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Everything posted by Cathyhelms

  1. I've got some right here, please don't call 911!!!! :yahoo:
  2. I don't think it would have really mattered if they were clean shaven or not!! Welcome back to the world to all the miners!!
  3. CHI, CHI, CHI, LE, LE, LE, Chile, Chile!!! I have been glued to the television since the beginning. Even woke up 3 times last night to check on them. Praise the Lord!!!
  4. Sorry, I've been out of the loop, too. Next time.
  5. Glad they are OK, your mom's version was the absolute best!!
  6. Earthquake being reported in OK. Doesn't look to be too severe. Centered about 5 miles from Norman.
  7. Ziploc baggie omlets are fun!! Everyone puts in it what they want. Here's a link to the recipe, you just need a big ole pot to boil the water in and don't forget to put their names on them with a sharpie. Be sure you use the freezer bags to keep them from breaking open. Omelettes in a bag
  8. Don't park in one of the "local" lots for $5.00, you have to walk forever. We parked near the festival for a $2.00 donation. I only had a $5.00 bill and they couldn't make change???? Don't know if there is a donation for the parking at the schools with the shuttles or not.
  9. For seasonal work, check with Toys R Us. I hear they are going to open some remote locations for toys only in empty storefronts all over the US. We have lots of empty buildings in Hiram and Dallas.
  10. Why do you keep on. Why don't you start your own thread if you have a problem with this. Why do you like to make feel good threads ugly??? I really don't think you have a say in any of this.
  11. I couldn't go to sleep last night until the first one was on the surface. I watched the capsule go down and come out in the mine, then take the first guy out. His son was there waiting for him, everyone and I mean everyone was crying tears of joy (including me). This is indeed a miracle.
  12. I'm with you, eat it then start. I don't like to throw anything away either. BTW, just be sure you don't replace it.
  13. Well congrats AGG, sounds like someone on here just might be a little jealous, ya think?? :lol: I wish you nothing but the best and a very long happy married life. When you know, you know. Where ever you have your wedding it will be beautiful.
  14. Yes, rest in peace. Was this a member of your family JJ?? I'm so sorry for your loss.
  15. He will be teaching English from what I understand.
  16. I love this place. If I were to ever get married again (not!), this is where I'd do it. They even have cabins for wedding party guests and a honeymoon suite. I know nothing about the prices. I have been there and it is absolutely beautiful. They can even provide a horse and carriage to bring the bride. We do have a 25th anniversary next year, maybe we can renew our vows here. www.hightowerfalls.com/photo_page2.html
  17. Thank you for all you do and for setting us straight!!
  18. She's in the Mid East, in the desert. Her husband got a teaching position over there for at least the next three years. They jumped on the chance to learn about and live a life of a different culture. They are wonderful people. Good to see you posting C4B, stay cool.
  19. Funny how we both thought we had a good friend and how we were both so wrong. All I can say is what goes around comes around and small claims court is a piece of cake.
  20. I know I'm a little prejudiced but Paulding Meadows is much, much better.
  21. Ate one there, but bought a bushel of apples. Some to dry, some to eat and some to makes pies with. We came home and made 3 regular pies.
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