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Everything posted by shopthebookworm

  1. We'll be moving thousands (I mean that; literally thousands) of books on Sunday. I would like to say that I would greatly appreciate any and all extra hands who would like to join the effort. The Book Worm is going to look better than ever before! I'm so excited! *squee* Things get started at 10:00 a.m. and will continue until everything's been moved... or until I pass out... whichever comes first. Stop in whenever strikes your fancy. I'll be bribing everyone with copious amounts of grease, sugar and caffeine via doughnuts, pizza and soda! ... Oh yeah; today's sale... Let u
  2. Biography, Social Issues, Humor and Essays 25% off ... So, Britaini is in the store today, and I am posting from home where I am currently chasing my 4 year old grandson around the house. I've been informed we are to have pizza for lunch ("With LOTS of pepperoni, and maybe bacon" ), and that we need to watch the 'Power Puff Girls' . I don't get to spend the day with him too often, so I feel compelled to acquiesce . I hope you all have as enjoyable a day as I intend to, and if you are out and about...drop by the store and say 'Hey" to the Brit, and maybe buy a book or two . ~Rhond
  3. SO happy the icky rain is gone? How about yall? Britaini is at the store today, and I am working from home on my SUPER HUGE "24x48" inch canvas for the area over the register. While I am waiting for my muse to speak to me, I figured I had better post our special for the day . ~Science, History, Pets and Animals 25% off !!!!! So, if you are in need of books on astronomy, science and nature in general...you know the place to visit: . Changes~ Heads up for our regulars...this weekend Britaini, and as many people as she can lasso in are going to be pretty much
  4. Awesome Pubby, thanks! I think Brit may be headed out there today...I made her take a day off .
  5. Awwww, THANK YOU Lowrider. You just brought a really big smile to my face this dreary morning . I was sad I didn't get to meet you as well, Britaini said you were a super sweetie . I had planned to be here all week, but then my hip popped and made other plans for me. Being on the wrong side of 40 and rolling around in this floor for a week and a half turned out to not be such a grand idea after all, lol.. On the upside I read almost 5 books in 4 days from so much time spent on my hiney . I hope I do get to meet you one day soon, and I am truly happy we were able to get the book yo
  6. I detest rain. No really, I DETEST rain. It makes me feel very maudlin, always has...beside the fact that when my hair gets wet I look like one of those orange haired Troll dolls . If I was home today, I would be reading one of my awesome great books, and that leads me in to today's special. TWO FOR TUESDAY!!! "Pick your genre, FICTION. Buy One~Get One, FREE" Includes Paranormal Romance section, btw. I say you can't beat that with a stick...or maybe you can, but I wouldn't suggest it . Be safe in this icky nasty weather everyone, and I hope you enjoy your Tuesday.
  7. Pick your pleasure, make your own sale from any sale on our calendar . Have a GREAT WEEKEND, pccommers . ~Rhonda
  8. I posted today's special yesterday, so now I am going to post yesterday's special today . I just confused myself AGAIN ... Thursday's special on Friday is as follows ... Self Help and Parenting 25% off. SO if you need some help with the young-uns, or some help for yourself after dealing with them, drop in and we will take an additional 25% off of our (already) 1/2 off retail books. As always, thank you for your support! ~Rhonda
  9. That would be awesome! I look forward to meeting you! -Britaini (daughter of the illustrious RhondaW)
  10. I'm back on my Medifast program, so the lbs are coming back off...I considered joining the gym with my husband, but then I realized I get more physical exercise in a single day at the store than he gets in a week at the gym . Bookstore work is most assuredly not a sedentary day job . What are you all doing to get in shape, or better shape if indeed this was one of things you resolved to do this year? To assist you in your journey, today's special is: Health and Wellness, Sports and Fitness 25% off. Let us know what we can do to better serve you! As always, thank you for
  11. I really hate this weather, did I mention that already? Not just those of us who paint, draw, sculpt, crochet, knit or quilt....but also those of YOU (I am most certainly not included in this equation) who enjoy cooking. Our Art, Collecting, and Cookbook' sections are an additional 25% off today. Come on down and ignore this dreary awful waeather, we can cheer one another up .
