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Everything posted by shopthebookworm

  1. Sometimes I spend too much time stressing over minute details. Okay... most of the time, I spend too much time stressing out over minute details. Is it a character flaw? Maybe. Do I care? No. I am what I am... just like Popeye. That being said, I wanted to put a catchy title in the field up there but I couldn't think of anything and I realized I had been staring at the screen for a good 7 minutes weighing the pro's and con's of using this title over that title and what sort of implications you, the Reader, would infer. The title field is in fact still blank because I haven't come
  2. That's a fantastic description; I "adore" them as well.
  3. It is amazing to me just how much pleasure I receive from finding a new book to take home. One would think that, after being surrounded by them day in and day out that I might grow weary but that is sooooooooo untrue. Take for example, 10 minutes ago. While sorting through a few boxes of books, pulling out what will be shelved, what will be donated, fairly routine stuff daily tasks, I pull one book away, then another beneath… and there it is. A book I’ve had my eyes open for for months, just hoping one would wander through my door. My heart kicked, my breathing came just that much fast
  4. Awww... I'm sorry you are sick (that really bites a big one); but I'm glad I could entertain you for a moment! Here is some digital chicken soup... not sure how that is going to help you earache... or anything else really, since it's digital and therefore intangible... and I don't know if there's an emoticon for "chicken soup"... and if there were, would it be an "emoticon" since "chicken soup" is not an emotion? ... Now I'm boring myself; sorry. Get well soon!
  5. I've been sitting here for over an hour trying to choose a topic on which to blather endlessly on about... obviously nothing's come to me. See, the thing is, I'm not much for wit on demand. It has to come naturally, within the flow of the conversation; I can't just whip it out on command like some sort of sterling piece of medieval weaponry. Which, on the whole, is rather annoying as, in a situation such as this, that level of skill, of mastery over one's higher brain and motor functions, i.e. meaningful oration, would be just spiffing. (At this point, the little man in my head bows a
  6. Mum called it and left a message that said "Awwww... you sound so cute!"
  7. Let me start out by saying, in the most humble way possible, that I'm fairly intelligent. Not that my person contains any extraordinary amount of valuable, relevant or even interesting information; just that my mind is open and constantly searching and therefore is ripe for the constant germination of new ideas, new information... I have the ability to learn and retain. That being said: I. Am. An. Idiot. For the last... lets just say several... months, I've been trying to update the greeting on the BW's store line. I've recorded and re-recorded and nothing happened; it would revert bac
  8. So, I am looking for a place to recycle my unsalvageable books (because I get a lot of them); I simply cannot abide the thought of tossing them into the trash bin (it's so wrong on so many levels) but I've been trying to find a pulper that does not charge for drop off... so far, no luck. Anyone got any ideas?
  9. Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be reverting to our former schedule of closing on Sunday. I had been working the day, but will be having abdominal surgery in the very near future and will be in recovery for 6 to 8 weeks. We had hoped that business on Sunday would be a bit better, but due to the fact that we are the only business in town open on that day the traffic has not been what we hoped it would be. Many Sundays we have been open and had no one but myself in the store all day, with cost of utilities, etc. is is no longer feasible.. So, after much discussion between
  10. I'm gonna have to disagree on that one. I think, for the amount of used inventory they have, the heavy foot traffic (meaning customers picking up, deciding against and setting back down wherever is convenient) they are very neat and very organized. I've never gone up to an employee and not had my questions answered, been shown to the section, which is always appreciated. I think I see it as a whole; ignore the little quirks (even though, I love quirks; it's what makes a place unique) and you've got a vast space filled with and even more vast array of words and worlds. What's not to love abou
  11. You know what today is not? Saturday. No matter how long I thought the contrary this morning when I first awoke. And then I was a little disappointed... And then depressed... ...And then I just felt stupid. But the disappointment has won out. Not because I think Saturdays are particularly wonderful (not that they aren't great in their own Saturday-eish way) but because Saturday is the day before Sunday (most of the time) and Sunday means McKay Books. Now, Mckay's is probably the closest a book loving nerbucked like myself will ever get to true, unadulterated bliss. I mean, signif
  12. :yahoo: Success! We did it... YOU did it! Thank you all for your support and your votes and your shares and your good mojo and to that one person who felt I needed a little dutch courage and slipped me a travel size bottle of tequila earlier today! You guys are the absolute best; you're better than customers, more than that; you're our friends and we love you so much it gives us mild headaches! (Just kidding... about the tequila thing, not the love thing. The tequila thing never happened... would have been funny though. )
  13. Thank you, thank you! We are so close; we only need 31 more! Thankfully, I miscalculated on the time. We have until tomorrow night... so nag away, darling! And, thank you!
