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Posts posted by nicnicw

  1. I can't understand how a mother could do this to her child. Why couldn't she just give the baby to someone who could take care of her.http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/local&id=6100795

  2. There were a lot of times when I would go to school but, then leave early without checking out. Me and my now husband would just leave. Then there were the times when I just didn't go at all. The worst was when my husband and I were skipping school over at his house and we were in the middle of doing you know what and all of a sudden we heard his mom really loudly on the answering machine saying " Danna, I know you are home. You better get your A$$ To school immediatly"! I just had to laugh. :lol:

  3. Another one is that stupid Chris Brown song... "I need you boo...gotta see my boo".


    Betcha love that one, Tow. :lol:



    She's gonna put YOU out! :p

    ITA! That stupid song is on the radio everytime I turn it on! Another one is that Put you to bed song. It's horrible!

  4. My daughter and grandchildren were at the one on Mirror Lake Blvd last week and tried to use 2 of the Valentines coupons for the grandchildren and she was told she could not use two at one time, even though each child was there. I think that is the most ridiculous thing, Do they expext them to share? Well, if I had known that before I bought them I would have kept my money!!


    Mrs G

    That's crazy. I can understand that 1 child could only use 1 coupon but, if both children had coupons then they should both be able to use them!

  5. I have felt like that before but, I have severe panic disorder so mine are due to the panic attacks that I have. I have had several times where I just knew that something was terribly wrong with me but, then I calm down and I am ok!

  6. Now I have a question for you LGM (or anyone else who's had a stroke),


    what does a stroke feel like? Can a person have a mild stroke and not really realize what is going on other than something being "not quite right"?





    I'm sorry. I hope she recovers 100%. Prayers.

    I was just about to ask the same question! Do they know why you had a stroke at such a young age?

  7. One marriage here for almost 10 years. We got married really young and have been through A LOT but, I am glad that we have stuck it out because we love eachother very much. We are happier now than we have evr been. With that being said I do understand why some people divorce. Sometimes people just can't make it work and that's ok. It's not like on the day they got married they could see into the future and know what was going to happen years down the road. Some marriages just don't work out in the end and it is much healthier for them to go their seperate ways. It doesn't always mean that they don't believe in the sanctity of marriage but, just that things happened in life and they just couldn't make it work out. I know lots of people who tried to make it work for years but in the end realized that it was better for everyone if they were apart!

  8. Yeah the kids wont be out today, but they are never out without me anyways but I dont want this freak driving by my house and seein how many kiddos I have.

    That's just what I was about to say! Don't let them out today! That is soooooo strange. It's sad to me that people can't even let their kids play outside anymore without worrying about someone like that wondering around! Glad yall are ok!

  9. Hubby's family has an island on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. Rustic, no electricity, no phone except your cell, if you can get a signal, and rush hour traffic is the sailboats rounding the point on Rattlesnake Isl. We go after Labor Day and have the island all to ourselves as everyone with kids have to go back to school or work. It's just us and the dogs. If we go on a vacation, that's it. Sorry, not of any help to you.

    Hey, that's where the therapist was at with his family on the movie What About Bob! That movie is sooooo funny!

  10. :rolleyes: Are you for real...You act like BeachBum is the Queen of England or something.

    I think she is a nice lady...but dang....either she is kin to you or something. Why did

    you just give her Ms. Pope status???


    No offense BB....but dayum

    Actually I am related to her! I am her daughter so can't get much more related than that. Since she is my mother I know her better than anyone and that it why Biker Daves post really disturbed me. If you actually knew her you would know that she is a wonderful person who is very involved with this county. She is also very passionate about issues like this. I trust what she says and so do a lot of other people. Maybe I do give her pope status! :D <_<

  11. Why does it bother you that surepip and whitey bring attention to the corruption in our county? are you associated with it somehow? I agree with ALL of their comments and so do a lot of people. Maybe you need to understand terms like accountability, service to community,honesty,get it, why don't you go take a shower and wash all that LIBERALISM off of you, it stinks.

    Buddy, I think it would be in your best interest to watch who you make friends with. It's a hoot that you actually call beachbum a LIBERAL since I know personally that she is very far from it. She knows what she is talking about and is a very intelligant woman that you would be lucky to even have her acknowledge you! :D

  12. Dumb movie..And whatever the actors name is ..Dane Cook???? He is to UGLY to be a leading actor..Zit scars all over his face :wacko: I want to see pretty boys.

    I am glad that I am not th only one who find him repulsive! :blink:

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