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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. So instead of this being an indication of what demographic is committing the majority certain of crimes, this is indicative of lopsided enforcement/prosecution? Academia, gotta love it.


    Yes, that is exactly the case.


    Fact: A black man is more likely to receive capital punishment than a white man for the exact same crime.


    Fact: Sentencing patterns have shown time and time again that black men are more likely to serve time for the same crimes their white counterparts serve probation or receive no punishment at all for.


    Fact: More black men in their 20's are under the supervision of the criminal justice system than in college.


    Fact: Usually, when polled, stats will show somewhere around 70% of illicit drug users in this country are white and about 15% or so are black. However, of those incarcerated for drug crimes, about 45% are black and about 25% are white.


    Fact: The majority of crack users in the 1980's were white whereas the majority of those doing MAJOR time for it were black.


    Fact: Per capita, blacks are in state prisons at a rate 5 1/2 times that of their white counterparts.


    .....and that is just off the top of my head..I could go on and on.


    Dismiss the data, dismiss academia, dismiss whatever you would like, I could care less. The fact is, you are dead wrong. The numbers don't lie. As TBAR says, it doesn't exactly spell WHAT or WHO the problem is, however, something is awry. The criminal justice system HAS disenfranchised people of color. There is no two ways about it. I have spent years studying under the guidance of some of the brightest criminologists in this country (ALL of them having come from law enforcement, probation, prisons, etc.--one of them being the youngest to EVER reach the rank of Sgt. on the force in Tallahassee and who's dissertation led to the state of Florida changing the way convenience stores can be constructed so as to minimize robberies--quite successfully as well--).


    I haven't pulled the race card. I have simply pointed out the obvious.




    Compare this to the fact that white Americans make up about 70% of the US population while blacks make up 12-14%.


    The numbers don't add up. Period.

  2. Having a degree in Criminology and having spent the past 10 years of my life studying/researching criminality, law enforcement, etc...there is no doubt disparity exists in arrest rates, sentencing patterns (especially drug and capital offenses), and the way in which individuals of certain races, backgrounds, and ethnicity are treated as compared to those in the majority. Further, incarceration rates of particular groups is virtually inversely proportional to their make-up of society as a whole.


    Popular sentiment and culture has traditionally painted crime a color: black. Statistical data and actual events on the side of American highways created the environment for the phrase 'Driving While Black'--it wasn't coined by some blow-hard media hog--Academicians began using the phrase to describe a trend that was blatantly obvious.


    Until folks wise up and look at the phenomenon at face value; instead of quick-firing explanations filled with latent racism, the problem will persist.



  3. What upsets me about the fact that there ARE trailers is that the BOE chose to spend OUR money building themselves a fancy new office building, and to build tennis courts and auditoriums and athletic fieldhouses and whatever else they could find, instead of putting the money toward the 3 R's. I think trailers would have been inevitable, but when the BOE builds an office building and squanders money on "luxury items" instead of concentrating on the task at hand, I get pizzzed. As a taxpayer, I don't find auditoriums and tennis courts and all the other non-essentials very important. Especially when you have to raise my taxes to pay for them. These kids ought to be going to school to LEARN something, not to a damn country-club.


    The only thing that really miffed me about the new BOE building was the tiny excuse of a meeting room...I think it seats what...5 people? <_>

  4. Poor Mr Oscar.


    I have came home several times and been lost. My wife had rearranged everything. I could not find my favorite chair, Hellsfire, I could not walk through the Living Room. She had BLOCKED every path in the house with a peice of furniture.


    Johnny..I couldn't help but LMAO reading this and hearing it in Hank Hill's voice....priceless.

  5. Nope, this is the oldest trick in the electioneering handbook.


    The theory being that the people voting for the opponent don't have as much on the ball as your supporters and will show up on Thursday.


    Yes..and the tactic has traditionally worked. To me, when a candidate attempts the tactic, it is quite telling of certain concerns he/she holds of there being a big voter turn-out.



