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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. By this time tomorrow it will be well inside the Florida Keys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNsCTabayVg
  2. Causing people to die seemd to be what cops do a lot of, now days, D V b P! At least she did live, but if she had died they were simply doing their job.
  3. I think some of them are criminals when they are hired, CC! A little over a week ago a drunk driving Cop killed a man, In Houstan TX, but was not charged until 4 days later. Houston Cop Arrested Four Days After Killing Man in Drunk Driving Crash in Which He Refused Field Sobriety Tests https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/08/17/houston-cop-arrested-four-days-after-killing-man-in-drunk-driving-crash-in-which-he-refused-field-sobriety-tests/ 4 Days Later http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/08/16/off-duty-houston-officer-charged-in-deadly-dwi/ ---------
  4. In yet another case of a botched police response to a crime, an Indianapolis cop shot a home owner he mistook for a car jacking suspect.
  5. Tim McGraw tells it like it I-S is!
  6. A word from FOX NEWS, regarding Alt-Right.
  7. Lets see if I cam figure it out, G D! IT'S A STADY STREEM OF FUGGING BUIGOTS, GD!
  8. Explaining the 'Alt-Right' Movement That's Emerging as a Force in the 2016 Race http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/explaining-alt-movement-emerging-force-2016-race/story?id=41647165
  9. We could have a wet t-shirt contest on P.com, Lo! All you have to do is wet your t-shirt, and post a picture.
  10. Finlandier's are way smarter than Georgian's A O! They don't pay for their education. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Finland WHAT MAKES FENNISH KIDS SO SMART? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwilsO6zv93OAhXDqh4KHXiLBqkQFggcMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wsj.com%2Farticles%2FSB120425355065601997&usg=AFQjCNHBMSb7jclnLQ0mhAKrrlWbUrs7yQ&sig2=gNdDWMI-vjLjQ3-NTrIfMQ
  11. At least you live in a state who's residences are a good bit smarter than Georgians, ABR! Florida rainked 14th, and Georgia ranked 35th, in > https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-best-schools/5335/
  12. The rich shall enherit the Earth, Chester! And, the 1% are smart, very smart. You know they have had the government working for them for a long time, now; don't you?
  13. That story is told to get to a much broader story. Listen to the story: Here is a Wild Hog:
  14. People in Florida are quiet a bit smarter than people here in Georgia, S & D's N! 2016’s States with the Best & Worst School Systems: Florida came in number 14 for the best school system in the U.S., while Georgia scores number 35. That is a pretty big difference. https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-best-schools/5335/#main-findings
  15. Here's who's fault it is:
  16. Millennials are way more optimistic than Baby Boomers. In fact, the younger generation has never been more optimistic about the future than older people. According to a chart shared by Deutsche Bank's Chief International Economist Torsten Sløk, the difference in consumer confidence between Americans younger than 35 and those older than 55 is at a record high. http://www.businessinsider.com/millennials-are-more-optimistic-than-baby-boomers-2016-4
  17. You are right on that suggestion, because there are a bunch of dumb conservatives, who don't believe in change, in this country. I wouldn't go to Viet Nam, however! But, Fenland, or South Korea, would be a good choice. What the hell is our Billionaires hoping to get from a bunch of dumbass conservatives, in this country?
  18. That's because they haven't been dumbed down by our education system as yet, G D! In other words, no education is better than the education we get here. The U.S. spends 7.3% of its GDP on education, while Mexico don't even furnish statistics. Here's where you can get a good education: "In 2010, Sowh Korea spent 7.6% of its GDP on all levels of education – significantly more than the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average of 6.3%. The country has fostered an education system that helped transform the country and rapidly grow its economy over the past
  19. You are right about education, for the most part, G D! But, we could learn a lot about education from South Korea. In any high school in the United States, it would be a routine question met with a routine answer. But in South Korea, ask a principal for her school's dropout rate and then stand back: "No one just drops out of school," says a disgusted Chung Chang Yong, principal of Ewha Girls' High School. "A student may transfer to another school, but no one just drops out. … To drop out of school is a major disaster, a catastrophe. It wouldn't happen unless it was unavoid
  20. There seems to be a lot of activity going on in the Atlantic, today. It looks like 99L is splitting. Is that good or bad.
  21. Not reading this post well enough s t, I started one, myself, and I cam in this post to find that you are spot on, who ever you are.
  22. Yes, cptlo, but it depends on the empathy behind a person's work. I went to college, and they taught me how to make money, in advertising, sales, management, and the psychology of dealing with people. But, I got tired of using those skills to make money. It taught me to be more empathetic instead of more collective. I don't like people who think they are better than other people. It's like making money off a life saving medication that already pays well enough to support itself, and save lives at the same time.
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