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Posts posted by QOTSA

  1. I personally don't think a pre-marital blood test would be effective.


    What might be better is to require a big red LOVE  tatoo in the genital area of anyone diagnosed with HIV. Normally hidden from sight, this tatoo would be a warning to others that they are in dangerous territory.


    Despite the logic of that 'solution', it is doubtful that even that would be effective. More than that, such a requirement would be misconstrued as politically incorrect and discriminatory.


    It is simply wiser to not be promiscious.



    I don't think she was being promiscuous by having unprotrected sex with her husband (or boyfriend or fiancé). Naive, maybe. I'm sure a lot of us, including me, are guilty of that.

  2. Based on the 90-100 number (no kids), we are low-middle. We're doing better than a lot of folks, though. Of course if I ever see a raise again from state government...


    ETA: Oops, above the 41K number, then.

  3. I am with you, I would gladly do the time to kill a man who raped my child or wife. Where I come from we don't call the police for much.

    I always shake my head at comments like this, which my husband has also made. What good would that do your wife or child? Wouldn't they need you as they deal with the aftermath of the attack or abuse? Seems to me it would only make things worse.

  4. Katied,

    I may have some bad news! I was driving on 278 (Cobb)in to Hiram today from Atlanta...and about 1/2 a block before Brownsville Road...about 10 to 15 feet off the road...was the body of a Sheltie. Please if you know someone besides the owner who knows the dog....see if you can get them to check before you alarm the owners.....Oh my..I hope this is not their dog :( ...but this is in the Powder Springs area.) Please let me know because my heart is in my throat.



    Good advice. Besides visiting the shelters all the time (which is depressing in itself), looking at a dead animal on the side of the road to determine if it was mine added to a traumatic time for me.

  5. Well - I don't want to say too much - I'm afraid somebody might see it and get mad.  But - one of them has shrubs and bushes that have NEVER been trimmed - I mean they are taking over the entire house.  You seriously can't see the front porch anymore.


    The other one has crime scene type caution yellow tape around an area in his front yard.  It's been there about 6 months...so it's not Halloween inspired.  He leaves his garbage can at the curb 365 days a year and he has a bunch of crap piled up in his front yard (old beat up toys - no small kids in that house - took the lattice down off porch - etc...)


    It's just embarassing when we have people over and it brings the whole street down.  I know without an HOA there's not much I can do.  I know that sometimes HOA's are too strict and get to far up into your business - but for stuff like this - it is nice to have one.

    Whoa, are you in my neighborhood?

  6. Slightly off topic, but shouldn't you eat after a 'heavy' workout? I thought you were supposed to have some protein at least an hour after strength training. Now if it's a strenuous cardio routine (kickboxing, aerobics, whatever), I feel you.

  7. PCOMTROLLS favorite sammich.... a peanut butter one.  he gets two hershey bars and spreads them with peanut butter and sticks em together.  bwaarp!! now that's sick!  but i still love him  :wub:  :wub:


    me  :)

    My Dad used to make something like that! He called them Hershey buns. He'd put PB on one side of a hamburger bun, and half a bar on the other, and toast them a little in the oven. (See? My sweet tooth is all his fault.)


    (ETA: He introduced me to Coke floats, too. :D )


    I love most green stuff - asparagus (roasted), lima beans, greens, green beans, sugar snap peas... - but hate others - okra, cucumber, peppers, english peas. Oh, I've added turnips to the raw vegetables I eat almost every day. Once the cashier at Kroger had to ask me what it was.

  8. Well, I'm a vegetarian and he's a meat and potatoes man (trying to add some vegetation in there, doctor's orders). There's only one meal we both will eat - beans and cornbread (and collard greens for me). Some of the time he'll do most of his own cooking.

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