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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. This county has areas of high population which model Cobb but it still has areas which are extremely rural. Given simple statistics more Deputies will be needed in the dense areas than in the rural areas so manpower is assigned accordingly. For anyone saying Paulding should do things like Cobb needs to realize they are different and cannot operate the same. Cobb has dense population throughout the entire county. That allow for more officers, more command staff and allows thing to be broken up in precincts and beats.


    Thank you. That is exactly what I was saying. Cobb obviously has a good system, however, it is a different drawing board. The stakes are the same, however, the game is different.

  2. I was also trying to illustrate that deputies aren't sitting at the current SO building waiting to answer calls. They are in their assigned zones patrolling. If there are X amount of deputies in a particular zone and Y amount of calls (Y being larger than X) you have call lag and prioritization of response begins by E911/Captain. Lay on top of that the sprawl that exists in this county--it is inevitable there is going to be delay at times; owing blame to the amount of resources--not the competency of the deputies or the SO leadership.


    Then, you compound on top of what is already a stressed problem with the OP wanting our deputies to work all the accidents in the county. You will be waiting even longer.


    I also want to add, in response to the communication equipment comment; the Sheriff doesn't have much to do with this. Communication equipment is under the domain of E911 and its director. The battle has existed between the SO and E911 for quit e a few years now. The Sheriff can't snap his fingers and new equipment appear.




  3. Ok, no I wasnt meaning that we need physical buildings. I wasnt sure if we have zones out here or not. i was guilty of rambling on about something that I wasnt educated on. Happens often.



    You weren't rambling at all....your point is very valid. All I was saying is without the men to patrol the zone, precinct, or whatever we choose to call it; it will be just that, another zone/precinct.


    The broader point I am making is you can't blame response time on the Sheriff if the system is in place and the funds to push it to its best capacity aren't available. Pay raises are good, more deputies are good, better equipment is good, however, if you don't have the money, it is but a wishful thought.



  4. Pct do reduce respone time. There would be deputies assigned to one area of the county. Permantely assignment (not to say you couldn't trasfer) but not rotating. There would say, be 5 deputies to cover beulah (im just throwing numbers around) and 5 to cover union. If there were a Pct out here then there would be no need for the deputy assigned to union to be over in new hope. I am clear this revolves around many things such as man power and how long shifts are (8,10, or 12 hours) and such but it works in Cobb and could work here.



    That is already being done with the way the SO has the county split into 'zones'. I was referring to precincts as an actual physical building--perhaps where I wasn't clear. If you are referring to an actual precinct--geographical region--it is already done that way in Paulding.



  5. I think you are jess I mean even if the officers worked out of the fire stations to prevent spending money on buildings. this would help with response time and also strengthen the bond between of fire, ems and police officers



    Oh good so I didn't sound like an idiot? :lol: Paulding is a large county and its really not safe to make an officer race from downtown Dallas to Union Community (for example)....




    Deputies don't sit at the Sheriff's Office. Therefore, building precinct stations throughout the county isn't going to cause a de facto increase in response time. Currently, officers are assigned to zones. Response time with the current structure really comes down to manpower and call volume. Neither of which precincts will impact/help. Dice the current 'zone' structure all you want--you are still dealing with areas in this county with a lot of sprawl and lengthened response times are inherent.




    They could do that now in this county instead of allowing the deputies to congregate at the courthouse.





    They are probably WORKING there.

  6. I spoke to him a few days ago and he told me with certainty that his new album is hitting stores Feb. 19. His new single broke top 20 this week and is resting at #18 on the Country Hot 100 charts. I have heard most of the new album...it is really good.


    Here is the new album cover:




  7. :lol: :lol: :lol: ... I know, right?!? I was hoping that wasn't what I was going hear! But, I have thought about just calling the exterminator. Any good advice on a good exterminator? :huh: :D




    Interesting... :mellow: I might try that! Sounds cheapier than an exterminator! :lol:



    Actually....come to think of it...since the flea bearing animals aren't around anymore...try the borax...I have heard it works well...it wasn't good for me since I still had the animals running around.


    If that fails...call exterminator....the foggers are messy and the pesticide gets on everything.



  8. Unless the democrats beat themselves up badly in the primary, whomever the democratic candidate is will win in November because your NON-Republican administration currently raping this country financially are going to get tossed out of office across the nation.


    There was some very good discussion on Meet the Press this morning about this very subject. Namely, Bushtard and company and the effects they have had on his 'party'. Fact is, they are leaving him in droves. Further, the overall non-leadership and absence of direction/platform of the current GOP. Good discussion.

  9. No idea..But I want to see the responses. My son wants one for his birthday.



    I am itching to roll out to Best Buy now to get one.....I just want to see what folks have to say. I suppose I could always take it back if I don't like it.



  10. I don't know moose, I guess we should just give up an elect Hitlery Rotten Clinton.


    They need to elect someone with the nerve to cut the size of Govt. in half...if not more...there'd be too much whining though.


    The liberals would pitch a hissy fit the likes of which you've never seen.



    I am all for shaving the gov't down....however, this day and age it is really a misnomer to label any of the two front parties anything but government expansionists. Some of it is a necessary evil. As citizens we have an implied social contract with the government--it is the essence of virtually every government ruled society. However, blaming government wastes on 'libs' and welfare recipients is a strawman at best.

  11. I never really paid attention to these things until recently when student of mine brought one and showed it to me. I was amazed. Mainly I am interested in the internet and such...especially being able to read RSS feeds.


    Who has one? Are they worth it?

  12. Again, you are missing the point.


    A county can be one by 1 vote. Hell, a state for that matter. I think that fact stared us all in the face in 2000. Have you forgotten Florida?


    Keeping that in mind, it becomes clear why it is important to remember that while one party wins in a particular area there are still folks of the opposing parties voting. For instance, if 10k folks vote for candidate A and 10k + 1 folks vote for B, B wins. If you decide to make that county candidate B's color, that is legitimate. However, if you are attempting to show patterns of the entire voting process--it requires you to incorporate both sides--exactly what blending the two sides does. Otherwise, it can be used to present skewed, faceless, hollow, and otherwise laughable arguments. That is exactly what you have done. The way you are using the maps to present your argument makes it seem like nobody at ALL voted for Gore in the 'red' regions. Further, it makes the appearance that nobody voted for Bush in the areas you are wanting to bloviate about with mock authority.








  13. You have truly succeeded in making no point. Here is a more accurate picture of the 2000 election. Plastering the straight blue/red maps give the wrong impression. Fact is, Bush was not an overwhelming victor in 2000--he didn't even win the popular vote. About 500,000 more folks cast their vote for Gore than did those who voted for Bush.



  14. Check the law on reckless driving and you will find that we can arrest for this offense along with several others like DUI... Wish we all had those rose colored glasses! :D


    Exactly on the law. It matters not that it is a parking lot. If you are operating a vehicle in a parking lot in such a manner that poses harm to others--it is reckless driving and it is a bondable offense. To the comment it is 'private property'...go park in a handicap spot or fire lane and let me know what the officer has to say about it being 'private' property.



  15. I was sitting here earlier thinking about a particular textbook from college. It then dawned on me that it was taken with the rest of my possessions when my house was robbed. It then occurred to me I have several boxes in my mom's basement that I left behind when I moved into my house. I went to the basement and I opened the boxes to find over 100 of my books I thought were gone. All of my college textbooks, notes, and papers written were there too...all stuff I thought was gone forever. I am like a fat kid eating chocolate cake right now.


    I am elated beyond belief and just wanted to share.



    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D




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