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Posts posted by nicnicw

  1. Wow - Q-tip needs a job or something better to do with her time. You know, for someone to spend so much time dedicated to one person like Joey for Sheriff ....when he isnt even her husband, thats great! Since I am a supporter of Joey - thank you Qtip, Glassdogs and AnonyMoose for giving him so much attention! We appreciate it! Keep the comments coming! :-)

    I looked at his website and I must say he is a very good looking man! So this makes me question, are you really that supportive of Mr. Frye or are you just trying some butt kissing to get close and I mean real close to him? :rolleyes:

  2. My Chase drivers....








    Kyle Busch



    C. Bowyer



    Kurt Busch


    I don't see Burton in there and I think Bowyer's run last year was more then luck. I don't know if its a safe bet to have all three Gibbs cars in but I can't think of anyone else that will compete. Juan Pablo may sneak in as well. I think Ku. Busch is in. I think Newman has an outside shot but there won't be three Dodges and I like Kahne's odds better. Truex won't have a shot at DEI, won't surprise me if they merge with another team in the next few years, the step monster will run them into the ground.

    You are right about that!!!!!!!!!

  3. 13 pages, not bad TBAR, you have stirred them up again.


    A couple of comments for the obvious homophobes posting on here concerning gay rights to the rights so clearly granted by the 14th Amendment:


    Why would you deny someone a right so clearly provided ? There are no exceptions noted. If you are a natural born citizen of the USA you are entitled to every right as granted to anyone else. Period.


    What, and where is there room for any argument other than from the point of someone who is homophobic ? It would be the same analogy for the staunch segregationists of the past 60 years would it not ? It was the same arguments by George Wallace, Lester Maddox, etc. against the blacks. State Rights was the basis of their arguments, as Cathy Helms, Guarddad, and others are claiming.


    But when we looked at the 14th Amendment fairly, we as an area of the nation, thoughout the South had to acknowledge in our hearts the plain and simple fact that segregation was wrong, and the negroes deserved every right granted to any other citizen. Period.


    I fail to understand how anyone, and especially anyone who claims to be a devout Christian, could not support plain and simple civil rights as granted to the rest of the population.


    So it might cost more ? So freaking what ?!!?? We are spending how many ga-zillions of dollars pissing it away for Iraqi Freedom, but we will deny social security benefits to a gay spouse ?


    I just cannot fathom, or begin to understand how someone in all fairness, could deny those civil rights the rest of us take for granted to anyone ? I just don't get it, and never will.


    I grew up in the Jim Crowe South. I ate lunch often with my dad at Lester Maddox's Pickrick Cafeteria [i even have a Lester Maddox watch with him riding a bicylcle backwards], I endured forced integrations in the schools during the late 1960s, and I grew up in a very prejeduced household. But by the time I matured, I realized segregation was wrong. Period.


    Well like treatment of gays is no different. No where in our constituion is there any statement saying "except gays". They have the exact same God-given rights as the rest of us, period. Laws such as those passed in Georgia restricting gay marraige are unconstituional and were passed as political grandstanding by those in charge.


    I pray those homophobes who cannot see past their sexual prejudeces will in time soften their hearts and understand everyone, without exception, is entitled to the rights granted by the 14th Amendment. I pity those of you who cannot see their way clear to understand the fairness in this.


    End of story.

    Me TOO!

  4. I am the proud mother of a gay son and would like to speak from a parent's perspective. We have identical (mirror image) twin sons that will turn 23 next week. Mirror image twins are not labeled in this manner merely because they are identical, mirror image twins actually combines several other factors. Some of these factors are that with mirror image twins one twin is left handed, the other right handed, sometimes cowlicks are on opposite sides of the heads, sometimes even the internal organs are on opposite sides of the body from each other. Mirror image twins happen when the fertilized egg splits later in the embryonic stage than usual, in fact, right before the point in which they would be conjoined twins. I remember so many differences with the boys (even during the time I was pregnant with them). While in labor, the twin on the left was a lot more laid back and docile with the typical male somewhat slower heartbeat (straight twin). The twin on the right hpwever was a wild man, kicking like crazy and fluttering around all over the place with a faster heart rate (gay twin). It became sort of a joke in the delivery room with the nurses and doctors that due to the hearbeats, they were betting that one was a girl and one was a boy and that I would have to take back half of all the boy clothes that I had received a showers, etc. and exchange them for girl clothes. Of course, they were born healthy, beautiful baby boys. As they grew, we observed there even though they looked identical (and were), there were many, many personality differences. And as they grew further, it became evident that one was left handed and one was right handed. When we would check on them in the nursery after they had fallen asleep at night, it used to be a joke between me and my husband as in their cribs, one would be lying there with their left arm and left leg in a certain position and the other twin would be lying in his crib in the exact opposite position - really interesting.


