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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. I stay out of likes, a lot, and that is what I was going to do to your post, here, but with no likes left, I must reply, in order to yell you I like that post, momof 3,
  2. Money is not earned by abiding by good law, but by the same type laws that were decided upon down in Savannah GA. 11Alive tried to hold law makers accountable, but armed guards used the law that law makers made for themselves, which is their immunity from open record requests. 2015, has not gotten better for our citizens, here in Georgia. But HAY, they can't see what you and I try to tell them, about the way things really are around here, while they just go ahead and trust law makers. After all they think law makers are their agents, because they voted them into public office Ag
  3. I think people like to see what they want to see, which makes the person who satisfies their desires to allow them to see what they want, famous. I don't know how to say it, because I'm no expert by any stretch of the reality. Josh Dagger was an idle, not a real player in the real game of life, to people. But, now he is playing by a different standard - R-E-A-L-I-T-Y Even here on P.com, people ignore reality to hear stories that are leaving out a lot of the truth, Stonewall! .
  4. Law makers are not intimidated because 11Alive wanted to do a little protecting, and serving. The law is on their side because they make the law. Nobody is seeing that they have no law on their side, because they think the law is fair Pay attention to the video, in the link below. But it's near the center, and toward the end of the video that tells the 2015 story of how things really are. . https://youtu.be/VNzc1E-3U58 There's Always Free Cheese In A Mouse Trap!
  5. 5 black gangs with 100 weapons would have been lined up, and shot in the back, COWA! They wouldn't have had to face the firing squad. That would be a good thing according to a lot of people in this country. Race bating has nothing to do with you. That started, here, hundreds of years ago, and it continues today. There is more than just race bating going on, in 2015. https://youtu.be/VNzc1E-3U58
  6. Global Freezing is also a problem. But, humans had nothing to do with it. Global warming is going to occur, but we can bring it on faster. It's just like eating healthy food to live longer, but smoking cigarettes, and eating junk food to help ourselves into the grave faster. Dummies can figure that out. They just like to play dumb.
  7. “It’s quite likely that Josh was sexually molested himself,” Dr. Ornstein explained. “This kind of behavior repeats itself. His sexual misconduct at the age of 14 was not normal, and should have raised major concerns when it happened.” https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhollywoodlife.com%2F2015%2F05%2F21%2Fjosh-duggar-molested-child-psychologist-repeat-behavior%2F&ei=XrVfVf6QE4WlyQTh8ILgCg&usg=AFQjCNExPB9HEd4XpDjrkSbd4vNl7SmxhQ&sig2=ci7MLVN1LNdVcCxZZKm8wA&bvm=bv.
  8. I refuse to be a part of the undoing, if I can help it, low! I am not very sharp, but I do care. I like to think that my doings do not add to the undoing of our environment. "It's amazing how people can get so excited about a rocket to the moon and not give a damn about smog, oil leaks, the devastation of the environment with pesticides, hunger, disease. When the poor share some of the power that the affluent now monopolize, we will give a damn." - Cesar Chavez
  9. He had no business in politics, regarding anything associated with aboortzion, and gay marriages. Yet that is what he was doing, while he should have been on the sex offender list all along. .
  10. Before I go into further detail, allow me to identify incongruent. Click on the link below for a definition of what I'm talking about. You can even hear the word pronounced correctly, at this link. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vocabulary.com%2Fdictionary%2Fincongruent&ei=MC1fVfeYLqX7sASK7YK4Dg&usg=AFQjCNF0HSw_QUkCkztj9RNpKiMVTcsq6Q&sig2=9ZRqB1Zmlnsg1C544thmBA Do you often see things differently than you let on to others, because there is someone else, or
  11. Stagger Lee, in the morning, EZ! I heard my bull dog bark. https://youtu.be/ACh68eKNFgk
  12. Fighting aboortzion, and gay marriage. This guy was thought to have principles, and family values? There are a lot of people who fall for that BS, just because he pretends to be what they think is honorable. If we would stop looking at the books cover, and actually read it, we would all see how things really are, around here. https://youtu.be/2LR0BfBxIag
  13. I smoke old stogies I have found, short but not too big around. Third boxcar, midnight train, destination Bangor Main.
