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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. lol no I wasn't nekkid..lol some girl tried to get him to sign her boob and he wouldn't. Said his mama would kill him..lol







    well wasn't that nice of you to bring him a cake! You get me in to meet Chris Cagle and I will bring you a big ole birthday cake and present! ^_^


    Just for meet and greet? What do I get if I get you on the bus?

  2. I saw Chris Cagle at Cowboys in Kennesaw. He was great, and put on an awesome show! ;)


    I have seen him 3 times there and at the Cowboys in San Antonio...rode out there with him a while back....come on down to Wild Bill's and see him...first show after the CD hits...should be good...plus it is my 30th birthday celebration!



  3. I talked to him the other day and he is pumped. His single is at #13 on the Billboard Country Hot 100 chart. His album hits the 19th and he will be in town for a concert on the 22nd. Go buy it and come see him (we will be celebrating my birthday that evening). You can hear 5 of his new songs here: Chris Cagle






  4. I've thought about applying, but 1) It would only cover her...and I need it too. 2) I'm moving in with my parents. I'm pretty sure they would include their income, which would wayyyy beyond disqualify me despite the fact that they're not paying for my personal bills, etc. I should check into it though.


    They will only include your income. My sister got on quickly while living with my dad and there are a lot of zeros in his annual income. If you need help, I know someone who can get the ball rolling quickly for you.

  5. ATLANTA -- An Atlanta mother who was charged by police after her two-month-old was killed in a crash appeared in court Monday.


    Police said Lytanza Robinson, 20, was driving on a street shortly before 7 a.m. Sunday when her car hit a utility pole. An investigator said the child was sitting in the woman's lap.


    Atlanta police spokesman Eric Schwartz said the infant died en route to the hospital.


    Robinson suffered minor injuries, police say.


    Robinson has been charged with vehicular manslaughter, reckless driving, driving on a suspended license and seat belt violations.


    She was driving with no car seat and no license and killed her child!!!




    It doesn't fit the bill of murder. Actus Reus nor Mens Rea can be satisfied. Although careless, her actions don't even begin to fulfill the definition of murder. She may be liable, however, culpability for the crime of murder just isn't there; it was an accident.

  6. I went through the same thing with both of my dogs. Max did this for the first 4-5 nights he was in his crate. However, it is certainly a 'safe-place' for him now--which is instinctual for dogs--they are den-dwellers. Now I catch him sleeping inside the crate every now and then. One thing I did that helped the most was putting his food in the back of the crate and letting him eat in there with the door open.

  7. So, I took my car into the shop because of a check engine light. My service guy was super nice and we got to chatting about music. He also mentioned that he lived in Hiram and liked the Spotlight. So, I told him that I've heard good things about that Simply Southern band. He went on to tell me that his neighbor, Glenn, was in that band and he had jammed at his house a few times.


    I smiled inside.


    I said, yeah, I know that guy...by way of a friend of course! ;)



    Subby and I had a damn fine time Friday night! He can work some magic on tha' keys!



    Ask him about his minature coffee maker! :lol: ;)

  8. ^_^ I did the same thing. I needed milk because I have a little one that drinks it like an athlete drinks water. The cashier rolled her eyes at me. You know...people stop in there and get milk every day...what makes them think some people aren't going to REALLY run out just because it's pretending to snow? :rolleyes:



    It is at that point I would have ripped her a new one. I don't like rude people. Rude people suck...so do mean people.



  9. I'm not saying do as Cobb does. I dont care if there is 100 people in west paulding and 1000 in east paulding. The 1000 in east paulding are NO MORE important than the 100 out west. They should be covered too. I agree that we don't need 25 deputies to cover beulah and union buit 5 or six would be nice. There is alot of Meht in paulding and it is going to do nothing but get worse unless it meets with resistance. Resistance comes with stopping cars out here and finding dopers, It also comes with routine patrols in and around neighborhoods. Cant do this if they are protecting the 1000 in the est. Please Please do not think my problem is with the deputies or even with the current command staff. It is just a problem that needs to be fixed. I will openly declare that I will be voting for Mr. Rogers. I know his wife and she has pushed him on me for years now. Seems to me that he is a heck of a family guy and that is enough for me.



    I absolutely agree with you. Everyone deserves equal access and protection to/by law enforcement. However, current zones are assigned by call volume and trends of criminality.


    Routine patrols happen 24/7 in Paulding County. Traffic enforcement happens--although I am a little troubled by your 'stopping to find dopers' mentality. If someone stops me while looking for dopers, they damn well better have PC to do so. I hate meth as much as the next guy--I have seen the pestilence first-hand it has brought upon people. Further, I am more concerned with an officer citing someone doing 85 in a 45 or DUI--that is what kills me and my family on the roads--not someone with a ounce of crank.


    I don't think your problem is with anyone in particular--you just want to see the best system possible in place--as do I think the majority of folks do. However, you can only 'fix' something with the resources to do so; in government, 99% of the time resources = money.



  10. The money should be there. Don't know where it is but it is somewhere. I only compare us to Cobb because I am familiar with Cobb. Granted they have a much larger population than us but they also have much more up keep than we do. Look at all of the schools, teachers, cops (over 600 of us), fire fighters, etc that they have. They have great roads, schools, and their wages are good. We on the other hand seem to be falling behind. Our county looks old, run down, used, and falling apart. The latter statement doesnt apply to eastern paulding where it looks like all of our money goes.... Cobb has a butt load more schools than we have and we only have a hand full. We seem to have a Mayberry police force and sheriff's office. Don't think the county managment was quiet ready for people to start moving into paulding because they sure have not been able to keep up with the growth. Look at Buchannan Hwy. Has grown greatly yet the actuall road is still a 2 lane with no plans in the current future to widen it. It is a curvy, hilly, and unpassable road. When there is a wreck on it, they shut it down to wait on GSP to come clear it up. Work the wreck and clear the roads!!!!!!


    There is certainly an argument to be made with a lot of what you have said. However, you are comparing apples to oranges (when it comes to population, jobs, and tax base). This county doesn't have near the tax base as Cobb (look at the retail alone). Further, we have light retail and that is about it. Hardly any industrial and medium commercial is virtually non-existent.


    It isn't a level playing field. You say the funds are there--maybe so, but the Sheriff doesn't allocate, all he can do is ask once a year when his budget is submitted. The BOC has literal line-item discretion on what is awarded and what is not.



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