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Posts posted by QOTSA

  1. I don't know about Kaiser. The doctors you have to choose from seemed limited (last time I looked into it, anyway), and a couple of my longtime doctors (as in from teens) of course weren't on it. I didn't want to have to go to Cumberland, either, but now they're building a new facility on E/W Connector.

  2. Just out of curiosity, do you color mandalas with patterns, or create your own? I bought a book not long ago with both. I decided this might be a good option after discovering that painting the porch rails didn't allow me to think of much else. And there are only so many porch rails to paint. Now if I could just make time for it (and working out, and learning Spanish, etc.).

  3. Sorry, I know this is old. Just had to say that I've had an attack or two myself. First one was at Hiram Walmart on a Saturday. Imagine that. :lol: Second was at a dealership while we bought my husband's truck. Again, imagine that. Second one wasn't as bad as the first, which really scared me. Dizziness, heart pounding, numbness in fingers, etc. It was really bizarre. I carry GABA in my purse, which seems to help if I start to feel something coming on. I may try Bach's Rescue Remedy, as well.

  4. I love that one. There's also Cats In Sinks and My Cat Hates You. There used to be one called Cat Scan or something, which was cats on scanners. I can't find it at the moment.

  5. There was just an article in the AJC:

    "Teachers and professors would get a 4 percent raise, and other state employees would get 2 percent to 4 percent more, depending on how much they currently earn."


    Also on Perdue's site:

    "The total amount of the raise depends on the employee’s position within the pay grade. The greater the difference between the market midpoint and the employee’s current salary, the larger the pay increase. Sixty-nine percent of the state workforce will receive more than the two percent increase. Fifty-three percent of the workforce (average salary of $31,423.09) will receive a pay increase between three and four percent. Six percent of current state employees (average salary of $23,238.52) will be eligible for the full four percent pay increase. Sixteen percent of state employees will receive a pay raise between two and 2.5 percent. Thirty-one percent of the state workforce (average salary of $42,915.95) will receive a two percent pay increase."


    SEIU had an online survey about it recently, too.

  6. No, the state employee raise will be based on whether you are below market midpoint for your pay grade or position. If you are at or above, you get less. In my case, I will still be below midpoint after the 4%, and I've been here 7.5 years. That's the latest I've heard, anyway.

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