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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Doing what we have to do is like they do in Japan. I am proud of your attitude, here, D-Cinco. Keep up the good work. I take care of what't I've got, because it has to last me a long time. I have never wanted anything far reaching, and have taken pride in what lies closer at hand. But, that doesn't mean that a better education cannot be achieved in another place besides close to home. I am beginning to believe that we could get a better education in Japan, than in any of our colleges. I'm beginning to believe that the lottery, itself, is fundamentally a stupid thing. Was Z
  2. But, I think the tax is great, because it keeps me from having to pay it. I think cigarettes should be taxed higher, and all the luxuries that are not health worthy, or productive to society. Soda pops, all sugary treats, and even the new cigarette rolling machines should be taxed to the limits. JMHO, however!
  3. That is very good thinking, Bw! Sense the Japanese is a big topic, today, I don't think they would refer to the word entitlement in the same paragraph as education. These people are more educated than we are, on the average. They resolve, even the worst adversity, with altruism. Entitlement is not in their thoughts.
  4. Yes, I believe that, bigsky! But, I don't want to sit idly by and just watch it happen, without trying to shine them a light.
  5. In Japan, moochers would respect themselves enough to be more productive. In this country, banks, and the corporations that have grown up around them, have deprive the moochers of all property until their children has awaken homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.
  6. It means the hell what I said it means, sense I'm the one who said it!
  7. Tell that to the Japanese people, BS! Not now, but when they reconstruct their country.
  8. We continue to classify one another as moochers at the bottom, and greedy people at the top. This is true, because we believe it is true. Dignity cam never materialize in such a society. The Japanese people don't label each other with moocher/greedy labels.
  9. Speaking of classification; we tend to classify instead of unionizing with our fellow citizens. We call ourselves a Union, but that is a label we don't like. Independence cannot stand as something for this country to be proud of, because the kind of independence the author of our Declaration of Independence was referring to was the Independence of the United States of America.
  10. Maybe it is because we call ourselves the UNITED STATES. I've been wondering about our idea of a union. We tend to not like a union is it has to do with labor. But, on the other hand we tend to love corporate unions, and bank unions. I can't understand how we are so blind. Here is what the Chief Author of our Declaration of independence said about banks and corporations (unions of that nature): "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around th
  11. The foul smell of my posts may be a wake-up call to make you notice things that you wouldn't usually notice. Listening to how people react to your posts may tell you something. I am a firm believer in education, even adult education. Going around being comfortable in ignorance is not bliss, but it's more on the stupid side of living. What have others of you adopted to?
  12. At least you have something to keep you occupied, Mrs. Osfan! I would suggest, however, that you broaden your adoptions.
  13. There was a TV news report, years ago, on a rodeo which was set to open on a local ranch. The reporter was speaking to keeper of the cattle pens. The reporter was wrinkling his nose like he was trying to avoid breathing as he asked the cattle pen keeper. "how do you deal with the smell?" The cattle pen keeper answered, "What smell?" He was so used to the bad smell that it's foulness was no longer noticed. He had become numb to it. He had adapted. What have you adapted to?
  14. The labels that are attached to us, and the ones we attach to ourselves, allow expectations to be formed about us, and about others. These expectations may harden, in our minds eye, to a point that not living up to one's label becomes unthinkable. Some firm ideas about how ourselves, and other people, should behave or shouldn't behave will develop. We certainly don't want a dumb jock football star to make straight As, because that violates our predictability of the grades a dumb jock is supposed to make. When a pencil-necked geek masters the guitar and becomes a musician, like Buddy Holly did,
  15. It may be more like taking to much from the stupid, and giving it to the more deserving. But, where is the dignity in that?
  16. It's funny how a country like the United States of America has developed such a bunch of stupid people. We buy junk like it is not going out of stile, but it does, and then we buy more junk. As for as the Lottery is concerned, there are many of us who will take chances in the lottery that if measured in lightning strikes they would stand a better chance of being electrocuted to death. I think stupid is not a strong enough word to identify a lot of my own fellow citizens.
  17. Learning to classify other people is no way to better this countries standing in the World. To our High School students, people around them are the cool or the uncool, the jocks, the nerds, the beauty queens, granolas, freaks, dopers, and so on. In a vulnerable time of life like our High Schoolers are in, which includes understanding their own self worth, they are especially sensitive to social relations. They have a more powerful hunger, than adults, to know where they fit in. The labels that are attached to them, and the ones they attach to themselves, carries emotionally sensitivit
  18. I don't have to boycott the Georgia Lottery, because I don't buy into the scam in the first place. I thought it was a good idea, though, until just recently. I think if the lottery can't live up to what Miller told us it would, than we should get rid of it and do something different. Our children's education is already below other top societies. Our leaders, in business, are hiring Indonesian's to do work that our people could do if they were smarter. The Chinese people are out smarting us. If the Japanese people were not in the shape they're in they would be doing better than us. Th
  19. I feel very emotional for the Japanese people, but glad that the disaster did not happen to us. I dread the thought of how our people would react. Japan is more united than the united states, in my opinion. They have more respect for one another. They are able to live in shock and still have dignity for their fellow citizens. These people have come from disaster before, and rose to the Worlds third largest economy in a shorter period of time than is reasonably possible, which is another one of my opinions. When I was in college I grew to respect their way of life. One of our guys
  20. It seems to me that poor, uneducated, people are paying into education with the Georgia lottery. But, instead of getting any credit they get neglected as a resource that only needs utilizing to the max. Stupidity seems to be good to some people. The ones who use this countries resources for gain, in a greedy manner, with little or no concern as to how to replenish what is utilized. Oil used to be enough to go around, but the continued use has diminished the resources of which some people want to continue tapping until it is all gone. The Japanese people will be able to handle their di
  21. I have found that the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of my arm, BL! If I have an itch my hand knows where to scratch me, and if it can't reach the spot it picks up something long enough to reach. I scratch my own itches first, so I can help my brothers and sisters. I have found that I can't help them with their itch if I am miserable with my own itch. But, just like LR said that is a very nice video.
  22. Fearing judgment from somebody else can be a scary thing. Some people will not show their emotions, and will manage their lives with that sort of fear in them. They train their children how to manage their lives with the same kind of fear. As a society we are losing, and going down hill. If we don't place our real problems at center stage, we cannot be focused on helping to design a plan to move forward. Shutting our government down is not a good idea, nor is the two week allowances a good thing if they continue to be allotted. We need to deal with the facts at hand. Pushing problems aside
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