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Posts posted by nicnicw

  1. I am part of my dad's second family. He was in his 50's when I was born. I would wake up every night and stand by his bed to make sure he was still breathing. I haven't thought about that in years. :(


    When he finally did stop breathing, it was, and is, the worst thing that ever happened to me.

    I am so sorry! That made me cry :wub:

  2. D-Dawg says we have it all wrong. I bet he or she is either a relative or is employeed by one of the commissioners. The only other reason is he/she has had their head in the sand for the last 5 or so years. Learn to deal with the truth. D-Dawg is starting to sound like Hillary.........lies they only belive.

    WOW, you sure are an ignorant one! :D

  3. I guess you are getting your information from PCOM?


    Every comment is just plain wrong. It's the same BS misinformation coming from the select few who troll PCOM. I highly recommend you research your topics and get your facts straight, because none of what you posted is even close to being true!



    Man, I just love this place! :mellow:

    You are soooo right! You rock D-DaWg!

  4. Is he related to Al Bundy? Uuuuuhhhhhh, I will say this.... No, it's NOT OK and it's NOT OK to wear your bra and panties outside, it's NOT OK to wear your pajamas to the grocery store either. It's NOT OK to wear your undies/pajamas around the house IF you have company, regardless of who it is. It is just plain ill mannered, disrespectful and rude!!!

    I must admit I am guilty of this early on Saturday mornings! :ph34r:

  5. My 11 year old took off the other day without permission. Just hopped on his scooter and headed down Hwy 61 to a friends house. Oh, I got in my car and when I found him, I pulled over, got out and took a belt to his hind parts IN FRONT OF HIS FRIENDS! I was yelling the whole time, "You...do...not....leave....without....telling...me! You...don't...ride....that...scooter...on...the....highway!" Then we got in the car as I saw a parent standing on the porch with his phone looking at me. I would have dared a cop to call that abuse. I didn't leave a mark on him, just his pride!

    Good for you! I would have done the same thing!

  6. name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>&rel=1">
    name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

    Oh, that's one of my favorite videos EVER! I am still infatuated with Billy Idol! LOL

  7. I have never seen a ghost but, I have sensed them around me before. I totally belive in it. I have had too many wierd experiences not too. You do not actually have to see a spirit for them to be there. Like for instance a few months after my granny died I went to her house to see my grandpa. As I was leaving I felt her hug me as she always did and I smelled her. I knew she was still there watching over us and it makes me feel better! :wub:

  8. I have a very close friend that is in need of some advice. She is thinking about getting a divorce for many reasons. She has two kids by her husband. She wants to know what her rights are while they are still married. She said she has been told she can make him leave but I don't think so since they are married. She's affriad if she gives him divorce papers he will try and get full custody of the kids just to be an a$$. She is a wonderful person, mother, wife and friend and does not deserve to be treated the way she is.


    So her question's are:

    Can she make him leave?

    Can he make her leave? (he keeps trying to kick her out)

    Will it be easy for him to get full custody if they divorce?


    He works full time and she babysits at home and with her not having a high paying job she is worried about him getting the kids. Any advice will be appreciated.


    I don't know about the first 2 questions but, it would be very hard for him to get custody of the children! She would have to be a real POs for that to happen. As far as the job thing goes she could get a job once they are divorced and he should pay for daycare with the child support!

  9. My dad use to say that they stunk in the spring but I've never noticed it in the ones we've been around. Maybe its a special kind that does that. Dad said don't plant it close to the house because you'll wish you hadn't.

    I'll ask the fig man and make sure if it is a certain kind that he don't give me one of those. That sounds gross.

    please ask him so I know what type NOT to buy! :D

  10. I also like all three of them! I want it on the top of my foot!


    I also agree with LGM, However which ever one I do pick I am planning on asking him to add a couple things different to make it MINE!


    I am going to use Tim at Lucky Draw he did my last one and I loved him and i love it! :p


    Thanks for all the replys!

    OOOOH I heard he is really good looking!

  11. I think the black culture has it right....the men should just sleep around and hook up with women who have jobs

    or Govt. checks coming....you don't want to be burdened down by a man when you can work yourself or get a

    Govt. check.

    OMG! :o I can't believe you actually said that!

  12. I am thinking about planting a couple of fig trees and I was wondering if anyone knows if they would do well here or not. My uncle actually has 2 in his yard across the street but, I would love to have a couple of my own. I loooove fig preserves!!!! TIA

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