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Everything posted by shopthebookworm

  1. Today is TWO-FOR-TUESDAY Pick your genre fiction, buy one, get one FREE!!!! What's better than free??? Well an awesome book nook, of course . I've decided to try and find images of awesome book nooks for every day of the year... I wonder how many are out there on the interwebz??? We'll see . Rhonda AND Britaini in store today to share the book love with you, so drop in and say 'Hey' !! Have a great day, everyone!!!
  2. 25% off of our Homeschool, Reference, and school Reading shelves today. We are a half off retail store, so if you need any of the materials, today you will be saving 75% off retail . School Required Reading selection: Reference: Homeschool and more reference... Have a GREAT day !!!!! Rhonda
  3. Love it when I misspell a word in the title ...lol.
  4. First off we apologize for being sporadic at best in our postings the last two weeks. We are trying to get everything at the store spic and span, with a facelift and fresh coat of paint in order to kickoff our relaunching on April 28th. I personally have been living at the store (2 days off in the last 16 ) on a 9 foot ladder, with paintbrush in hand. We love the changes, and have had extremely positive feedback from our wonderful customers. I'm going to post several before and after photos, just to give you an idea of the work that has been done. We haven't completely finished yet, but
  5. Thanks, dallasbrowneyes; I'll certainly let you know. This is a huge group effort and I really appreciate all the support.
  6. We're gearing up for our Book Clubs which, as you know (at least, I hope you know. If not, click here) will start up this summer. First selections have been made in a few of the groups and one of the last hurdles we have to cross before we finalize our plans is our timeline. So, how often should your group meet? Every four weeks? Six? Eight? Click the link and let us know! Your participation in this matter as, indeed, in all matters, is greatly appreciated. I leave you with this rectangle of loveliness... I like to call it, Heaven.
  7. I just realized I forgot to post our special today, we've been busy getting our brand spanking new, shiny RED register computer hooked up. No more peeling the paint off the walls with curses of blood and slaughter at our old unit . In all of the excitement I forgot to post our special, so here goes... 25% off of all School Reading, Homeschool and Reference material . So for all of you homeschooling (or tutoring) Moms and Dads, today is YOUR special day! Hope everyone has a great Monday . ~Rhonda
  8. For all of the artists out there: those of you who express your soul's cry through mediums of paint, charcoal, ink, clay, needle and thread, scrap metal and soldering iron, summer squash and red potato, film and fondant; we have something for you, and it's on sale. Art, Crafting and Cookbooks are 25% off today. Plus; peruse a selection of deigns from L. Berry; handmade greeting cards for any occasion. So gorgeous, they'll have you concocting reasons to send cards... to people you don't even like!
  9. LOL! You are MUCH prettier than your profile picture, girlfriend . Mine, is just me .
  10. Happy Tuesday everyone!!!! Today's special is my favorite of the week ... buy one, get one (pick your fiction genre) FREE!!!! Yep, no gimmicks, not gotchhas and no tricks. Buy one get one free FICTION . So come on down...and get some book love . ~Rhonda
  11. We told you that we have all kinds of changes in the works around here . One of the additions we are especially pleased about will be genre specific book clubs. There will be a little something for everyone, geared towards your favorite genre. Lovers of dystopian literature won't be forced to endure Nicolas Sparks, and vice~versa . There will even be a club for 'Foodies', people who may not necessarily enjoy leisure reading but can really tear it down when it comes to cookbooks. There will be a relaunching when all of the dust settles around here and a specific day to come in, s
  12. Okay...Ray says Adventure Outdoors or Walmart .
  13. I'll check with my husband, we have a Glock also. ~Rhonda
  14. I have it, and yes you can. My husband sometimes watches some kind of crappy sitcom while I like anything with Gordon Ramsay . He streams through our PS3 and I watch on my computer at the same time. I never watch the movies on HULU because they really don't have anything I like, but I LOVE the fact that they have all of the old Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Night Gallery, and so many other shows I loved growing up. Their television episode library is tremendous. There are also a lot of BBC and Japanese television shows that are great. We stream Netflix as well, but we mainly use th
  15. Happy Monday morning, pccommers !!!!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and enjoyed the beautiful weather we had yesterday! I like the cold, and I feel cheated this year out of my winter...but I will take days like yesterday. I had the doors propped open here at the store and it was heavenly . Not so much today it seems, but hopefully at least the sun may peek out at us and smile . Today's special is 25% off of our New Age, Religion (Christian and otherwise) and Philosophy sections. Hope to see yall soon, and everyone have a fantastic Monday!!! ~Rhonda
  16. Today, all Biographies, Social Issues, Humor and Essays are 25% off !!!! Drop in and say 'Hello' to Britaini, running the store today. If you are a first time visitor from Pccom, you will receive an extra surprise so be sure to let her know that you are a neighbor here . Everyone have a safe (and dry) day!!! ~Rhonda
  17. You know how we do it: Buy 1, Get 1 Genre Fiction!!! Children, Teen, Adult; Romance, Horror, Suspense; we've got what you need! And, besides; it's gonna rain; what else are you gonna do? See you soon!
  18. Albeit chilly...but you really NEVER will hear me complain about being cold . We have the store all warmed up and smelling sweet (thanks to Ms Ann Dugan and Scentsy) so drop in if you are out this way today and say 'Hello', and maybe buy a book or twenty . Our sale today is 25% off all Homeschool and Reference material. We do have a pretty good selection of A Beka Book readers and such, and if you know anything about homeschool you know how awesome their reading program is. I homeschooled for 12 years, and absolutely swear by them for the elementary ages in particular. So, Happ
  19. The only songs that make me cry are those I associate with certain memories. Like for instance, I love John Denver...but I cannot listen to him without tears because I think of my Mom every time I hear him. Mostly happy tears, but tears nonetheless. ~Rhonda
  20. For those of you who have never seen the inside, and for those who have but not since we have been busting our tails to update Next project is a bit more new inventory...paint on the walls (along with canvases with phrases from classic literature) and a new seating area with coffee. Gonna be AWESOME . Children's area... More of the children's are on into 'young adult' which is really elementary through middle school reading. More of the Children's are, toybox, etc...oh and 'Fred the faceless doll' . Sorry, this one came out kind of dark. Looking at t
  21. Just a note; we are full up on Christian non-fiction So if you've got it, you're welcome to donate it here but I won't be able to give you credit. Thanks, everyone! -Britaini
  22. Happy Friday !!!!! This fine Friday, (beautiful day so far) our special is " Health and Wellness, Sports and Fitness 25% off" . Now for the other article of interest for our awesome clientele that avail themselves of trade credit used in our store: We need to bulk up several sections after our inventory 'culling'. Britaini has decided for the next two weeks or so to offer DOUBLE the usual 'trade credit' value for ALL non-fiction turned in and all fiction, with the singular exception of 'Romance'. Paranormal romance yes, but general romance we have an overabundance of . Th
  23. Today we offer 25% off of all of our 'Self Help' and 'Parenting' sections. Happy Thursday !!!!
  24. Two-Fer Tuesday !!!!! Pick your fiction, buy one get one free. Your section, your choice . ~Rhonda
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