    There were absolutely huge differences in the twins personalities, their likes and dislikes. Both twins have always played sports and were typical boys with typical happy childhoods. Our son "came out" to us when he started his sophomore year of college. Needless to say, we were shocked and had no idea. I have to admit it did take time to adjust to this; however, my husband and I have never, ever, been negative with our son about his being gay. When he told us he was upset and to be perfectly honest with you, I was afraid he was about to tell us he was termiinally ill or a comparable problem - we were actually relieved that he was telling us he was gay. His twin brother, who is engaged to be married to a wondeful girl, is very supportive of him as well as both sides of our families. His high school friends still love and treat him the same way as well as his college and childhood friends. Our son being gay does not in any way, shape or form alter the intense love we feel for him and we are so happy that he felt close enough to us to be open about it and that he felt he would not have to hide this from us the rest of his life - that would be so very sad.


    My son will tell you that he has always, since he can remember, known that has not been physically attracted to females - just was just his natural progression and he says he doesn't know any other way - I believe him as he is a great person who has never in his 23 years of life given me a reason not to trust or believe him.


    I am not a mnedical doctor and obviously I don't have proof that homosexuality is genetic or not, nor does anyone else at the present time. I will have to say that I have read several medical opinions lately that are certainly leaning in the direction of homosexuality being genetic. THE FACT IS, IT DOESN'T MATTER - I WILL LOVE MY SON FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE REGARDLESS OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION. He is a wonderful, intelligent, happy, well-adjusted, law-abiding human being who contributes positively to society, He is also a good Christian person who reads and studies his bible daily. He is a wonderful son, brother, grandson, uncle, friend and human being. He just graduated from college and will be starting law school at Georgia State in the fall and I have a feeling that he will also have a very successful career.


    I am so happy that I have never chosen to condemn homosexuality - we never know what this life holds for us and our families. I used the above mirror image twin scenario as there are studies currently being performed on homosexuality and mirror image twins - I personally don't know if being a mirror image twin has anything to do with his homosexuality or not and don't really care - I just think it is an interesting concept.


    Me and my family thank God every day that our son was secure enough with his family to be able to tell us and to proceed on with his life knowing that he had our full support. Tragically, this is not always the case for homosexuals.


    P. S. Mark Willix and Strawberry Pie rock too!!! :wub:

    The son that she speaks of is my brother! He is my hero :wub: and I love him just as much now as I always have. I have no doubt in my mind that he was born this way and that homosexuality is genetic! He and his partner deserve every right that my husband and I have. They should recieve the same benefits as everyone else. Also, to the closeminded idiots on this board who call homosexuals gross among other hideous things, watch out because karma is a b***h and one day you may have a gay child and let's see how gross it is to you then!



    (1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right

    and you need to shut up.


    (2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means half an hour. Five

    minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to

    watch the game before helping around the house.


    (3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you

    should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.


    (4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!


    (5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often

    misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and

    wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing.

    (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)


    (6) That 's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make

    to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding

    how and when you will pay for your mistake.


    (7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say

    you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says

    "Thanks a lot" - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say

    "you're welcome" .... that will bring on a "what ever").


    (8) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this

    is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it

    herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?" For the

    woman's response refer to # 3.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    This happens a lot around here! LOL

  6. I am just wondreing whether or not this is another incident like the investigastion Fox 5 did before bcause if it is it's not worth watching! If there is something really wrong that's fine but, most of the time it's something really minor blown out of proportion IMO :rolleyes:

  7. Since copschick is in here I will go ahead and tell OUR most embarassings story, but won't go into great detail. It involved a bed at my mom's house (who was not there nor supposed to be anytime soon). We'll we were imitating animals on the Discovery Channel when low and behold, I look back and see my mom standing there with here jaw touching the floor. She turns and runs and I fell foward. Copschick is hollering, NO DON'T QUIT. I told her what had happened and she at first did not believe me until my mom hollered my name. It was bad! Well it was good then got bad!

    LMAO! Something similar happened to my husabnd and I when we were teenagers! Mom walked in and we rolled of the bed and hit our heads on the little piano next to my bed. So the sound of the piano drew even more attention to us!

  8. Well I have a lot of embarassing moments but, i'll tell you about the recent ones. I went to my hubbys first christmas party for work christmas of 06. It was at a really nice place and they brought out these plates with these triangle things on them. Well me and hubby were starving so we asked if we could eat the cheese they had brought out! Everyone kind of looked at us funnny and then said it was ok. Well we bit into it at the same time and realized that it was BUTTER! I mean who cuts butter up into cute little triangles. Needless to say the rest of the crowd laughed at us all night! Then on the same night I had to use the bathroom and the floor was wood. Well while I was walking back to my seat I slipped and feel onto another diners table :rolleyes: :o I thoght the people he worked with probably thoght I was CRAZY! Then we went to his bosses lake house this past summer and I fell down his stairs! Luckily they all love me anyway!

  9. I have beenat home for the last 9 years! I have 5 little boys that are 9,8,6,4,and 2! All are in school now except my 2 year old. I like staying at home but, when my baby goes to school in 2 years I just won't be able to do it! I want a job where I can be home in time to get them off the bus so I may have to go with subbing or working at the grocery store or something to just get me out of this house! I love people so there is no way I can sit in this house alone all day!

  10. Had that last night... it was yummy.


    Tonight we are being lazy too so Hot Dogs and French Fries it is... :)

    I love hamburger helper and it's soooooo easy to make. I decided to make salad too and of course my yummy extra sweet tea! :D

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