...ha ha hee hee :lol: "...whew <_< , I've heard that over and over for 10+ years now...oh yeah, good one there :blink: <_< now...where do you keep your Goodies Headache Powders :huh: ?

  2. TBAR...that's funny dude, no offense taken at all :D !!! I love 'em. But let me give you 1 or 2 more from experience...

    1. When an officer ask you, "what's your name ?" the wrong answer is, "Who...

    me ?! :blink: "...We're thinking: No...the guy standing behind you that's

    wearing the same uniform as I am dummy :huh: :huh:...YEAH YOU !!!


    2.When an officer ask for cosent to search your car and you tell him no thanks,

    and then the officer says, "Why not...?" don't tell him, "because I've got a little

    marijuana in here :unsure: ". ....facial expression of the officer will be :huh:

    and then will go to :D ....this is when you should just go ahead and jump in

    the back of my patrol car ;) . (no kidding folks...that happened to me about 3

    years back at Bus.6 and Marietta Hwy....my partner just burst into tears he was

    laughing so hard !!!)


    Southfire...funny incident that you can appreciate. Had a Krispy Kreme delivery

    truck pulled over for blowing threw a red light and almost causing an accident, I

    could not bring myself to cite him as I had everybody else (uninvolved motorist)

    going by me honking on horns, yelling, laughing, and just yucking it up in general

    that I wasn't even going to take time to write the ticket...I had to get out of there

    fast before the truck driver busted out laughing... :lol:

  3. ...and switch, it's off to the hoosgow with you dear ;) ...you and honkin' can spend time in solitary, forget trial...guilty, guilty, guilty, as charged on p.com :D :D :D by the way..(wispering) thanks for the offer... ;)

  4. :D Naaaaah, no offense taken what so ever and Mrs. K-9 knows that it is all in jest as do I. Any one who knows me well will tell ya that I am a hard one to embarass. When I was planning my 30th B-day party a bout 4 (coming up on 5 :( )years ago I envited a friend of mine who just happened to be a black female police officer for Atlanta P.D. and a lesbian with a white girlfriend. They threatened to embarass me by holding hands as they walked in the door and put on an act as I was working for P.C.S.O. at the time and had envited my shift as we were all off at the same time with 12 hour shifts and all...well, I threatened to answer the door naked and take the wind out of their sails...they didn't even try it, because they knew I was seriouse ;) . The B-day party went off with out a hitch and I never had to revert to the B-day suit threat/promise :D :p :D :p (thank goodness...it's cold in Jan...ya Know?! :o ) not to mention all my guest would have fled for thier vision. Don't get me wrong folks, I'm a family man no doubt with a beautiful daughter and all but my humor is wiley and warped... ;) <_< :blink: :D
  5. ...I'm flattered :D and soooooo embarassed...my wife said,"...huh, they must not have seen the rest of ya..." I love my wife, she keeps me grounded when I have delusions of a harem or something :(

  6. MrFixit...I'm a rookie at this 'puter thang myself...and you are forgiven. Hear is a "get out of jail free" card from me...NO HARD FEELINGS at all, you are completely entitled to your opinions and I respect those that HAVE AN OPINION...regardless of if I agree with it or not ;) . Like Jhon Couger said," Aint that America...You and me...Aint that America...something to see..." Good luck Mason !!!

  7. Pat,

    That picture of me (upper left) makes it seem like something is wrong with me...I'm not vain folks but dag-gum. Wheh...thats bad, how about those chicken legs of mine (far left with black ball cap on facing away from camera in the bottom right picture) RRRRRRRR...momacita!!! Looks like I rode in on a chicken :D . Oh well, had a blast and enjoyed it mucho-mucho !!!!

  8. You're absolutely right Cableman 40...it's unprofessional and I appologize to all. Just don't like folks picking on others because they don't agree with this or that, ya Know ? I do apologize to all for showing my butt, however...small mindedness just iritates me sometimes... ;)

    Honkin...I'm not saying anything about handcuffs, your baaaaaad girlfreind...so BAAAAD !!!!

  9. Hows that for research folks...if we had gotten him suspended, who among us would have found that 1?! Good job TBAR...You Go Mason...ALL THE WAY TO THAT GOLD DOME!!! :D ;) ...that was funny though you must admit...I got a visual of the "3 Faces Of Eve"...which one pops out next, and did he really think he could vote twice :huh: ?TBAR...would you consider changing names with Mr. Broke it (as in, P.Com REPUTATION)....I mean Fix It until he decides who he is today ?