  12. Iggy Pop is still 'do-able'...AND Steven Tyler .
  13. Today is 'Two-Fer-Tuesday' . Buy one, Get one FREE you choose YOUR fiction genre . We are still busting hiney, trying to get things in order for the re-arranging in our store. After we have finished culling inventory...the real work begins . Our layout will be different, paint is going up on the walls, and MASSIVE amounts of artwork. We hope to become a destination and not just a drop in...although we are super happy when you do just 'drop in'. We do still need boxes if you have any you want to relieve yourself of. We will put them to good use and they won't end up in a l
  14. One of my favourtie bits is from Mostly Harmless, where Ford admits to being the sole reason behind the animal we now call a giraffe. LOVE IT!
  15. Britaini Says: Oh, sorry; no dice. But I will throw you a couple of options: 1) We can put it on our customer wish list and give you a call or shoot you an email when it comes in. (Though, keep in mind, requests have a 3 month expiration.) 2) We can see if we can order it in at an insanely cheap price... 'cause that's how we roll. Just let me know.
  16. Who knows this reference? Our special today for this second Monday of the month is 25% off our Christian non-fiction, Religion, Philosphy and New Age sections. Everyone have a great start of the work week, and as always thank you for your support!!!
  17. Hello Pcom Peeps . Happy Saturday to you, and I hope you all are enjoying your day as much as I am. I'm home today, recovering from my week of indentured servitude at the store , but Britaini and Jerry are there and ready to help you with all of your literature related needs. Today is the 'Pick your Pleasure' special. In a nutshell it means you can take 25% of your favorite non-fiction genre, OR BUY ONE GET ONE FREE, in your favorite FICTION category. Seriously, how can you beat that? Just make sure to let Britaini or Jerry know when you are ready to check out so they can apply y
  18. We are SO slap worn out this week, seriously. It's been a very productive week, but near to back breaking on this girl . Pulled 20 million tons of inventory, and only about halfway through at this point, but it is good to see progress. Even though the task is just a little overwhelming, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks again, and we are overwhelmed with the help we have been receiving from patrons and friends. From manual labor to boxes . For anyone interested, we do reciprocate with awesome books in trade for the help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. It's a good day for some of our non-fiction readers . Our Biography, Social Issues, Humor and Essays sections are 25% off today . Special thanks to many of our friends from pccom for your assistance, moral support and just in general cheerleading skills. We have had SO many people drop in and help us cull inventory, reshelve etc. A friend even brought food for Brtiani yesterday to keep her from dying on the floor . We love you guys, and appreciate the support more than we can express. You all ROCK!
  20. Thank you for the feedback, and yes we thought it would be easier that way too! Absolutely, Art will include the actual books on Art and artists as well as the 'crafting' type books so we will pretty much have your area of interest covered twice in the month. Again, we do appreciate the feedback. It helps us tremendously to know what you need and would like to see more of. Book clubs will also be reconvening in the next few months, specific to your favorite genre. Lots of changes, we are excited. T When you come in to visit please pardon our mess for a couple of weeks.
  21. Yes, please!!!! Brit will be making a shopping trip around the middle of next month so there will be lots of new invenmtory. Not counting our regular trade-ins .
  22. Happy Hump Day, Pccommers !!!!!! As most of you know, our esteemed leader, Susan, has retired as owner from The Book Worm. Britaini has taken over and we have a few changes in store. There will be asthetic changes, and shuffling around of sections. We are in the process of removing some stale inventory so that we can make room for new. Britaini has decided to make a more permanent calendar of daily specials on a two week rotation so that you will always know the days best suited to your shopping needs. I will still post daily reminders, but I wanted to lay it out at once as
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