  6. They are cheaper, at least for a starter guitar, and they help build finger strength, plus you don't have to buy an amp.



    Personally, I think this is the biggest mistake many people make. I have been playing for 17 years. If my first guitar had been an acoustic, I would have never learned to play.


    Most cheap acoustic guitars have poor sound quality and the 'action' is so high on them it proves to be brutal on one's fingers. It is hard to press the strings to the fretboard on many of them due to the quality of the guitar--making it hard for someone who has been playing for 17 years, such as myself, to get much more than a clinky-buzz out of the thing.


    You can find many electric sets (guitar, amp, etc.) at places like Guitar Center. That is what I would suggest. Although a cheap electric won't have the 'best' sound in the world, you won't run into the same frustrations as a cheap acoustic. Which, in my opinion, frustrate many people to never pick the guitar up again.




  7. Let's see...the last 36 months of my life:


    • Robbed - Everything I own gone (literally).
    • Foreclosure
    • Bankruptcy
    • Collection Calls from the lowest of the low.
    • Lawsuits threatened by aforementioned collectors.
    • Threats from members of local websites
    • Accused of doing things and being someone I certainly am not
    • Ford Repo'n my truck due to an ERROR in accounting on their part.
    • Aforementioned Repo man stealing my diamond ring, CDs, and Ipod.
    • Dealing with getting my truck back after the error is discovered (Basically being treated like scum of the earth).



    No, intimidation is but a waste of breath on me anymore. There was a point when walls started falling around me that I was scared to death. However, in the end, I learned that 99% of the above was just BS from blow-hards. If someone threatens my life or those close to me...I may flinch, however, I will prevail in the end. It is all about mental strength and perseverance.



  8. So..we tried Fatback's last night...


    It was wonderful! Finally, a local place that is clean, friendly, and has damn good Southern Cuisine! I had the fried chicken--covered in Texas Pete of course--and it was good!


    We will definitely be going back!

  9. That certainly makes better sense than having the builders association choosing one [wonder how he is going to vote ?] and the BOE appointee has NEVER uddered a word about slowing down the growth so the schools could catch up. The Chamber appointee is the right-arm administrative assistance and registered agent for one of the biggest of the biggest developers [wonder how she is going to vote?], and the list drones on.


    Interesting. I guess this is par for the course? http://www.chairmanshearin.com/?page_id=11




    *shrug*....I don't know really what to think....




  10. If you want to resize or make filesize smaller, download picasa--just email them to yourself from Picasa and the size of the file will be drastically reduced.


    As for editing...the closest thing you are going to get to Photoshop, and it's free, is GIMP.


    Download GIMP


    You can download a plugin for GIMP that will pretty much set the interface up to look just like Photoshop. It is an excellent program and I use it for the web development I do.



  11. I know Paulette personally and happen to like her as a person, however, I have one question to her campaign pledge that she will increase test scores:


    As a teacher, I want to know, how in the hell have you or any other school board member (who is not a former teacher) increased the first damn test score in this county? Test scores are increased in the classroom; not from a board room. I am fumed by this statement.




  12. It is supposedly better for your colon if you squat to have a BM as opposed to sitting. Most people in primitive countries do not have toilets, but they BM properly because they squat. Squatting straightens out the tube and allows proper contraction of the muscles that assists in BMing.


    Apparently squatting will reduce your chances of colon cancer.


    Try googling it. You may be surprised.



    I have read many of the advantages of squating over sitting. I wasn't necessarily making a mockery or being negative, just being intrigued in how such a small cultural difference is really such a big one--considering the vast 'cultural shock' that is bound to occur with so many foreign 'behinds' running around Bejing for the Olympics--said 'behinds' attached to otherwise unassuming folks who go to the toilet to take a 'sit' and find they will be squatting. There is some humor there..at least for me.



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