  14. OMG, We only need 52 more votes! Thank you so much, everyone! And if you haven't voted and shared, yet, please, go to the website, click Log In & Support, follow the steps and search Book Worm Bookstore, then click Vote! It's that easy! We're so close! Thanks again...
  15. You can only vote once. And, unfortunately, the essay isn't open to the public. They weren't specific as to whether or not those will be released... I hope they do. Thank you so much for the vote; and please share us with your friends! You guys are the bomb!
  16. We're at 170, guys! Thank you so much! if you haven't voted yet, just copy and paste the link, click Log In & Support with facebook, search Book Worm Bookstore and vote!There is so much we could do with community, so may things I'd like to see happen and your votes and positive thoughts and energy are a huge part of that! No matter what happens, your support means so much to us; to me. So thank you, from the bottom of my (maybe 1 size too small) heart. -Britaini B.
  17. Thank you, so much, everyone! We're gotten 92 votes and while that is crazy awesome, we still have just over 150 to go by the end of the day; so please, if you haven't voted yet, please copy and paste the link, follow the steps (it only takes a minute) and cast your vote for us. I can't tell you how much we, I, appreciate it! www.missionsmallbusiness.com
  18. You can't vote without facebook (they want you to share it after you've voted... I want you to share it too... just sayin'...) but you don't have to register. When you go to the website, it should give you 2 big blue button options: Register and Log In and Support. If you click log in it should pop up with a window that looks like facebook and will probably have your friends faces who have already liked and voted. Just continue on and it will take you to a page that says thank you for helping us reach our goals... Scroll down and enter our name (Book Worm Bookstore) and we will appear a
  19. When you go to the website, it should give you 2 big blue button options: Register and Log In and Support. If you click log in it should pop up with a window that looks like facebook and will probably have your friends faces who have already liked and voted. Just continue on and it will take you to a page that says thank you for helping us reach our goals... Scroll down and enter our name (Book Worm Bookstore) and we will appear and then click vote. And that should just about do it! Thank you! (Sorry about your mushy brains. Brains should not be mushy; you know what should be mushy? P
  20. So... I just submitted an essay (an essay, people! I haven't done that since my school days which, despite what most people think when they see my charmingly chubby cheeks on this deceivingly young looking face, has been several years ago) to Mission Small Business through Chase and Living Social. This enters me into consideration for a $250,000 grant for the store. I would really like that. But in order for my essay to be considered by the judges, I have to recieve 250 votes within the next... 23 hours. So, I will love all of you forever (I don't even know most of you, but I will lo
  21. Oooooooh. let's totally do it! And carve literary quotes into is windshield! (I'm not sure how this whole "ownership" thing is working out... I'm waaaaaay more high-strung than I used to be and inventive in a tortuously painful way... not good things, let me tell you.)
  22. I recently cursed someone out over a Kindle. Now, if you know me, the cursing comes as no surprise ( I spent too many years stubbing my toes and repressing those luscious little four letter words and I feel I'm making up for lost time); the cursing at someone is a new feature; and especially over 2 lb piece of circuitry. While I am by no means a tech fiend or gadget hound, I certainly have nothing against the Kindle or e-Readers in general. The reality of it is, a true book lover can be likened to a crack addict. Smoke it, shoot it, snort it; they'll take it any way they can get it. It'
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