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K-9 Cop

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Posts posted by K-9 Cop

  1. ...mine's a no brainer but I'll put it out there any ole hooter. K-9 handler (certified police officer for 10+ years) presently at an agency in south Fulton county. My dog and I are members of the National Narcotics Detector Dog Association and certified thru them in both narcotics detection and tracking. My dog also performs the additional duty of handler protection (bite work) if called upon for it. I've been working my dog since Nov. 2003 when I personally bought her...great dog and I love the uniqe nitch that I've found myself in amongst other handlers from all over. When citizens need help they call the police, when the police need help they call K-9...it's awsome !!! :D My dog is a Checkoslavakian born and raised German Shepherd and I love her to pieces...the wife refers to her as the 2nd wife :D :D

  2. :rolleyes: Well said southfire...well said indeed & you're doin' fine Chief, way to stay above the board on this one. I didn't like this topic and was just eating popcorn but I really think we must ALL remain above the board regardless of our choice in candidates...IMO. ;)
  3. Qtee...had the same problem today after I pumped gas, had to call the 2nd half to bring the check book (thank goodness they allowed it). I've had issues with CMAR before...thank goodness nobody was in the office for me to call....I was as HOT as 400 hell. I hope yalls w/e isn't completely shot...give my best to your hubby :D

  4. OCGA 40-6-183...speeding in school zones,costruction zones, and state hwy's with altered speed limits such as 120 were it turns to 45mph...1 mile over can win you that pretty yellow slip that says you got caught ;) regardless of the jurisdiction, judo is right again...not to mention OCGA 40-6-180 which is speeding to fast for conditions and you don't need an calibrated speedometer, laser, or radar, just good articulation and sound judgement...between calls (if these guys can get some help since they go from call to call often since there aren't enough of them) they could do it if allowed... ;) most that I know just want to do there job, thats all :(

  5. I don't get it and I never did while I was up here...what extralegal powers do DNR agents have ? Deputies have the exact same and even had a class up here at PCSO training center a few years ago (it was a mandatory block of instruction/I was there ;) ) so they could handle some of the game/fishing laws up here given to them by DNR so they new the paticular laws because there are so few DNR agents in the county :huh: ...? Not to be rude webby, but you're off target on this. Judo is absolutely correct in his post...FULL SEVICE should mean just that, not some sevice...now if DNR or whomever is available then sure, get them but theres only so many of them as there are deputies. And loud music from a vehicle is a state law OCGA 40-6-14 not just an ordinance...I'll give somebody a citation for it in a heartbeat and have done so, so whats the issue...if a deputy hears it he should be able to turn around on it and cite if he so decides but the present administration would flip if they do <_< . I got a girl up here 1 time for excessive use of horn (yep, there's a law against that too :D ) and made an arrest out of it for poss. of marijuana less than an ounce on a consent to search the vehicle after I stopped her...if you can't make a legal stop for a violation despite how petty it may seem then they will miss opportunities to catch bigger offenses...change is definetly needed :blink:

  6. For those that miss it try arena football next year as this years season is almost done...but it's a blast and you really can have a good time at a reasonable price and the home games for the Georgia Force are over in Gwinett Co. so it's not that far within a real nice arena...going to the game on Sat. yeah baby YEAAAH!!!! :D

  7. Subd...ref the fast lane hogs on 278, you don't have to tell me...I drive it every day that I go to work (south Fulton area)... I know, dude....do I ever know ;) now any body who thinks they might see me going to work (I should be VERY easy to spot given my screen name :D hint, hint, hint... ) feel free to give me a wave...with all fingers please.

  8. TBAR...pretty good one. What about "Paulding.com...got sleep?!"

    Publisher, just as long as we don't become a leper colony then we're cooool...met Qusimodem the other night by the way when I took my daughter to the ER (...she's fine :D ), that was a treat, he's a really nice guy and a gentelmen to boot ;)

  9. Hey Ferg, don't sweat being called a chick...some think I'm my dog and she's female so you know what that would make me :D . By the way, it was real good to meet you at the meet-n-greet at K-mart a couple of weeks ago even though I didn't get a chance to really talk to you that much. Good luck on the law enforcement dreams also... ;) !!!

