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Posts posted by QOTSA

  1. A while back we had a kid on a tricycle (obviously too old for one) zig zag slowly in front of us, then finally get over so we could drive by. As we passed, he flipped us off. Another time I had a girl of maybe 8 or 10 threaten to kill my dog as I walked him. I'm getting a shoulder holster.

  2. Mine was a 1994 Ford Escort.  I had it for a little while before I hit a deer and totaled the enitre front end.  It sat for awhile before we duck taped it back together and I started driving it again.  ((I am not joking by the way...Alabama chrome baby!))  I drove it for a few months after that, then one day when I was on Bankhead Hwy...Bankhead Courts to be exact....the sucker went up in flames...the entire engine melted.  That was the end to that car! :blink:

    On a recent trip to Huntsville, I swear I saw a car with actual pieces of milk crates used as the grill.

  3. My first car was a 1986 Oldsmobile Supreme. It belonged to my stepmother at the time, but she took over my Dad's newer car (he also had his truck, of course). After I got married, I traded it in at a used lot for a 1972 Cutlass. Probably not the smartest move, since the motor locked up not long after that, but damn was it fun.

  4. We try to go to Harry's & Life Grocery once a week, and load up on organic produce, nuts, etc.  If there was something like this is Paulding, I would never shop anywhere else.  When I need something between trips to Marietta, I normally go to the New Hope Publix.


    We are hoping to "shop" in our own back yard this spring & summer by growing a lot of our own produce.  But we will see how the weather goes this year!

    I forgot about Life! I mainly shop there for supplements, if I will run out before I can order online (cheaper).

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