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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. I think I read it in the AJC this morning, or perhaps a blurb on my morning jog of Fox, MSNBC, and CNN. The reporter was talking about the adjustment many folks around the world, especially Americans, will have to make when using a toilet in Bejing. Seems their toilets are merely a 'hole' in the floor and you must squat. To top it off, you discard your soiled tissue in a trash can.


    I googled 'Chinese toilet' and found myself intrigued. *shrug* The 'dirty Chinese toilet' images that appeared in the search results were especially, um, gross.




  2. How bout this? Don’t like the food served in prison? Make a point not to become a resident.



    It has nothing to do with liking or not liking the food served. I am sure the vegan dish is as abhorrent as the chicken casserole. Going to prison/jail doesn't absolve someone from there religion and certainly not from their right to profess and practice. Just ask a Rasta who holds his locks sacred or a Native American who finds the sweat lodge sacred. You will find Rastas can keep their hair and mail it home if they decide to cut it. Also, you will find Native Americans practicing rituals in sweat lodges in federal prisons across the United States.


    Seems to me most folks with your hard nose slant would support some 'ligion in prison (and school for that matter). Then again, if it ain't King James, it ain't 'ligion, eh?




  3. The water running down the driveway is a good reason to use the hose.

    We have not had enough rain to waste water on concrete!!



    Agreed. This is the kind of crap that will get the reins on the restrictions tightened back up. I use maybe 6-7 minutes worth of water to keep my flowers alive and 'purty. I think it is a fair use as long as the supply stays at current levels. If the restrictions are put back in place...I suppose I will be making more trips from the shower to the flower bed...possibly installing some pvc to capture gray water from the washing machine.

  4. I will agree that finding definitive info is virtually impossible. I can only imagine that it is perhaps a tactic to keep some from watering. Who knows?


    Anyhow, You can water on the odd/even system for 25 minutes with a hand held nozzle that has auto-shutoff when not in use. The times are midnight to 9 or 10--I usually try to be finished by 9. Also, on the days I can't water with the hose, I recycle gray water from the shower/bath.



  5. I am looking for a Daycare on the south side of the county...preferably in the 92/Brownsville area. PLEASE PM me any suggestions you may have.



  6. I feel your pain, however, when you run a 24/7 store, one of the evils is having to stock while open. Stocking a high volume store like Wally World is different than somewhere like Target. You are bound to come head-to-head with the flow team. I agree that a few of them could use some 'home-trainin'...I get pissed when I am treated as being in their way and I abhor the earphone thing....I can only presume it has to be against company policy.

  7. By personally conservative I mean that I think people who kill me or members of my family should be killed, I have not had an aboortzion (I have proof of that), I will not immmigrate, I am against paying taxes, I am not on welfare (yet), I like the pledge with part about God in it, I think the 10 commandments are cool, I think the flag should be shown respect, and I am all about states rights.


    So, I am pro-life for all of the people at my address, but I am pro-choice for the people at yours. I am against death penalty for me, but for you, I am okay. Does that make sense?


    I just want to know where I can get some pepper-spray.


    How about I bitch-slap you at work tomorrow? Twas a joke, dork.


    Come to my room and see me tomorrow and I will point you in the direction of pepper-spray.

  8. My patience is being tried. I think someone broke into two of my vehicles, and suddenly for the first time in my life, I can imagine hurting someone to a degree that I had never even considered.


    A little background: I am personally conservative on many issues, but politically I have always been very liberal especially when it comes to gun control. I hate guns. I have never wanted a gun. I have always been suspicious of people who have them and are proud of the fact that they own them. I grew up with a step father that carried one and went hunting all of the time, and that might have something to do with my aversion to them.


    Anywho, I am seriously considering getting a gun, or several guns...an arsenal. I feel violated, and I am afraid for my family. I want to move, but at the same time I am pseudo-fantasizing about catching someone violating my family or property to so that I can exact some vigilante justice and I am ashamed.


    So, where is the best place to buy pepper-spray, guns, ammunition, traps, surveillance equipment.


    HAve any of you ever felt this way?


    You conservative? Have you been :drinks: ?

  9. There's a difference between the physical body and the mind. You know that.





    Your mind is certainly a physical part of the body. The prefrontal cortex isn't a figment. Hence, when the cortex isn't snoozing (due to ADHD med stimulation) it is able to perform its physiological duties.


    I agree that states of 'being' and concepts of metaphysics have merit, however, to strip the mind of physical origin and thus its susceptibility to be altered physically, is, well, incomprehensible.

  10. I would like to know the long term side effects as well, is this a medicine that can be stopped and started as needed or is it something that needs to be taken all of them. What kind of dependency does it create.



    Give google a try.

  11. I cant even believe that a doctor is suggesting medicating a 5 year old. That doctor should be strung up. They will always give you some scary sounding name for a normal action because they dont want normal kids. If they get that kid hooked on that garbage at that age, they create a lifetime of income as long as they con convince him that he needs it. Its not your son acting bad, its the other people not responding correctly. Perhaps the answer is in more discipline, I've been introducing "being grounded" to my 4 year old and he seems to respond well to that. He is WAY too young to even be considered for something like that. Would you even think about it if they called then "Psychological research substances" which is essentially what they are? Probably something synthetically produced by a lab in Japan. This is a serious issue, especially since theyre trying to do it at that age, you shouldnt let that sheeze fly for one second and perhaps you should consider a different doctor who can offer different ideas and solutions.



    You couldn't be more off base--or your rocker. My dad is a doctor and was a pharmacist before that. He has been practicing medicine for 25+ years. He spent 10+ years in college and formal training. He also has the reputation of being the best diagnostician in the state. I will take his judgment over your's any day.


    If he wanted to create a 'lifetime of income', it certainly wouldn't be by conjuring a false diagnosis and prescribing a Schedule II Narcotic. The mere assertion is less than insulting.




  12. For those of you who have kids on ADD/ADHD meds how are they? How do the kids act when they first start them, how long does it take to work? What different kinds of meds are out there? Any questions I should be asking his doctors.


    My oldest is getting tested for ADD/ADHD by his psychologist, his pediatrician will be the one prescribing the actually medicines. I am told that the testing process is going to take between 3-4 session with indepth discussions with his urologist and pediatrician.


    I hate to do this to my little boy, but I am afraid he might need it.


    Any help thanks



    I am 30 and I take Concerta for ADD/ADHD. I was diagnosed last year after not being taken seriously by doctors for 10+ years. If I could go back and live the last 10 years of my life being treated for ADD/ADHD, I would. I would at least try it and see if it works. Don't let folks on here scare you from doing what very well may change your son's life--for the better.



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