  10. Sorry that mine is so late....me and the pooch had perp's to prosecute :D . I hope you had a fantasic B-day and the good Lord has many, many more in store for you!!! ;)

  11. Sorry that I didn't see this one til now...if you haven't already called the jurisdiction that you reside (Paulding S.O., Hiram P.D., Dallas P.D.) then give them a call now. Once the officer/deputy responds, explain everything that leads you to believe what it is you believe such as her possibly being a harm to herself if thats what you suspect which is what I'm gathering from the post that you suspect...if you have emergeny contact numbers (other friends, family, co-workers, etc.) that may have a key go ahead and find that info.. At the very least a missing persons report should be considered being made as this sounds as if this is not normal behavior for her as you have observed before...this also gets her entered on the Georgia Crime Information Computer as missing but also gets a detective on the case for follow up investigation...hope alls well and she is safe.

  12. Hey yall...do me a favor, please help the SO keep a look out for this guy in the subdivisions around Nebo/Dallas Nebo...this deputy and his wife are close friends of mine with small children. He's really concerned about it as this has been going on for months now (normally at night early morning hours) and they can't get to the guy fast enough when the call comes out as I understand not to mention he's got plenty of other stuff on his plate per say. Thanks Paulding...you folks are the greatest and stay safe!!! :D

  13. Wow :huh: , I'm really flattered from the posts that mentioned me...thankyou very much but such attention isn't warrented as I am supporting the candidate (Deputy Chief Ball MPD) and am really not a significant player in this election process. I must also add as I have come to know former Chief of Police (Acworth P.D.) Bobby Fuller...for the price of 1 vote on July 20th at the primaries, the citizens of Paulding County will receive not 1 but "2" absolutely phanomenal law enforcement professionals with 60+ years between the both of them. Ladies and gentelmen that is better than any blue light special that even K-mart can ever hope to have :D !!! I met Chief Fuller approximately a year ago when I became actively involved in Chief Ball's campaigne...and was instantly impressed as I had heard alot about the man prior. I can not stress enough how much I think of both of these men. We first line officers in any department are quick to call an administrator "one who has forgotten where he/she came from" and can spot them a mile away (I'm guilty and will not deny that I have quietly said under my breath the same for some that I have worked for...when you know, you know :unsure: ). I knew within 5 minutes that Chief Fuller as Chief Ball had NOT forgotten where he had come from and could still today work a beat better than most (my BS detector is pretty accute I must admit ;) after 10 years of policing ). I will further admit that I am so proud to be associated with both these men as I know exactly what they stand for and for whom. They stand for everything that is right and just in this world and want it to be as such in Paulding County for Paulding County. I KNOW with every fiber of my being that when these "2" (for the price of 1 vote) men come into office that a number of matters in this county will automaticly turn 180 degrees in the right direction for the betterment of our county as a whole and stay that path as long as you keep them there...I'm just looking forward to the change and think that all of us will be so much better off, thankyou Chief Ball and Chief Fuller for doing this campaigne and deciding to put it all on the line as you have thus far...really, thankyou.

  14. Well said subdivider...well said ;) . Flygal, I appologize if some of my post have given you or any others the impression only a cops opinion mattered in my minds eye, not the case at all. This forum is ment to be a communication exchange but unfortunately we as humans convey most (approx. 70%) of our intent with body language, voice tone, and inflection, which is lost in the written word. We as human beings see many different views of a situation based upon our experiences and many other factors in our own lives that further come into play. Given the topics of discussion from time to time and the posters convictions...we can have a real powder keg dedate from time to time. I don't agree with all posts from all posters at all times (as some don't agree with mine :rolleyes: ) but that is ones right to convey their thoughts on the matter and surely hope that anyone feels that that these things can be disagreed upon...just curious as you mentioned you were a veteran, what branch of service and years ? I was in the Marine Corps myself 4 years active duty from 1989-1993 as a tank crewman (started off on M-60's and then went to M1A1's when we took them over to the Middle East during Operation's Desert Shield/Storm). Maybe a new topic of conversation to pick up in another thread...vet.'s stories, experiances, etc., especially since Memorial day is coming up soon, just a thought... ;)

  15. 70+% for Chief Ball so far...looks good Paulding, glad to see it happening and I think it says where the people in this county want to go, again...glad to see it and looking forward to seeing yall at the concert on Fri. May 7th at the Senior Cit. Center across the street from PCSO :D :D :D

  16. Ediie Bennett has a stout heart, no doubt. But I did want to also mention to all citizens that enforcement of law from one who is untrained should be done with a 911 call to your local law enforcement agency if at all possible. You can be seriously injured, cause serious injury to others (including responding law enforcement), and/or wind up in some cases dead if not face civil/criminal reprocussions...Just thought I would throw that out there for some. For the criminal element out there...you remember that there are plenty of off duty, armed law enforcement officers wandering this county from other juridictions such as myself that will uphold our oath of office to the U.S. Constitution and the state of Georgia as we have sworn to do in cases of violent felonies being commited in our presence and just because you don't see one of Pauldings Finest out there doesn't mean that somebody elses finest isn't prepared to take on the task...food for thought :D . Be safe Paulding!!!

