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Posts posted by QOTSA

  1. Whether hot or cold, always sweet. I'd rather have super sweet than not sweet enough. Adding sugar after it's cold just makes it bitter.


    ETA: I think my Dad used to put a cup of sugar into a gallon, but maybe a half to three quarters would do.

  2. Actually, no. After seeing 743 advertisements for it while watching A&E all day yesterday, I didn't think I could sit through it.


    They showed an ad for that program EVERY commercial break yesterday...sometimes two.

    Ditto, but knowing someone involved (if not in that show) makes it interesting. Unfortunately I think it'll be a lot of scripted nonsense like most 'reality' shows, though.

  3. from Amazon: "Scans all FM frequencies from 88.1 to 107.9MHz (as opposed to the four frequencies other transmitters offer), and you can select the frequency that best enhances your music experience"


    I tried it again this morning. It tried to use 88.1, but that crapped out because something was coming through. I do not want to replace my stereo because so many things are controlled through it. I'm pretty sure I can hook it up to the auxilliary hookup, I just have to find someone who can do it (if my husband doesn't figure it out quickly enough).





    ETA: I would need the RoadTrip (or this one) to use with a nano, but I don't want to rely on FM transmitters, obviously. (And you can't use it if you have a protective cover on the nano, I don't think.)

  4. I just got an iPod for christmas for the main purpose of playing it in my car. I got the FM transmitter to work on the holiday weekend, but it would not work today. There was not an empty station. I'm pretty sure some of the stations boost their signals during the week, and suspect that is the problem.


    Now, I need to find out how to install a permanent hookup. I've been searching online and cannot find an official diagram for the Delco, but did see something about a 12 pin connector (which XM would be hooked to if I had it). Does anyone install stereos and have experience with this? Know anyone? My husband looked behind the stereo, but there were no hookups that he could see.


    This is pissing me off. If I can't play the thing in my car, there's no point in having it.


    ETA: I do not have a tape deck, so the cassette adapters are not an option. I also do not have any hookups up front. (And I do NOT want to take it to the dealer.)


    ETA again: I have a 2004 Monte Carlo, stereo with single CD player.

  5. Here's a pic of him the night we brought him in (almost two weeks ago). You can't tell from his body since his rib cage is still poking out, but you can see how gaunt his face and head are.


    Everyone's out of isolation now. There's mostly Buzz growling at Rufus (the new guy), Thea growling at everyone (that's what she does), and Baby making sure no one's in her bed. It's a pain in the ass around here right now because I'm still giving Buzz liquid antibiotics for a day or two more, and Baby is getting a different liquid antibiotic for a week (after teeth cleaning).


  6. Actually most breeders do offer health certificates on their pets.  I don't expect animals to be in perfect condition but I really wasn'e prepared to spend that kind of money.  but none the less I did, because that it what separtes me from other pet owners!!!  Others would probably have taken it back to the shelter

    I'm glad you did. Sorry, I volunteered at Atlanta Humane Society for a while and saw a lot of the opposite. People would even come in expecting certain breeds to be in stock, so to speak. I did meet Da Brat once, adopting a kitten. :D

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