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Posts posted by nicnicw

  1. My 8 year old son has to use Claritin this time of year. His allergies are awful and the doctor told me that is the best thing to use. I also keep a humidifier in his room to help him breathe better. Just go ask the pharmicist which dose of Claritin to give a child her age and they will point you in the right direction! Hope this helps you :D

  2. Things About Living In Georgia -- In Case You Didn't Know!


    1. A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.


    2. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 of them live in Georgia.


    3. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 of them live in Georgia, plus a couple no one's seen before.


    4. If it grows, it'll stick ya. If it crawls, it'll bite cha.


    5."Onced" and "Twiced" are words.


    6. It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy.


    7. "Jaw-P?" means "Did y'all go to the bathroom?"


    8. People actually grow and eat okra.


    9. "Fixinto" is one word.


    10. There is no such thing as "lunch." There is only dinner and then there is supper.


    11. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals, and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar.


    12. Backwards and forwards means "I know everything about you."


    13. The word "Jeet" is actually a phrase meaning "Did you eat?"


    14. You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done, or it's too dark to see.


    15. You don't push buttons; you mash them.


    16. "No. Jew?" is a common response to the question "Did you bring any beer?"


    You know you're from Georgia IF:


    1. You measure distance in minutes.


    2. You've ever had to switch from heat to A/C in the same day.


    3. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal.


    4. You know what a "DAWG" is.


    5. You carry jumper cables in your car for your own car.


    6. You only own five spices: salt, pepper, Texas Pete, Tabasco and ketchup.


    7. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require six pages for local gossip and motor sports.


    8. You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.


    9. You find 100 degrees Fahrenheit "a bit warm."


    10. You know all four seasons: almost summer, summer, still summer and Christmas.


    11. Going to Wal-Mart is a favorite pastime known as "goin' Wal-Martin" or "off to Wally World" or off to "Wal-Mart's."


    12. You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good chicken stew weather.


    13. Fried catfish is the other white meat.


    14. We don't need no dang driver's ed. If our mama says we can drive, we can drive, dag-nabbit.


    15. You understand these jokes and pass them on to your Georgia friends (and those who just wish they were).

    My favorite!

  3. I have always been fascinated with how Manson could get these people to do anything he wanted them to. They literally thought he was god! I read Helter Skelter when I was like 12 years old and watched the movie. Most people think I am crazy because I read and watch so much stuff about him and other serial killers but, it's just really interesting to me. How could someone be so seemingly "normal" by day and then go out and kill as a hobby? It's just crazy!

  4. New Graves in Manson Case -- Can You Dig It?

    Posted Mar 16th 2008 8:02PM by TMZ Staff


    Charlie Manson and his hypnotized hippies have been locked up for decades, but there's a pretty shocking new development -- with the help of an eccentric prospector, authorities may have found hidden gravesites with other victims.


    Location: Barker Ranch, in Death Valley National Park, CA, one of the secret places the Manson Family hid out during the late 60's. The prospector, Emmett Harder, who had dinner with Manson and the girls from time to time, led the search for graves. He guided lab researchers, an anthropologist and a cadaver-seeking dog to detect chemical markers of human remains.


    Why the Big Deal: While awaiting trial, Family chick Susan Atkins told her cell mate there were "three people out in the desert that they done in." There were always rumors that the killing clan did in hitchhikers and runaways, none of whom were ever found.


    What They Found: During the hunt, the dog suddenly laid down, quivered with his ears upright and began whining. One of the investigators used an instrument that can chemically detect buried human remains -- it began beeping at regular intervals, and as it approached the ground the beeping became a steady stream of sound. Authorities say they need to do more testing, but they may have found two grave sites and possibly an additional one.


    Implications for Charlie and the Chicks (and Tex): Even if there are bodies, it's gonna be hard to pin it on the Family and particularly specific members. But you never know, especially if someone rats someone else out. With parole a possibility, it's not just at theoretical proposition.



  5. I planted gardenia bushes last spring and they have done really well and have grown a lot! They are really pretty and smell sooooo good! When I open my windows they make the whole house smell good!

  6. I have two boxers and my female usually minds unless it has something to do with putting food down in which she looks at me like I am an idiot :rolleyes: She is a whopping 90lbs which is huge for her breed so I have to watch what she eats. My male, Spencer, is a sweetie but, he is also a little crazy. He minds me better than he does my husband, though. All I have to tell him is pow pow and he will roll over, sit, and shake. It is the funniest thing! BTW, Pow pow is his little pop on the bootie I don't beat him :p

  7. Hey everyone! Thanks for all the well wishes! Mya is doing great! During my c-section, I lost 2 liters of blood. You only 5 liters in your body so they had to do a blood transfusion. I'm doing ok though.

    I am sooooo glad that yall are ok now! Who does the baby girl look like?

  8. I will be praying for your family! This post made me cry because like you I am a big daddys girl. I just can't imagine losing him. Dads are the greatest! I will be thinking of you and your family and if you ever need someone to chat with just message me anytime! :wub:

  9. I just wanted to say that i got my soap and lotion today and it is awesome! I got the tea tree oil soap for my face and it feels soooo clean! I also got the patchouli soap and lotion and it smells fabulous! Also, thanks for the extra goodies! I will never use another soap or lotion again! :D

  10. If you pee on your feet in the shower it will help to get rid of athletes foot.


    Everyone has hemorrhoids.


    Most women do not actually enjoy abrupt groping. I explained it to my husband as this. Men are microwaves and women are conventional ovens. Men you pres a button or two and in a matter of minutes....done. Women require the oven to preheat, bake time varies....esp depending on how well you preheated the oven.


    Life is a lot easier when you don't tell lies.


    Someone always has it worse than you.


    Someone is always doing better than you.


    You will enjoy life a lot more the less you worry about the later of those two someones. :D

    Thank You! I have tried to tell my husband this before!

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