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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Why in the hello can't our roads just be named one name and make common sense? Atlanta Hwy., as far as I know is 278. Dallas Hwy. is also called Marietta Hwy. depending on which direction you're going in, also known as 120 or if you're lucky enough, Charles Hardy Pkwy. depending on which intersection you decide to partake of it. And then you have 92, which cuts off in several different places, and logically, if you follow 92 you would think it would continue being 92, but no, it takes a hard turn and then turns into 381. For anyone travelling from out of state - even for
  2. But his one will always make me dance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_hz2am90Hk
  3. He obviously needs to go to the mountains.
  4. "Down In the Boondocks (sp?) People put me down 'cause that's the side of town I was born in.................I love her, she loves me, but I don't fit in her society, Lord have mercy on a boy from down in the boondocks." Now, where's my purse?
  5. It's the way I felt when I heard the news that John Lennon had died (murdered actually). And yes, I can remember exactly the day that JFK was shot, and I was in kindergarten, the day that Bobby Kennedy was shot, and MLK too. No, I'm not that old, there are just certain events that stand out in your mind. Hell, I remember the day that Jane Mansfield died - July in 1967, and I was just a little kid. Anyone remember Paul Revere and the Raiders? I was just a little kid and we were going to see them that same night at the old Civic Auditorium - it's part of GA State now. Anna Niccole Smit
  6. I was off by a day. Like I said, I didn't google it, but I was pretty close on the date.
  7. Source? And don't forget, don't ever forget, that the anal, I mean annual observance of Elvis' death will be coming up in August. The 17th I believe (the date), and it will be 32 years. Correct me if you like, I haven't wasted the time to Google it, I'm just wasting my time sitting here talking about it.
  8. But when is the annual sale?
  9. How many positive responses would there be if he was a NASCAR driver? And how internationaly arey the known? (NASCAR drivers) Other than driving a car really fast and trying to commit suicide, what do they do? Go ahead, I told myself this morning I wouldn't come on this place because this is the home of NASCAR. OK, talk away.
  10. How old are you? Not trying to be nasty, it's a generational kind of thing.
  11. I'm already feeling sad - are you trying to push me over the edge? I know I'm old, although not so much, and I know that my days are numbered, but maybe not as few as you may think, and it was bad enough with Farrah today, and then Michael Jackson - well, who will be your icon?
  12. I'm going to find my Thriller CD, do housework, and cry. Even better would be a copy of "I'll Be There" if I could find it, or "ABC", etc. Can you moonwalk? Sorry, I know he turned out to be a weirdo, but he was damn talented when he was younger - it doesn't excuse anything - it just makes me feel old and sad.
  13. He's dead, and I'm crying. He definately turned out to be very strange in his last years, but he was amazing before that. I hope his kids can overcome whatever weirdness they were subjected to, and whatever weirdness the other kids that came into his life succombed to. I'm not defended him, I think I'm crying for my self at this point. Is that any different than being upset about Farrah dying? It's all about a piece of our lives gone - be it good, be it bad, or just being part of the background.
  14. I agree to a point. He ended up being a very disturbed individual thanks mostly to his daddy (I'm not making excuses for him in no way shape or form), but the guy had tremendous talent, and if he's gone, well, I guess, selfishly, I'll shed tears for the little MJ that I grew to love when I was a kid. He and I are the same age, and I can simply remember him when he was still just the great talent that he was.
  15. Well chit, is he dead or not? I don't mean to sound that way, but credible news sources would be good at this point.
  16. LOL, I'm sorry, and if this is true I will truly mourn his death, no matter what I thought about him in later years. I grew up with him, in a matter of speaking. I was sad enough about Farrah, and this is just really sad if it comes to pass.
  17. Shiat, I'm watching CNN right now, and they haven't reported his death. Crap.............................
  18. Thanks, just an animal lover here, and a Momma.
  19. I hope you're right. We've done our best to stay out of their way during this whole process. I guess next spring we'd all be better off if we just kept the garage door closed at all times.
  20. I think he's still out there in the garage. I keep hearing baby chirping. I'm trying to move stuff around so that I can find him, but then my fear is that if I do and put him back in the nest Momma won't want him after he's been touched by humans.
  21. We've had birds nesting in our garage for the last couple of months and I think I just spooked one of the babies out of the nest, and Momma is out there looking for him/her. I've tried to be very careful about not trying to get too close to the nest, I open the garage door first thing in the morning so that Momma can get in there - I leave it open all day, but we close it at night so that the coons can't get in there. Anyway, I took a chance and started moving some boxes that were close to the area, and the little one came out of the nest. I tried to catch him, but he ended up under s
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