  17. Fall hands down...UGA football, deer huntin', misty cool late mornings with a low lying fog, the smell of the forest floor as you watch the sun come up as you sit in a deer stand thinking of just how much God has given you (except for that deer you were hoping to bag), the love of your daghter and wife as they cuddle up to daddy on the couch to watch that favorite movie, the sore throat you get when UGA puts the ball in the end zone (again) or a goal line defense (played defensive end and linebacker in high school...love defense! ;) ), Halloween and Thanksgiving (when I get them off)...only bad thing is my wife is a sun goddess and just hates cool weather, But I love her immensly despite that fault :D .

  18. Subdivider I will echo the Chief's sentiment as will Darwin I'm sure but I will leave that to him, no harm done and we have left that behind and no bad blood. To address your inquiry on beating vs. spankings Corporal punishment is not a violation of the laws of this state. When somebody draws blood or leaves marks (bruising, etc.) then they have crossed the line from corporal punishmint to child abuse. I had a lady one time that rammed her 15 year old son's head into a door metal door frame also leaving visible scratches on his neck were she tried to choke him. Now that is a beating...but on the same token the boy was trying to get a little big for his britches (and was bigger than mom already...practicley dwarfed her in size) and was hanging out with some drug dealers around his age in the public housing area in which they resided. This mother was a single mother of 3 who hadn't seen the father in yeeeears and wanted them to do better than she did. When the boy pulled away from her after she got home from her 2nd job of the 3 she had...she just lost it. No winners in that scenario as GA law required me to take mom to jail. I hated to do it to a degree and had wished that I had more leeway in discretion but given the weight of the offense she left me no other options but to uphold my sworn oath...sometimes thats the part you hate, right or wrong she just wanted the best for her son, just went about it the wrong way.

  19. vstardiva...it's not a jurisdictional issue. If the wreck occurs on Paulding (meaning not within the city limits of a City such as Hiram, Dallas, or Braswell when their P.D. is working as they are not a 24 hour agency) then our deputies are to stand by with the accident scene until a trooper arrives (regardless how long that may take as their only so many to cover both Paulding and Bartow county). That is the policy of the current administration possibly to avoid whom ever may be at fault from recieving a traffic citation as somebody will be at fault and would recieve a citation for causing the accident in the first place, who knows? Normally it takes your average officer 20-30 min.'s to complete all that needs to be done on scene and get all parties underway under normal circumstances (2 car fender bender benders, etc.). In our county it can take up to an hour or more to get a trooper out because they are spread so thin in both Paulding and Bartow (not by any fault of their own). Alot of these deputies would like to go ahead and do the accident themselves but are forbidden except on private property (parking lots, etc.) because they can't write a citation on private property except on certain charges. A large number of these deputies are embaressed because they do feel powerless to help further than they can (I know I did when I worked out here) and would really like to help us more than they are allowed). I am on the "Elect Ken Ball For Sheriff " Team for that being just one of the reasons as he see's that policy needing to be scrapped. If you would like to find out further intentions or his background/experience then you can find many of his post and contact information within this site. We also have a web site "www.kenballsheriff.com" that gives you alot of information and also allows you to see his pledge for positive and professional change...Just remember if you decide that he's the man you would like to see in that position after you do make a decision, then your vote will have to be cast on July 20th at the primary election. For any one that also may be interested and are possibly not registered to vote in the county yet then we will help you get registered, whatever we can do to help you make an informed decision or register then we will...all you have to do is ask (E-mails or otherwise). Be safe Paulding... :D

  20. Dixie Princess...No mam, I was not addressing you at all and appreciate your unsoliceted support as many on this site. Those that my comments are intended for should have no doubt as to whom I am refering to. Good rule of thumb as far as the comments are concerned are if you aren't sure then they are NOT intended for you. Those parties that I am refering to are or should be crystal clear that they are the intended receipiant of that particular message. Thanks again and thankyou also Malia110... ;)

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