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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. I watched it. I detected a "tone" that I would consider "said in jest". Was it the right thing to say? No. But I do not believe it was said with malice. I do also believe that Pubby is already so biased against him, that it really wouldn't matter what he said. Yeah, well, the "devil I know", I refuse to cast a vote for.
  2. I'll skip that chance to vote completely before I will cast a vote for Drew Lane.
  3. Well, for me, one thing that always sticks in my mind is how someone treats my children. I found Mr. Donovan quite charming in interactions with my children.
  4. Your inexperience in that arena is showing. They rarely represent themselves.
  5. Well, it didn't say "Donovan" and I KNOW that's not his picture. Plus, several folks mentioned it was stalling their computer.
  6. What video are y'all referring to?
  7. Then you should call and ask. Wow, so much for keeping this one civil.
  8. So, looks like you'd just prefer to build up the Austin Cartel. Even with no real vested interest in this community, Stout seems to be moving his way into that group while you continue to posts untruths about Braddock. Stout missed at least 2 days in 19, Braddock missed about that many in 8 years. So, attendance is an issue with you. Or, are you simply counting on the fact that some are so unimpressed with Stout they would vote Avery over him?
  9. Timeline Sources detail Terri’s timeline day Kyron disappeared
  10. This sounds more like an anti-female sentiment than an anti-Jerry one. Maybe David and the boys don't want women having any influence in the county. BTW, you still haven't retracted your statement about Ms. Braddock, even though we both know it's not accurate.
  11. Happens on p.com all the time.
  12. I've never had the pleasure of meeting him. We've only talked by email and phone. I hope none. My son starts next week.
  13. I'm probably the only one on the board who used the Dixie Speedway track photographer for my wedding. However, the wedding pictures were great. BUT, he LEFT to go to another event and we were left with his wife for the reception. I was very disappointed with those. My reception pics were more like snapshots anyone could have taken than really capturing the event.
  14. You give me way too much credit. For the record, Braddock is PRO fair tax. I don't know Avery's stance on that, but would like to know. Stout and Braddock are both pro life, so that's a wash for the run-off. (Although I still hold the position it should not have been a platform in this race.)
  15. Yes, it does. I still dig you too. I like Avery's education background, but I'm not sure it's enough for the times we are in. I don't disagree with what he said, I'm just not sure his plan can pull it off.
  16. I'm not sure why you feel that way about Paulette. It may be your perception, but I don't think it's reality.
  17. Repeating for you Surepip. You must have overlooked this.
  18. I like Braddock. I don't see her time on the BOE as a negative. She voted for one tax increase and that was a united vote. We were all under a lot of pressure with that one. Heck, I even voted "yes for the children". I like the fact that she has been "on the ground" with the tea party movement and she supports the principles of the tea party. She's been active at the capital and has a desire to represent the folks of Paulding.
  19. For the record, he's awesome.
  20. You should re-check your "facts". You have the wrong "Paulette Rakestraw" as owning that property. And, yes, there are 2.
  21. No, that wasn't her point. You missed that a few posts back. There's no reason to be mean.
  22. That was very gracious, apology sincerely accepted and returned.
  24. I haven't attacked or belittled you. However, (just in this topic, I won't pull the others) you have referred to me directly as "narrow minded", "judgmental" (more than once), stated by comments were "ignorant", and accused me of not finding the "whole story". And I'm the "miserable hateful", gossip, critical and unhappy one? I'd explain that I'm not a miserable, hateful, critic and a gossip, but I'd hate to deny you to opportunity to pity me. And while I could get mad at you for all of your name calling and gossiping about me, I won't. But I will remind you that Mr. Stout is a publi
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