  10. Well said Mr. Roundtree...I don't beleive most perceived it as an outburst but a legitamate question to an important issue that is down the tubes until next year. And for what you might have lost, I would not be surprised if you gained in return twice the amount of support so fight the good fight as long as you attack the issues and not the person; you should consider it an honorable race. ;)

  11. What r u all tlaking about..Gay Priode..What is tat? Is that somthin nu..I always had american pride.just wunderin if that is that queer stuff..That is nasty. Irealy dontknowhow to di this put my mom got me a cumputr


    Your post is disappointing in the fact that the use of the "Q" word is exactly the type of language that promotes hate...personaly, I realy don't care about somebodies sexual orientation...it does'nt affect me one way or the other. I am very secure in mine with a wife and daughter, however it's not my place nor yours to promote hate which is exactly what you foster with the word. It's no different than racial slurs as far as I'm concerned...just tacky and shows ones ignorance.

  12. LOL....call the law, thats hysterical :p :) :) then again maybe it's not that funny since I'm on the KB team :o :blink: :huh: ...on second thought, DON'T call the law...I'll be there :unsure: ...please don't call...

  13. Mach 4

    I just found this after a freind called and said it was here...been busy dude with a weird and funkadelic schedual, alls well though and I'm gonna try to make it to the park at Mt. Tabor...looking forward to meeting some folks if I can. Keep it between the navigational beacons freinds :D !!!

  14. Mr. Roundtree, just had to tell you once more what an outstanding job you did at the debate tonight and that I know for a fact that you secured 2 more votes from the 2 that I brought with me. Your answers were straight forward and to the point and I fancy myself at being a pretty good judge of character and have always gotten a positive vibe about your integrity every time I've ever spoken with you (10 years policing-you kinda learn to figure folks out real quick ;) ). Great job and looking forward to seeing you sitting in that Senate seat very soon so you can take up the fight for all of our interest under that gold dome. Just had to say that the insenuation that those tattoo parlors that some people go to are of the undesirable element and that those of us that have ever gone in there are somewhat indigent with medical bills that we push off on tax payers was not appreciated by me from the incumbant (maybe I heard it wrong :unsure: ). My tattoos (thats right folks-plural, not singular) are mostly service related from my 4 years in the U.S. Marine Corps to include the 1 that has my combat action ribbon in it and to this day am proud of each and every one of them. I understand that it's not everyones cup of tea and I can respect that, no problem... and I further can appreciate the fact of increased risk from the piercings as was stated by the incumbant (Nope, I do not have any piercings or the likes there of :D )But you were absolutely correct IMO that he was the sole reason that the particular peice of legislation got stopped when he sought to ammend it and I was glad that you brought it up. Great job again and good luck July 20th...by the way, glad to hear that those venus flytrap design type signs are not getting torn down anymore, keep 'em coming!!! :D

  15. I also believe that DC Ball hit the nail on the head with one single point...if you are going to be a public official, be public. As the Cheif has also said that he as never said anything ugly about the man but only commented on his policies...tonight was the opprotunity to defend ones policies and put down any questions to ones plans for the next four years. That folks was not done by our Sheriff and no explanation was given when the invitation was declined at the last minute so much as I understand. How do you do that to your constituants, what kind of message does that send, as a fellow law enforcement officer I am personally embarassed by this since we as law enforcement officers should always be true to our word to at least TRY to do as we say...even just showing up for 30 seconds and appologizing for not being able to partake would have been somewhat along the lines of courtesy. Now, to restore my faith in the law enforcement way was DC Ball who stood up and took every question and answered it honestly...NO TIPPY TOEING was done and the answers where right on the money from a cops perspective. Great job Cheif and way to go! These questions were hard line and the answers were no frills, no fluff, NO BULL. That folks is what I believe and what I saw tonight, Not a politicion but a professional law enforcement officer answering hard questions with hard line answers for the Paulding county of today and for his vision for Paulding county tommorrow!!! ;) Great Job Cheif, Great Job!!!

  16. Waz up peeps ? Yo pimpinism givin' a sho' nuff scrate up shwout out to all my fine folk up in this mug...Ywo gots to know I be feelin' a ho lotta luv from all my brathas an sistas in da howwwz. Alls I cans be sayin befoe I put a lil pep in my step and heads ons up the screet to were I be stayin' is keep it real and keep on representin', Peace an Keep it on the dl Da Five Oh Dawg ;) (now dats tight!)

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