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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. And, the GOP has a lot of people under control. A lot of GOP follower's would do exactly like these people did. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVyY4aGFXa5sA1lhXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBybGY3bmpvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1466030265/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fuk.news.yahoo.com%2fisis-15-old-thrown-roof-205019320.html/RK=0/RS=lQu7WHD8SV_tQZnXi1BEoV64sUY-
  2. Look who's talking, CC! I wonder if the man with the flop eared cap, the big nose, and the bottom lip poked out like a pouting child, is really as much of a farter as he claims to be. He has said, many times, his gas stinks bad.
  3. Why don't us Christians stop them? There are more of us than there are Muslims? I can remember my Christian friends saying that they support War, but they also said they would not fight. So what kind of War are they supporting, if they won't fight?
  4. There are about 20 thousand ISIS fighters. How can anyone blame 1.6 billion people for what those 20 thousand does? That is a helliva note, if you ask me!
  5. What goes around comes around, G D! You know that. Conservative radio has been talking for years, before the lazy lerft woke up. They don't work, just like the slaves didn't work, before the Civil War!
  6. All religions are created by human beings. If God screws things up, like the way things are between the religions, it must be for some purpose. I don't know much about Muslims, but I know a good bit about Christians. Some Christians actually follow Jesus' teachings. But, there are many of them lost in some kind of fog of political imagination. There wouldn't be any such thing as cultural belief's if religion is actually involved. Even in communist countries, there is a culture you sort of have to follow, no matter what kind of Christian you are, if you visit one. And, if you live in G
  7. Awa heck, as brave as you guys talk, there should be no way you are going to stay out of Atlanta, tomorrow. It's time to show what you stand for.
  8. We want war, do we not, G D? Or do we want our young men to go to war for us? Heck, I can shoot a gun. I've been hearing, for years, that we should not negotiate with these sons of beaches.
  9. The people who need help are the ones who are easy to scare. Hell they could hear about a shooting in a small town, in California, and even though they live in Georgia, they would go to the gun store ASAP. Like I have said, many times, these people have an enlarged amygdala.
  10. Steve, and Shane Hughes, are tree experts. They are licensed, and insured.
  11. I have heard that guns are selling like hot cakes, in this country, and it's hard to find a Texan who don't have a gun. WTH, is wrong with that picture. Use those damn guns Texanas.
  12. Why try to handle conflict diplomatically with the approximately 2 billion Muslims. Lets just attack. We've got guns, and ammo. Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition. That is the only way to resolve the conflict. But, we must be relentless.
  13. The terrorist was killed. It was an inside job People hate one another, and it's Obama's fault. But, I call Bull Chit. People who live by the sword, die by the sword, and the terrorist died.
  14. It reminds me of people who get mugged. Certainly, if they knew they were about to get mugged, they could do something to be more prepared. So when you say there is no answer you are SO right, CC! Mrshoward is looking for an answer to a question that that causes infinity. She can mess you up with her questions, by asking the right ones. Let me ask you a question, CC! Why do toasters always have a setting so high that could burn the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
  15. Guilt ridden gays have committed a lot of catastrophic incidences during their lives. It's not that they are gay. It's that they are guilt ridden.
  16. Hitler killed millions of innocent Jew's, and started WWII. This man was a ruler of a big country. That SOB, in Orlando Florida, was a nobody. Don't make him a ruler.
  17. He used it in an assault, which made the situation very uncommon, mh! Do you want to draw attention to common semi automatic rifles, as something to assault people with? Let it be called an assault rifle when it is used in an assault, mam! Take cover unless dead hero is your pride and joy. You don't want to see a bunch of people killed because someone yelled "FAMILY."
  18. I'm going to look funny, NOW, when someone yells family, and I hit the floor. My family will think I'm crazy.
  19. Just like the crazy man in South Carolina, who killed a bunch of church people, there was no conspiracy on anyone else's behalf but his own. The man was crazy, and there are a bunch of ISIS followers who loves crazy people.
  20. To contradict you without responding. It was a CUT DOWN REMARK, CC!
  21. Speaking of the 911 hero's, who helped in every way they could, it seems to me that a boat full of them had to go to Cuba for treatment of some of the ailments they were inflicted with after being hero's at ground zero. Talk is cheap, I say, because people let hero's die, while they talk.
  22. Nobody on here is as factless as the conservatives. Some of them actually believe they are Christians. But they have just been convinced of that, by Republicans. It's time to tell the truth. Beginning in the ‘50s, Christianity began to infiltrate American politics — in 1954 the phrase “under God” was added to the pledge of allegiance. Thirty years later, during the Reagan presidency, Republicans rebranded as the “Christian Party” and labeled Democrats the Party of secular socialism. Conservatives believed that BS. http://ky.aflcio.org/5017/index.cfm?action=article&articleID
  23. I heard the same thing, st, in the churches I attended, here in Georgia.
  24. Best reply to this topic, stercus tauri!
  25. God could send his Son back, and the results would likely be the same. He was sick, and in prison, and our brothers visited him NOT. He was naked, and our brothers clothed him NOT. He was hungry, and our brothers gave him NOTHING to eat. He was thirsty, and our brothers gave him vinegar.
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