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Posts posted by QOTSA

  1. I voted Chevy, but I have two dream cars - 1972 Cutlass (had one a few years ago w/ a 455, frame couldn't handle it and broke at control arm), 1970 split bumper Camaro. I'd also kind of like a 1958 Plymouth Fury if only for that movie.

  2. 1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?

    Hot chocolate w/ marshmallows


    2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?

    No Santa, no kids, but I love to wrap presents. I even had a coworker bring gifts in for me to wrap at a student job I had while in tech school.


    3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?

    colored, no blink


    4. Do you hang mistletoe?



    5. When do you put your decorations up?

    I haven't in a couple years, but usually the day after thanksgiving (while watching 24 hours of Eastwood). Taken down the day after xmas.


    6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?

    Dressing. My stepmother makes me a version with vegetable broth instead of "turkey juice."


    7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child?

    Going to my granddad's and getting up before everyone, but being afraid of his chair that had claw feet. Shut up.


    8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?

    I heard them wrapping everything, not sure how old I was.


    9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?

    Always did. My Dad is a big kid and would insist. Now, my husband and I exchange gifts xmas eve because we do so much travelling those two days and don't have time.


    10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?

    Pre-lit 7 footer with lots of ornaments. Nearly no branches empty. I have ornaments from my father's childhood, up to a Grinch from 2002. Lots of cats and Santas/Father Christmases.


    11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?

    Love it!! (Another favorite memory is making snowmen with my Dad.)


    12. Can you ice skate?

    Never tried, but I doubt it.


    13. Do you remember your favorite gift?

    I'll let you know after I get my nano. My brother always gets me good gifts, mainly because we tell each other exactly what we want. I wish my mother-in-law would do that. She may just get cash, because I despise buying a gift just to buy a gift without knowing if she wants it.


    14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?

    Visiting with family and friends.


    15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?

    My stepmother has been making this thick gooey chocolate cake concoction, but the name of it escapes me. It's decadent.


    16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

    Don't have one.


    17. What tops your tree?

    A star that looks sort of like stained glass.


    18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving?



    19. What is your favorite Christmas Song ?

    Anything by Nat King Cole, but also the Cheech and Chong thing they play on the radio. And the Grinch. Stink stank stunk.


    20. Candy Canes?

    Sure, why not?

  3. occupation? programmer analyst ~slash~ bureaucrat

    what is your background? German and English

    where are you from? Austell

    how old? 31

    any kids? Hell no.

    hot headed/calm? Changes by the minute and situation.

    any hobbies? wasting time online, photography, yoga, gun and knife collecting, animal welfare

  4. Got a call on Sunday from another lady saying she'd 'been seeing your cat' around her house. I was out of town, so didn't call her until Monday afternoon (not to mention I've been out of work for two days as well - IBS). I left her 4 messages before she called me back. The last one said, "I guess I'll just keep calling until you call me back." Heh. I'd dragged myself out of the house to get another borrowed trap, even, but she said the one she saw had white on it, she believes. I asked her to call back if she did see a solid black cat anywhere, and thanked her for calling. Phoo.


    Still can't think of a name for the interloper, though Rufus is becoming my favorite. He's not as affectionate as he was when he was isolated to the bathroom, or on the front porch. He still follows me around, though, and is relaxing a bit about food. Well, sort of.

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