  14. D V b P, You were asking about the Georgia open records request, only the other day. If the general assembly has exempted themselves from having to provide open records to the public, by request, than you may run into judicial open record requests being exempt. Georgia's ethics have been shot to hell. But, the meek wants me to shut up, and help them inherit the Earth Nevertheless, 11Alive is going to be the people who inherits the Earth! By God they will have the gonads to claim the prize, too!
  15. The Georgia Legislature has a message for voters: don't ask us about our meetings with corporate lobbyists behind closed doors. The 11Alive Investigators tracked lawmakers to a resort hotel in Savannah last week, where we observed state legislators and lobbyists mingling in the hotel bar the night before they gathered in private rooms to decide what new laws would best serve the corporations. The meetings were part of the Spring Task Force Summit of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&
  16. This coming up Memorial Day I will dedicate my time to people I used to know, But, I know three guys who deserve some of my dedication now. They are my best P.com friends. I don't wait for holidays to dedicate my time to things. I am a free man, and do things as i see fit. It may not even be fitting, but I do the things I like to do, anyway. https://youtu.be/v2EZUw2mvjs?list=PLJ3EcEWT7Iae9E5uxQGqkJ3Fr--llWHnL
  17. That is a kind way of being, but no surprise in that message. You are a very kind man, by nature, Pubby! The end times, for me, is loving to be Paw-Paw. Even though there are some faces I can't see physically, they are still beautiful in my minds eye. But, there are faces that are beautiful, to me, and I see them every now and then. https://youtu.be/tL-0Cc4beqw
  18. What impresses me is how meek Georgian's are, when it comes to law makers having a big convention, in Savannah with lobbyist's. Armed guards kept the meek out, I guess. These meek people may inherit the Earth, but not one of them has the guts to stand up and claim the prize. They are just a bunch of chickens with their peckers between their eyes. They can't see because their peckers block their view.
  19. I smell bacon. Pigs are the new thugs, and I keep smelling bacon in COWA's thread. I saw two Sheriff's deputies, down in Savannah, keeping the meeting with lobbyists and our law makers safe, while they were showing the money. Two pigs were in the lobby of the hotel giving the 11 Alive TV reporter sniffs of rank bacon.
  20. Way Down Upon The Swanee River, Lobbyists paid our lawmakers to make new laws. But, there were no longhairs to protest. The meek may inherit the Earth, but they won't step up and claim none of the prize. How can Georgians be so humble that their ignorance is so bliss. Is it because armed guards scared them so bad, just by seeing them keep an 11Alive reporter out of the meeting where they were showing the money?
  21. The end times started in Savannah, but laws will be passed in the Capital, for the end time. Armed guards kept us out of the end times meeting. One end time in particular is the end of asbestos law suits against corporations. But, there were many more dollars payed to our law makers for other end times.
  22. Cops can't get a back shot, on these guys, Even the black guy wouldn't turn around, or lie down on the ground for a back shot. Good police are aware of the best back shooters, on their force, but because of the blue code (blue wall or whatever they call it) they must protect and serve each other at all costs. BTW- COWA, watch 11Alive tonight, at 11 o'clock. I think it might be interesting about what lawmakers, and lobbyists, don't want us to know. They've got cops keeping people out. It makes me wonder what goes down about law makers helping law enforcers, with the Blue Code.
  23. Check out 11 Alive, tonight. low. You might see some things that law makers's and lobbyist's don't want you in on. We can't tell where we're going, because lawmakers are paid by the lobbyists with money out of their bags. Show me the money low. Don't hold back now, SHOW ME THE MONEY. NOT YOU, BABY, ME - SHOW ME THE MONEY. https://youtu.be/OaiSHcHM0PA
  24. Ah, low, I never understood a single word they said, but I helped them drink their wine. I had hair down to my knees, and my toe jam football was not there to please. But, many other long hairs felt my disease.
  25. Doom on the deficit, and, gloom on Obana Care is not the situation, now days What has happened? I think whatever it is is still happening, in mid 2015. https://youtu.be/3Hgkv8fsu0M
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