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Posts posted by nicnicw

  1. Johnny was my father in-law. He had been real sick for the past year. Thanks to everyone for there thoughts and prayers. Please keep us in your prayers.


    Kelly Lawrence

    (Bennett's wife)

    I was at the funeral with my dad. I have been praying for your family. I am Gordon and Genevas niece. Johnny is in a much better place now with no more suffering!

  2. The boys had it and alot of kids at school have had it. After they had the virus, P still got the flu and then ruptured both his eardrums (again) on top of that. You would think that he might get a break now and then but I guess not. The problem with this virus is when you have more than one child, they seem to get rid of it and get it again or maybe it just hadn't run it's course the first time. I hope nobody else in your house gets it because Lord knows you don't want all your boys to start passing it back and forth! I hope you are better soon! :)

    Thank You! I hope your boys are feeling better soon too!

  3. I had never heard of this either until Q100 talked about it. They said (being PC here) Flight Attendants do this if they have a lay over sometimes. And since the news report on hotel maids showed they don;t even wash the glasses- you know they don't wash the coffee pot!!!


    While I love going away- hotel rooms just gross me out. I try not to think about all the little germies hanging out.


    And I remembered another while reading... Buffets make me want to heave. Story- After a concert at Hifi Buys Amp. a bunch of us went to the Shoney's up the road. It was a bit late and as I was eating - I looked up and saw a girl pick up a pancake, dip it in the butter, dip it in the syrup and take a bite. THEN THE NASTY THING DOUBLE DIPPED!!! Needless to say- I was done for the night. I will periodically eat at Ryan's when they are busy. Why then- food doesn't have long to sit.

    Buffets are DISGUSTING! Just thinking about how many people lean over and breathe on the food is gross! I always someone touching things and putting them back or sneezing over the food. EEEWW!

  4. Please pray that I don't go insane and that I will make it through the rest of this week! This has been my week so far. Saturday my 9 year old had a headache and was throwing up, not a huge deal since I know that he has migraines and they tend to make him sick at his stomach. Well he is fine on sunday and then my 8 year old starts saying he doesn't feel good and his temp is 101. He runs a fever off and on all night that night and on in to Mon. When I couldn't get his fever to go down I took him to the doctor. When we went it was up to 103. She says he has an ear infection in both ears and bronchitis!He starts taking his meds and feels better on Tuesday. Then Tuesday night my 6 and 4 year olds both start puking and it last all night long! :wacko: By this point I am going a little crazy! They gety better and then last night my little boy who is just getting over the ear infections starts puking and pooping his brains out along with my 2 year old who tends to puke all over the house. Everybody seems to feel better this morning and I am just hoping and praying that it stays this way! I don't know if I can take another night like that :blink: To add to all of this I am extremely worried about my mom ( beachbum) because she has a horrible case of the flu that is going around so please say a prayer for her also! Sorry but, I just have to vent to someone! :)

  5. I see a lot of the things mentioned going on. Being a realtor, I hear horror stories frequently. I am big on personal responsibility.


    1) Pay your mortgage even if it means you eat ramen noodles for a month.


    2) Know what you are getting into when you buy a house. If that means you need to get help to understand certain issues, do so. A buyers agent is a great asset and costs the buyer nothing. Talk to your parents and grandparents, the a wealth of wonderful knowledge from their life experience.


    3) Always, ALWAYS, get an inspection. It will cost around $300 but it is money that could help save you thousands later.

    There is a way to have a contingency placed in the contract so that if it doesn't meet your standards, you can back out of the contract or negotiate repairs to be paid for prior to closing by the seller.


    4) Always get a home warranty. That is a warranty above and beyond what a new construction would have. It is more like an insurance policy to help with costs that a service would charge. (i.e. electrian, heating & air, etc.) You can even get policies that will cover pools, appliances, etc. And the builder has nothing to do with the coverage. A good realtor will negotiate this so that it costs you little or nothing.


    5) Check out your builder if you are buying new. There are a lot of really good deals out there in new construction right now.


    6) If you get behind in your mortgage payments, CALL THEM. Mortgage companies are not in the business to foreclose. Most, if not all lenders have more houses on their books than they can handle. They want the homeowner to pay the loan. They do not want to foreclosue. But if you do not call them, or you do not make an attempt to pay, they will foreclose. And when they sell the house, if they do not get what you owe them, they can still come after you for the difference.


    7) And most importantly, do not borrow money against your home equity. This is happening more and more. People borrow money to pay off credit cards, cars, renovate the house, go on vacation. And long after most of those things are gone, the 2nd mortgage payment is still there haunting you. Resist the temptation at all cost.


    8) Interest only loans are DANGEROUS!


    Know what you are getting into. This is the biggest investment most people ever make.

    Best advice EVER! A lot of people don't take buying a home seriously enough!

  6. It was a joke, good greif why is it that the newbies are attacking me? I'm used to it from the regulars but this is too much, being yelled at over a funny.


    PSA for those with less then 20 post: We have a sense of humor on this board!


    Do you really think I was serious? Did you not notice the :D ? If you think that was mean and ugly I don't suggest you go into some of my other threads/post. ;) I also don't need an excuse not to go to church, I don't go because I don't want to.


    The rest of you are pretty darn funny, Tbar if you have some cross* pens I would sit in on a cermony for 'em. ^_^


    *The brand, not pens shaped like crosses. :p

    FOR REALS! Some people really need a sense of humor!

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