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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. I will pass for tonight.


    And I do eat hot dogs, on occaision...I like the white-hots from my yankee kin in upstate New York, simmered in beer until they crack open, and a toasted bun please.


    The Johnson Brats are OK also, and do well on the grill.





    I think a bit of Cognac and Cigars is in order. When, my friend?...



  2. Same goes for you ^^. :)


    I dig nothing since I have better things to discuss, like me. :)







    I'm not shopping, I meeting some folks and headed home.


    If you think I have nothing better to do than babble on about anything remotely related to you; you surely live a delusional life. However, I suppose self-deception and ignorance are bliss.


    Again, don't utter my name or what you think to be my business to anyone ever again. You have stirred up enough cheeze that isn't true already.



  3. Since when were you the expert?


    I suppose about the same time you became the expert on my life and who I am dating. How about steering very clear of my personal business. You don't know sheeze about me. Leave me out of your conversations.


    Ya dig?

  4. I'm on a seperate couch and he can't see the screen. Again, I am tired enough that I need something to keep me awake. :)



    I am sure he can't hear the clicking of the keyboard either.

  5. That's all I want but my 4 year old refuses to close his eyes. We are in the dark and he just keeps bouncing away. This has been going on for 3 days now. :mellow:


    I just.want.sleep.


    I am sure sitting and typing on a computer really helps.

  6. As a single man, I never judge anyone by whether they have children or not. I just find that selfish--which many who don't want children are.


    The been married thing is another one that shouldn't be used to judge too quickly--or at all for that matter. I have dated several women who were divorced. More times than not it was due to domestic violence, drugs, infidelity, etc. Other times, as happened recently with me, you date someone who has been married 'almost' three times. You at first have to wonder on that one (poor choices, etc.)..which is why I always give the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes you are right--other times you find out they are eff'd up and a whore.



    So, in short, I never judge upfront. I always try to get to know the person and weigh the situation collectively. Rash judgment could cost you 'the one'.



  7. Weight Watchers is good. I had success with it along the way. However, Atkins/low carb was the most successful for me through the years--it was during the periods of doing it that i felt the most normal and healthy (no carb crashes or sluggishness through the day..I had energy and slept better than I ever have in my life)..AND it rendered the most normal bloodwork I have ever had.


    I am currently down 30lbs from where I was one year ago. I sustain it by avoiding fastfood as much as possible and I don't keep bread in my house--except for the occasional sandwich and i make it will whole grain bread. Also, I drink diet drinks (99% of the time) and I NEVER add sugar, butter, salt, etc. to anything I eat...EVER.

  8. You can take the girl out the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out the girl............


    (no disrespect to the nice, respectable people who live in trailers)



    What exactly is the implication here?


    What about the 16 year old who lives in a million dollar home and has never been inside a trailer? That would be my 16 year old sister who gave birth to my precious nephew this summer. Or how about my mom (whose parents were multi-millionaires) who gave birth to my sister at 15. She now has a masters degree and has been teaching for 25 years (teacher of the year last year).


    Tread lightly folks.

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