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Everything posted by shopthebookworm

  1. You can bring it to the Book Worm and use it like cash right now! Double up on savings at our store since most our books are 50% or more
  2. Actually any size business owner could probably use this. Any small or big business need to realize how important it is to know your business and the skills necessary to be successful and what it takes to stay in business! That is why we need you to attend our Business Seminar- Cashing in on Your Business Potential. Here is a link Free seminar to the place to get more info on it and best thing about it is it costs NOTHING! Nada, Free! Best price in town. You've asked for it! Now You've Got IT! Come and learn everything you need to know about running a successful business $
  3. Really! She has a goal today to beat her mom's sales yesterday. Rhonda and her daughter Britaini are quite the Book Worm team but sometimes need a little healthy competition. I have bribed Britaini and she would love to beat her mom at something. Rhonda already wins for being the loudest and having more tattoos so Britaini does have to try a bit harder at some things. Come see her today and she will be so happy!
  4. Sometimes my posts do sound like a train wreck but that is what I need to do to get you want to shop at The Book Worm! Since trains have been so much in the news I thought we would put the Trains, planes and automobile section on sale today! But you know, right next to that section is the True Crime section, so let's include that too! Save 30% off either section today and make Britaini happy by stopping in and shopping! She will be there until 6pm to help point you to any of your favorite sections or to find a new one. She is so smart that way!
  5. The mall? Really? I am hurt
  6. Oh, by the way, we have Atkins and most other diet books in stock on our shelves. Don't pay full price, most are 50% or less!
  7. Of course I mean books! We have too many hardback books in fiction right now so need help thinning the shelves. A never before Twofer Tuesday special today will be ANY hardback fiction buy one get one FREE. Our hardbacks are already 50-70% off retail so stock up today. Rhonda will be staying open until 6pm for your book, dvd and cd buying pleasure!
  8. I have done so many diets and Atkins did work really well too. Hubby and I lost the most on that diet about 10 years ago or so. I only gained 40 of the 60 lbs lost back and hubby gained all 60lbs but added another 20-20 on for good measure after that. I find the problem with Atkins is you cannot maintain it once your done and go back to "regular" healthy eating. Your body feels like all the carbs are your enemy the minute they go in your mouth. Apparently that is not true for everyone but knowing so many people that have successfully lost on Atkins and then gained all or most back, it seems
  9. Sure! Why take a doctor's advice that I have to pay for when I have all you friends for free!
  10. While I like most p.commers, it is usually NOT where I get my urgent care needs filled. It would seem a doctor, ER or 911 would be a little better solution. Just saying.....
  11. often is a sign of many things, not just having a heart attack. Exercising incorrectly can pull muscles in your chest and make you feel like you are having "the big one", so when you start your fitness program, as many do as a New Year's resolution, please be careful and get advice from a fitness trainer or doctor, not just here on p.com.. To get you going, we are offering 25% off all our fitness and exercise books and dvds today!! Happy New year to all and let's all get in shape!
  12. Ok, that is too cool! Not many can say that! Wonder if there is anyone turning 1 or 111 today?
  13. A notable time that doesn't come around often. I missed the first one because I was taking care of a customer but now planing on what ONE thing I could do tonight. Maybe I will balance 11 eggs on 11 books and then pick up the 1111 pieces! How about you?
  14. Would you be so kind, if you have been in the store already, leave a kind comment to help out this new website who has been nice enough to write a favorable article on our store? It would be so kind of you and we would appreciate it as well. bookwormarticle Thanks, Susan
  15. Guess what? We are open! Yup, slept in this morning and got up to realize we may have shoppers sad we were closed so I am here to serve. Come shop today and get 2010 prices! I am extending our 35% off Self help today because now that some of you are sober again, you may need it! Come shop today until 5pm!
  16. No weigh ins or have to do's but I have a support group forming to help each other out if you wanted to attend. I am your phone or in person support team right now and help you keep on track and motivated as needed. Feel free to PM me your phone # and I can call you and talk to you about it if you want. Susan
  17. I didn't read the previous answers and now wonder how I forget my other favorites! Probably most watched is Wizard of Oz and The Ten Commandments The Green Mile Rocky Horror Picture Show Billy Jack movies Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory but have and would watch again and again: Shawshank Redemption Dirty Dancing Steel Magnolias Grease Gone with the Wind O'Brother Where Art thou and Most Barbra Streisand movies but Hello Dolly and Yentl are best
  18. It replaces 80% of your food bill so taking that into consideration we save a huge amount since we were eating out so much. It averages around $250 a month. It pays for me, as your health coach, and your food shipped directly to you. Yes, that is our plan. We haven't gotten to that and know we should but have a pretty active lifestyle daily. Adding exercise to the plan will help us lose even faster though, we might disappear though as quick as we lost without it-lol!
  19. If you are looking to lose weight in 2011 or know someone that is, check out how hubby and I have been losing lbs successfully for last 6 months. Over 160 lbs gone and still going! www.shrinkingpeople.tsfl.com I need some people to motivate and keep me motivated so get your 2 weeks free food with me when you sign up! Happy New Year everyone!
  20. The Color Purple is most favorite but then Princess Bride Lost Horizon with Sally Kellerman and Liv Ullman Fiddler on the Roof Sweeney Todd, Johnny Depp one is favorite movie and cd Most older Disney classics Most old musicals
  21. We are not holding on, just trying to sell items that sell seasonally so we don't have to store our books for the rest of the year. Don't worry, tomorrow is almost here and it will all be over!
  22. We are honored to have a nice article written about the store from this new website. Check it out!My link
  23. Buy another building an open a second store. Help friends and family that struggle more than me with a "gift" to help their lives get better. Donate to several furrbaby causes and maybe some human ones too!
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