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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. I will throw in a "Relax to the Max" basket to be raffled off.


    Youy will get:


    1. Hot Heart


    2. Body Dew


    3. Pulsa Bath ball


    4. Slumber bubbles


    5. Deluxe Love Mitt


    $70 value and this basket can be for anyone.







    For every $5 you donate, you will have a chance to win.


    Wow! Thanks! You RAWK!


    We raised over $1000 last time..I know we can at least hit that mark again.

  2. Ooh! That would be a sight to see. :p


    I figure it is a step above the pink tutu I was required to appear in last time. :lol:


    Ooh! That would be a sight to see. :p



    I want to see pics if you do!



    Want to start the bidding/donating....any amount is fine....no increment requirement.



  3. I will start the minimum at $500.


    If we can raise $500 or more to be distributed evenly to Heartwalk and Relay for Life, I will dress and appear at the fundraiser as a leprechaun. I challenge TBAR to do the same.




  4. Yes, art is the next thing to music and literature on my list of stuff that moves me. I ponder Dali for hours at a time...I have several books of his art...I have to hide them from myself..lol I would LOVE to see it all in person and I wouldn't know what to do if I had the opportunity to own some.




    This same friend (::cough cough Toad cough cough::) suprised me with a trip to the High Museum of Art. I wasn't aware they had any of Monet's work there. We walked around a corner, and my face was inches from my favorite Monet. It was just hanging there...I could have reached out and touched it (not that I would have). I just stood there, with tears running down my cheeks, staring at the brush strokes (while he looked at me like :blink: ). Then I turn around, and there were three or four more of his paintings around me. :wub: Art school student here....going to be an art teacher. :blush:



    I saw the same exhibit. I could have looked for hours.

  5. It isn't a privacy issue. It is an issue of following rules laid out in the handbook or not, period. It isn't invasive, it isn't 'going out ofyour way', it is doing your job.


    We have a zero tolerance policy. If we see it, it is taken up and students receive the consequences prescribed for it. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. It doesn't matter if a student is just 'checking the time'. I taught here in Paulding where rules on cell phones at school were lax. The result? They became a huge nuisance and teachers hands were tied when it came to creating an environment with few distractions. That isn't to mention when a student's phone rang aloud during an administration of the GHSGT--invalidating EVERY student's test in the session.


    Students have certain expectations to privacy. However, just like lockers--cell phones aren't one of them; much less conversations taking place on them. I find that notion silly and petty.

  6. I'd have to say the Black Crowes are back. I went and saw them Sunday night at the Tabernacle. I saw them twice last year and they're a whole new band now with Luther Dickenson from North Mississippi All-Stars on lead.


    How in the hell did I not know they were playing the tabby? sheeze.


    Too bad for the NMAS, eh? They are a good band as well. They have done shows with The Derek Trucks Band--who I have seen 5 times in the past year...lol




  7. The new Black Crowes CD.



    How is it? The Black Crowes are one of my all-time favorite bands...they truly define southern rock and Rich Robinson is one hell of a rhythm guitar player. I saw them at the Fox on Easter Sunday in '99. I have seen 100s of concerts..I would put it in my top 3 favorite concerts.




    Manson. :D



    \m/ \m/

  8. :(



    Wait.....did you procrastinate? :p



    Not at all....I guess I should have said 'polishing'.....I try to keep my work above par...too many teachers don't take IEP's as serious as they should....I would hyperventilate if I so much as turned something with a typo.....looks bad...



  9. What I really have to step back ask is: Who does this really surprise? When you look back to the early part of this decade, there were many other factors at play; especially the massive amounts of Asian money that was being dumped in the US bond market. However, the loans written in the past few years were just plain whack. Everyone raised their eyebrows and saw this coming. It just really isn't news to me that they were cooking the books to push their paper on the secondary market.

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