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Posts posted by nicnicw

  1. AJ,I am completly with you on this issue.2 of my little boys ride the bus and I have also been worried about this problem.Let me know if you need any help because my mom knows a lot of people in the county that could help us and WE WILL BE HEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am the gay brother who my sister was referring to ealier. I want to say to all of those people out there who support this ban to rethink their position. Gays and lesbians are just as capable of raising children as heterosexuals are. There is no proof otherwise, and each and everyone of you know it. I realize that many people do not agree with the lifestyle, but many people do not want to come to the reality that there are some gays and lesbians out there who can provide for children in the same way that heterosexuals do. Just as in any other group, there are the good and there are the bad. There is not justification for banning gay people from adopting other than the fact that people are afraid of change. They are afraid of the unfamiliar and it scares them. Rather than doing any type of research on the subject, they would rather let their opinions run wild with no evidence to back up their claims. Judging people is something that many christians seem to be very good at these days, and the responses in this discussion show that. I have an aritcle written by a woman who was raised by a lesbian couple and anyone who would like to read it can email me at jmac@yahoo.com and I will be more than happy to send the article to you.

  3. ok i am pissed because I have a gay brother and he would make the most wonderful father in the world.He didnt ask to be gay he was just born that way.I dont think he should be banished from adopting achild .There are more things in the world to be worried about in this crazy world besides this issue. :angry:

  4. hi everyone!!!!!I am a new user so I just wanted to introduce myself.I have lived in PC all of my life and my huband is on here all the time(budman)so I thought why not join. :D

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